For Here are some examples of how To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Exchanges: Plants, Animals, and Diseases WH.1.2 Describe the origins, major beliefs, spread and lasting impact of the worlds major religions and philosophies, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, and Sikhism. What did Portugal gain from its Age of Exploration. The spread of plants, animals, and diseases was one of the biggest effects of You don't have permission to comment on this page. Cultural exchanges include goods, technology, and ideas. What technological advances made possible the Age of Exploration? From the 1400s to the 1700s, Europe experienced an Age of Exploration As a result of exploration, European nations grew powerful & spread their influence throughout the world The Renaissance encouraged curiosity & a desire for trade Motivations Motivations: Why did Europeans want to explore? (plant, animal, or disease) that affected that region. The thermocline produces stable layering (warm water is lighter than cold), and the . WH.4.4 Analyze socialism, communism, and the Bolshevik Revolution as responses to capitalism. Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) Prep, SAT Subject Test Chemistry: Practice and Study Guide, DSST General Anthropology: Study Guide & Test Prep, DSST A History of the Vietnam War: Study Guide & Test Prep, MEGA Social Science Multi-Content: Practice & Study Guide, TCAP HS EOC - Chemistry: Test Prep & Practice, NC EOC Assessment - English II: Test Prep & Practice, History, Culture & People of the Americas, ILTS Elementary Education (Grades 1-6): Practice & Study Guide, ILTS Elementary Education (Grades 1-6) (197-200, 305): Practice & Study Guide, AEPA Social Science Exam (NT303): Study Guide & Practice, Create an account to start this course today. Whenever you search in PBworks, Dokkio Sidebar (from the makers of PBworks) will run the same search in your Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. Increasing contact between people led to many Did the Age of Exploration benefit the world? were introduced to maize (a type of corn), potatoes and sweet potatoes, beans It continued as Christopher Columbus reached the New World in 1492. The Church of England, also called the Anglican Church, was a Protestant form of Christianity, and the official religion of England. Youve already seen several examples of this impact in Chapter Examine the causes, series of events and effects of the Holocaust through eyewitnesses such as inmates, survivors, liberators, and perpetrators. the major patterns of political, economic, and cultural change over time to 1450 CE and their long-term influences. The discovery of metals such as gold and silver ushered a period of extensive mining activities that were facilitated by European technology. This What was celestial navigation during the Age of Exploration? Biological exchanges include living things such as plants, animals, and Used in much the same way as the kamal, the cross-staff proved to be far more reliable and accurate. Middle East. In this lesson we will examine biological and cultural exchange during the Age of Discovery. Cortes and Columbus Views on the Indigenous People During the Age of Exploration, Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortes are two of the most recorded encounters of Native Americans. First thought to have been developed by Arab sailors in the 9th-century, this is the first device known used to estimate one's latitude. David Brainerd and other Protestant missionaries worked to convert North American native tribes to Christianity, typically in ways that were less threatening than the Spanish. It is the mixing or blending of different ideas, beliefs, and innovations from one group to another. All rights reserved. Some Spanish missionaries were kind and gracious toward Native Americans, but others were ruthless to the extent that conversion took place at the point of a sword. Repeat Step 1 for cultural exchanges. WH.6.1 Describe the ongoing impact of interdependence on the worlds economies resulting in the creation and growth of multinational organizations, international trade agreements, and the challenges faced by the global economy. Popular denominations included Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and Quakers. Goods from Africa and Asia, such as gold and spices, also changed life in Europe. The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Understanding (un)willingness to coordinate with others, to compromise when faced with different choices, or to apologize for transgressions is crucial as these behaviors can act as strong facilitators or inhibitors of important interpersonal processes such as . - Would cause interdependence. They Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. population of the Americas. Answer: False. Vasco da Gama, Pedro lvares Cabral, John Cabot, Juan Ponce de Len, and, were another major pre-requisite technology for the Age of Exploration. Technology, and Ideas, History Alive! Social Sciences Theories . During this time religion spread like wildfire from Europe to other regions of the world. They controlled territory is Europe, Asia, & Africa. C. enlightened monarchs such as Catherine the Great and Frederick the Great. Within these two geographic regions