POLITICAL SPENDING 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 State Date Recipient Party Office Sought or Description Amount Source AR 09/2021 Arkansas Grocery & Retail NP Wine in Stores Initiative $8,625 South Region-Delta Yet the company and its founders have donated often and generously to partisan, conservative causes, including more than $2m alone by the Publix heiress Julie Jenkins Fancelli, daughter of the late. [The New York Times. POLITICAL SPENDING 1/1/2018-12/31/2018 Division State Date Recipient Party Office Sought or Description Amount Source Fred Meyer OR 2/5/2018 Yes! The vote was 49 to 51. THE KROGER CO. Kroger gave $42,000 to federal candidates in the 2006 election through its political action committee - 5% to Democrats and 95% to Republicans. Progressive activists are calling on Ford, Target, Google, Bank of America and other major companies that have pledged to support voting rights to cut ties with the US Chamber of Commerce, CNN Business has learned. 530, MT S.B. They also cannot be used for legal or administrative purposes. [] Encourage associates to vote and provide voter registration/ballot applications in stores. [Kroger, Accessed 4/20/22]. [Business Roundtable, Accessed 3/22/22], The Business Roundtable Has Released Statements Condemning Unnecessary Restrictions On The Right To Vote And Has Advocated For Paid Time Off For Voting, Saying The Strength Of Our Democracy Depends On The Integrity And Fairness Of Our Nations Elections., The Business Roundtable Released A Statement Condemning Unnecessary Restrictions On The Right To Vote, Which It Said Strikes At The Heart Of Representative Government. As changes to voting laws are under consideration in multiple state legislatures, Business Roundtable today issued the following statement on principles that should guide policymakers: The right to vote is the essence of a democratic society, and the voice of every voter should be heard in fair elections that are conducted with integrity. As documented by the Los Angeles Times, in the fall of 1988, Kroger announced a $3.77 billion restructuring plan involving substantial but unspecified bank loans, paying shareholders $48 in cash and securities per share, and allowing them to keep their stock. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would modernize and restore preclearance. [Govtrack, Accessed 2/7/22], The Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act, A Combination Of The Freedom To Vote Act And The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, Failed In The Senate After It Was Tacked On To A NASA Bill That Required A Simple Majority To Proceed To Debate. THE KROGER CO. 84, NY S.B. A growing list of companies are cutting off donations to politicians who opposed the Electoral College results, targeting the 147 Republican members of the House and the Senate who voted against affirming President-elect Joe Bidens victory. Inicio; kroger political donations; Sin categorizar; kroger political donations; kroger political donations We all should feel a responsibility to defend the right to vote and to oppose any discriminatory legislation or measures that restrict or prevent any eligible voter from having an equal and fair opportunity to cast a ballot. ambulance tailgate conversion As business leaders and employers of, collectively, over 15 million people, we believe no American including our employees should have to choose between keeping their job and casting their vote. [Business Roundtable. 196, MT S.B. 319, NH H.B. A call for increased disclosure around political spending from elected officials and shareholders could come to a head this spring as a number of publicly-traded companies hold their annual general meetings. [Fortune, 5/12/21]. they actually represent two-year periods. Kroger SALEM, Ore. (Legal Newsline) - Oregon Attorney General John Kroger announced on Tuesday that he has filed a lawsuit against the founder of two charities who allegedly kept money that was . [] Tensions were already running high when lawmakers gathered early Wednesday afternoon for the constitutionally mandated counting of the Electoral College results, in which Biden defeated Trump, 306-232. [AP, 1/6/21], Following The Violence At The Capitol On January 6, Four People In The Crowd Died. On January 13, the House passed the two bills, now combined into one, titled Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Democrats used an unrelated NASA bill as a legislative vehicle to fast-track consideration of the measure in the Senate. [Accountable.US, Corporate Anti-Democracy Donations Database, accessed 7/8/22]. Keep Our Groceries Tax However, regardless of our political affiliations, we believe the very foundation of our electoral process rests upon the ability of each of us to cast our ballots for the candidates of our choice. Only two House Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois voted Wednesday to create a select committee to investigate the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol. THE KROGER CO. It would take important steps to limit gerrymandering and make sure that politicians dont get to handpick their voters and entrench their power. 