Damian pursues Deathstroke and attempts to kill him, but the Titans again intervene. The only occupant of the ambulance was the Joker. I know you've been searching for ways to survive when the Lazarus Pits run dry." However, Talia later kills the Heretic for his failure to kill Batman and challenges Batman to a duel to the death in the Batcave. Lobdell, Scott (w), Woods, Pete (a), Peteri, Troy (let), Marie Javins, Rob Levin (ed). However, because of his possible paternity to Damian, Batman, on some levels, is optimistic about the chance of fatherhood. The older girl (Damian's companion) is later eaten by Killer Croc. As they fight, members of the League of Assassins approach the manor with the intention of killing everyone within and bringing Damian back to Ra's alive. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman. Damian makes a full recovery.[28]. [91], This event concludes with Shadow War between The League of Assassins and Deathstroke Inc, which ends with Talia killing Slade in a one-on-one battle, but shortly afterward the Deathstroke imposter reveals himself to be Geo-Force, who plotted this whole war in hope of having both Slade and Talia killing each other. However, Damian's badly injured body requires transplants of harvested organs, which his mother orders her physicians to carry out. He had also stolen the Amazo Armor from LexCorp and had planned to use it and the abilities of the Super Sons to lure the Justice League into a trap. On the other hand, Damian has teamed-up with his father, who wasn't fully convinced that it was the real Deathstroke that killed Ra's al Ghul, to investigate the murder and find out who was really behind it. I shall return to Gotham in your stead, bringing with me proof, both written and genetic, that I am the long-forgotten son of Bruce and Talia. Damian is a built kid. This troubles his relationship with Batman, who vows never to kill. But it seems there are rites, whereby consciousness can survive death by migrating to more vigorous flesh? Victor Zsasz defeats Robin and rescues Black Mask while Dick takes down Firefly. "Did he do a paternity test on Damian? The Robin logo is red with a black R. Damian then reunites with his father and his family team. This decision, coupled with his recent actions with holding criminals against their will and wiping their memories, leads to Djinn leaving the Teen Titans, while Kid Flash, Red Arrow, Crush, and Roundhouse turn against him. [16] Damian refused to stay home while his allies were dying, and Alfred allowed him to leave knowing he could not be stopped. But wait, didn't that happen just a few weeks ago? Ours is a love story remember? Despite his intense training to become a remorseless assassin, Damian was sympathetic to his father's vigilantism in Gotham and volunteered to become his next sidekick. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. Batgirl. Batman And Superman. Bruce returns to Gotham in 2004 (Detective Comics #0). and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, Damian has taken up the identity of Robin, becoming the fifth and current person to use the Boy Wonder's identity. In Nightwing #153 (2009), Damian is shown being left in Alfred's care and trained by Dick Grayson (alias Nightwing). Dick then begins to train Damian as to how to properly become the new Robin and the two develop their own unique crime-fighting style. Damian is willing to betray Tim at any moment for his own safety. [6] Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. Dick suggests changing the hit list password to Cousin Oliver, as Damian has little to no interest in pop culture references and would never guess it. 2, #15, Damian defies his father's orders to remain in the Batcave and investigates Alfred's kidnapping. Mara has been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian, but became hers when he chose to leave the League. On the way to the cave, Dick's body is possessed by Deadman, at whom Damian lashes out in confusion. [65], Later, Godfrey's reason for coming to Earth is revealed; to retrieve the Chaos Shard, a powerful crystal that once belonged to Darkseid which Ra's revealed was hidden inside the sarcophagus he crafted for Damian. In a tribute to a classic comic book cover, the publisher accidentally showcased the precarious situation involving its two current Robins, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne. Damian and Tim fight side by side against Ra's and his minions. [82] Together, they form the Super Sons. While Damian fights Kalibak, Batman remotely controls the Batwing and sends it crashing into Kalibak, sending him back through the Boom Tube and then closes the portal. It's been an interesting few years for the Batman sidekicks. Nightwing Explains Why Damian Wayne is The One Unique Robin By Kevin Erdmann Published Aug 29, 2021 In the latest issue of DC's Robin, Nightwing takes the time to point out that Damian Wayne's most unique feature as Robin isn't being Batman's son. While their fathers were discussing the lab tests that Damian had performed on Jon, the two boys went off to look at Damian's pets. April 7: Birthday of Bruce Wayne (golden age Batman) [Earth-2 version; February 19 for Earth-1 Bruce Wayne] April 8: Birthday of Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler April 9: Birthday of John Sargent (Sargon the Sorcerer) April 10: Birthday of Dinah Drake Lance (golden age Black Canary) April 11: "Birthday" of Linda Danvers (Supergirl). "Genetically perfected, and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was engineered to kill and replace his famous father," Narrator. And Damian was probably alone when he turned 14 in main continuity. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. Damian is shown to have highly advanced engineering skills, as he was able to complete his father's plans of building a flying Bat-mobile, the construction of which Alfred described as "being an endless source of frustration to Damian's father". This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. [59], When Batman and Nightwing finally re-confront Heretic, they overpower him, and the clone suffers a brutal beating from both in retaliation for Damian's death. He may be the most violent Robin, but even Damian Wayne has moments of humanity that shine . Ra's flees with the bodies afterward. He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. [17] He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. Though he sometimes struggles with his past and the legacy of his mother and grandfather, Damian now wants nothing more than to be a hero to the people of Gotham, just like his father. [41] However, the Clown Prince of Crime's apparent helplessness is revealed to be another ruse and he incapacitates Damian with his hidden Joker venom. Priest, Christopher. He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. His teammates are also unaware that he is working with Jason Todd, who goes by the alias Outlaw. [64] The resurrections fail, leaving Ra's to realize his arrogance for allowing the Heretic to kill his grandson and regret allowing Talia to clone Damian. Nobody decided to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. After defeating Damian's half-aquatic clones with Aquaman, Batman seeks Wonder Woman's help in chasing Ra's to Themyscira. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Though the two were originally contentious of one another, they bonded closely, forming a brotherly relationship. In the past year, Damian Wayne has been through a lot - witnessing Alfred Pennyworth's death . Minutes after Damian's death, Batman arrives and sees Damian's dead body. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.[21]. The two then enter into a grudging truce for the remainder of Damian's appearances in the series. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. [71], After the events of Batman: Endgame that resulted in Bruce Wayne's disappearance, Damian, as Robin, sets out on a globe-spanning journey to forge his own destiny and make amends for all of his wrongdoings in his own series, titled Robin: Son of Batman. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. More of a court jester. Alfred Pennyworth got him a cat to take care of, who he also named Alfred. He also has been trained in numerous weapons as shown in the Blackest Night event. [30] Damian is saved by Nightwing who ends up being cornered by Black Mask's men until a murderous figure appears stating that he is Batman (later revealed to be Jason Todd). "Tim Drake. This is discovered by Oracle, who ejects the girl and takes control of the Batmobile, intent on taking Damian home. Damian is quite shaken by the sight of the bones of his family. Batman offers a third alternative: the "Fountain of Essence" which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. After reading the letter written by his father from an alternate timeline, the Dark Knight decides that it is time to take steps to put his past behind him. [62] Though Ra's attempts to resurrect Damian alongside Talia in what he thought was a Lazarus Pit in the island, in addition, to brainwash his grandson into joining him afterward, instead Ra's discovers that it is a portal to a Netherworld in the Pit's former location, of which both Wonder Woman and Batman were already aware. [25] However, Batman and Talia's tryst was later shown as consensual in Peter J. Tomasi's Batman and Robin, thus the circumstances of Damian's conception can vary depending on the writers.[26][27]. "You fell in love with the Detective that day, of course. When the Heretic arrives and knocks Nightwing out, Damian bravely fights him. On his 13th birthday Damian is sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contains a dead robin. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. In the aftermath, Damian is tested by Batman on how to control his new power abilities before Damian returns to the role as Robin. Tim Drake. Still, it is highly doubtful that anyone expected literal gods to show up and abduct Damian in the middle of the celebration.
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