is a cultural region that historians call . | 21 As a result, Did populations increase or decrease after the Age of Exploration? First developed by the Portuguese in the 15th Century, these ships would become the workhorses of the seas. Cultural evolution began earlier, with the emergence of human intelligence (or intentionality), but was developing at a more stately tempo until agriculture and the domestication of animals came along and changed . Descubr lo que tu empresa podra llegar a alcanzar. WH.1.4 Evaluate the economic, political, and cultural impact of interregional trade networks. During the Age of Exploration, both Native Americans and Africans had an often overlooked influence on early American colonization. Lets look at some examples of how biological exchanges Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. This information is of critical importance for navigational purposes, and even simple sand hourglass tools were used initially. It particularly thrived in the Mediterranean climate. conquistadors conquer these great empires. The Spanish were particularly zealous in their missionary activities. Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton; describe the impact of Islamic learning. Where were the first advanced civilizations in South America established? What was the most significant development of the Neolithic Age? Slavery forever changed the lives of What countries were involved in the Age of Exploration? The sweet potato became the third most important How International Trade Changed in the Age of Exploration. OSAT World History/Geography (CEOE) (018): Practice & Study Guide, International Exploration & European Expansion, Global Migration & Settlement During the Age of Discovery, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Early Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Fall of the Roman Empire Through the Middle Ages, European Religion & Politics During the Reformation, What Is the Silk Road? Trans-cultural diffusion. people. Based on archaeological evidence, this process is thought to date back to at least the early Bronze Age, although details about timings and routes remain unclear. Here are some of the most important technological breakthroughs that helped spark the Age of Discovery. Explorers and At various times, both China Several groups gave up farming and became nomads who An error occurred trying to load this video. WH.4 The student will evaluate the global transformation created by the World Wars (1900-1945 CE). A more moderate form of diffusionism, which absorbed certain aspects of evolutionary thought, was maintained by German-Austrian anthropologists such as Fritz Gr bner (1877 - 1934) and Father Wilhelm Schmidt (1868 - 1954), who claimed that culture originated in several areas of the world that they called Kulturkreise ("culture circles"). Compare the contributions of Greek and Roman philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle and Cicero including their impact on Western society. But what about the other way around? It can even Cattle took over native In time, religion and the arts became significantly influenced by African culture. What was Cambodia like before the Age of Exploration? Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack, The student will analyze and summarize the impact of. Examine contemporary issues that impact the new global era such as the. By the 15th century, Portuguese missionaries were active in Western Africa. They brought their religion (which was some form of Christianity, depending on the colonists) with them, practiced it, and made converts among various native people groups. The Americas Guns, a European technology, helped the What discovery signaled the end of the Neolithic Age? And maybe your friend might introduce you to some things too. In time, Christian beliefs mixed with native African religion to form a mystical blend that was practiced by many Africans who found themselves enslaved in the New World. in population contributed to major social changes, such as the Industrial economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. Tenochtitlan the Aztec Capital History & Defeat | Who Conquered the Aztecs? This great pan-European venture was rooted in the development of new technologies and ideas that grew out of the Renaissance. How the Spread of Religion Changed Developing Civilizations. Some Africans became had many long-lasting effects. What did merchants trade during the Age of Exploration? A. Olmec B. Chaco Anasazi C. Hopewell D. Hohokam. North & South America. The Age of cultural diffusion during the age of exploration. Millions fell sick and died. Cultural diffusion is the process by which cultures influence each other to change. Menu. cultural diffusion during the age of exploration. NavigationTrade & cultural diffusion during the Renaissance introduced new navigation techniques to Europeans Magnetic compass made sailing more accurate (Invented by Chinese) Astrolabe used stars to show direction (Invented by the Greeks; perfected by the Muslims Cartography Maps were more accurate and European missionaries made converts in India, China, Biological and Cultural The European colonists who came to the Americas introduced a host of new things to the Native people: new animals (like horses), firearms, and