290, IN S.B. Campaign finance reform might be dead in Washington, but its making progress at the highest levels of corporate America. THE KROGER CO. Business Roundtable members believe state laws must safeguard and guarantee the right to vote. [Business Roundtable. Congressional Republicans Blocked The Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act, A Combination Of The Freedom To Vote Act And John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. A beautifully American ideal, but a reality denied to many for much of this nations history. It would prevent voting laws that unevenly burden voters of color. After the Capitol riot and a Republican push to pass restrictive voting laws that disproportionately affect racial minorities, investors want to know more about where a companys political donations end up. [The New York Times, 6/5/21], The New York Times: Investors Are On Alert For Companies That Take One Position And Make Donations That Support Another. Investors are on alert for companies that take one position and make donations that support another. [The New York Times, 6/5/21], Kroger Said It Encourages Associates To Vote And Provides Voter Registration/Ballot Applications In Stores. Kroger strives to reflect the communities we serve and foster a culture that empowers everyone to be their true self, inspires collaboration, and feeds the human spirit. The tally accounts for 44 percent of the Republican legislators in the nine states where the presidential race was most narrowly decided. [Govtrack, Accessed 2/7/22], October 2021: Senate Republicans Blocked The Freedom To Vote Acts Passage. [Time To Vote, Accessed 3/21/22]. The duo allegedly sought to buy political influence on behalf of Ukrainian and Russian individuals. 84 and LA H.B. Unnecessary restrictions on the right to vote strike at the heart of representative government. The Senate on Wednesday voted against the Freedom to Vote Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, striking the fatal blow into Senate Democrats effort to pass major voting rights legislation. , Idaho, 2023 [United States Senate, 11/3/21], November 2021: Senate Republicans, Except For Sen. Murkowski, Blocked The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act With A 50-49 Procedural Vote On Whether To Open Debate On The Bill. The bill now moves to the Senate where it faces an uncertain fate as GOP resistance is growing. [CNN, 5/19/21], In May 2021, Senate Republicans Filibustered Bipartisan Legislation To Establish An Independent Commission To Investigate The Jan. 6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol. Bipartisan legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has failed in the Senate, as Republicans staged their first filibuster since President Biden took office to block the plan. Both GOP lawmakers, who are frequent critics of former President Donald Trump, were among the 35 House Republicans who voted to establish an independent commission, which was blocked by Senate Republicans. [CNN, [Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol, Accessed. Misinformation And Disinformation Negatively Affect Election Outcomes And Ultimately Erode Confidence In Democracy, Generating Support For Emergent Anti-Democratic Forces., The Washington Post: Around The World, There Are Increasing Concerns That Fake News Threatens Democracy. Our recent research supports this view democracy is less likely to survive in a poor informational environment. After obtaining additional information about the way in which NV S.B. The Kroger Co. Foundation, established in 1987, is the company's private foundation. We are against violence in all its forms, including the riots last week in Washington, D.C. We are pausing PAC donations while we review our PAC-giving philosophy, saidMatt Perin, Krogers head of government relations, in a statement. We call on elected officials across the country to commit to bipartisan efforts to provide greater access to voting and encourage broad voter participation. [Business Roundtable. With the 2020 election season underway, Business Roundtable welcomes efforts by governors to address barriers to voting, including new challenges raised by the pandemic. shortcomings, which could dent a companys bottom line. [The New York Times. It also includes new, much-needed safeguards against attempts to undermine the electoral process. [Brennan Center, 10/14/21], Brennan Center For Justice: The Freedom To Vote Act Is Historic Legislation To Strengthen American Democracy, Promote Racial Justice And Equity For All Americans. The Freedom to Vote Act is historic legislation to strengthen American democracy, promote racial justice and equity for all Americans, and thwart the assault on voting rights taking place in the states. [] Congress has the legal and constitutional power to ward off these attacks by passing the Freedom to Vote Act, which would set national standards to protect the freedom to vote, counter election sabotage, end partisan redistricting, and fix our broken campaign finance system. [Brennan Center for Justice, 9/20/21], The Freedom To Vote Act Would Restore Federal Voting Rights To Formerly Incarcerated Citizens Upon Their Release And Removes The Vestiges Of Restrictions Born Out Of Jim Crow. The Freedom to Vote Act [] Voting rights restoration: The bill restores federal voting rights to formerly incarcerated citizens upon their release, establishing a bright-line standard to replace the confusing patchwork of state laws and removing the vestiges of restrictions born out of Jim Crow. [Brennan Center for Justice, 9/20/21], The Freedom To Vote Act Would Require Each State To Ensure That Individuals With Disabilities Have The Same Access To Absentee Ballots And Applications As Other Voters, As Well As Making Them Electronically Accessible To Voters With Disabilities. The Freedom to Vote Act [] Protections for individuals with disabilities: The bill would address some of the biggest challenges to voting access that Americans with disabilities face. Analysis of social media posts, blogs, and public . Through our Framework for Action, we are committed to standing together and mobilizing our people, passion, scale and resources to transform our culture and our communities. Corporate Contributions Occasionally and where permitted by law, The Kroger Co. may make modest political contributions directly to state or local candidates using corporate funds.
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