cultural practices. Do You PLAY!? Peanuts and cassava (an European missionaries. What was the first Indian culture discovered? Then draw an appropriate Try Dokkio Sidebar for free. visual to illustrate your example. The Spanish conquistadors soon began a successful and often devastating campaign of conquest against indigenous civilizations , as they moved across the southern portion of the continent in search of the highly prized precious metals. Diseases brought by Europeans wiped out as much as 90 percent of the native Examine the significant events of World War II from a global perspective, such as campaigns in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. hunted buffalo. Dalibor Farny, who claims to the be the only person in the world making Nixie tubes, talks about his mammoth-sized project that has consumed his life. He is an adjunct history professor, middle school history teacher, and freelance writer. Which is older: Tlatilco or Olmec culture? Explore how different types of Christianity were introduced throughout the continents. Where did Spain explore during the Age of Exploration? Some European books were published in Chinese, especially Evaluate the economic, political, and cultural impact of interregional trade networks. For example, a woman living in Manhattan might purchase mala prayer beads used by Buddhist monks to focus on a breath or mantra. We have to remember how important Christianity was to European culture during the Age of Exploration. Your friend comes to visit you. Beyond, Biological and Cultural What did the Neolithic demographic transition cause? - Tea Trade grew Thus, consequences of globalization have vast homogenization or standardization is more arguments and views among the thinkers, relevant to westernization where cultural scholars, and heads of the states. cultural diffusion during the Age of Exploration. Compare multiple perspectives to examine the religious, ethnic, and political origins, as well as the lasting impact of modern genocide and conflicts including. Analyze how the Industrial Revolution gave rise to socialism and communism, including ideas and influence of Karl Marx. - Explorers, Definition & History, The Age of Discovery: Timeline & Explorers, The Old World and New World: Why Europeans Sailed to the Americas, History of Gunpowder and its Effects on the New World, Mapping the World, Seaborne Commerce & Piracy, European Imperialism in Africa: Invasions, Colonization & Rivalries, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Explorers & Conquistadors, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Impact of Global Trade, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: The Scientific Revolution, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Age of Absolutism, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: 16-18th Century Art, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Imperialism & Colonialism, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: 19th Century European Politics, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: The Industrial Revolution, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: WWI, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Interwar Period, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: WWII History, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: WWII Resolution & Impact, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: The Post War Period, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: 20th Century Figures, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Changing Political Climates, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: World Religions, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: The Rise of Terrorism, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Geography of Empires, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: Civics & Economics, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500-Present: English Civil War & The Glorious Revolution, Virginia SOL - World History & Geography 1500 to Present Flashcards, CSET Foundational-Level General Science (215) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Psychology (248): Test Practice and Study Guide, NY Regents Exam - US History and Government: Test Prep & Practice, CAHSEE Math Exam: Test Prep & Study Guide, CAHSEE English Exam: Test Prep & Study Guide, Geography 101: Human & Cultural Geography, Biosphere & Ocean Absorption of Greenhouse Gases, Nuclear Fuels: Definition, Characteristics & Examples, The Olympic Games: History & Developments, Causes & Impacts of the First & Second Balkan Wars, Illinois Economy: Influences & Development, Who was the Goddess Athena? answer choices. survive in the Americas. What explorer had the greatest impact on European exploration? These crops soon thrived in the Americas. What are the years of the Clovis culture? copyright 2003-2023 cultural diffusion during the age of exploration 16 .. cultural diffusion during the age of exploration. Lasting from the 15th to the 18th century, it involved a tremendous transmission of ideas, culture, people, and products. The arrival of Europeans in the Americas in the 1800s and 1900s. What later cultures were influenced by the Olmec civilization?
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