Espaol. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a catastrophe or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the purification of planet Earth. The Spider Woman of the Hopi was the Earth Goddess - the one who had created all life on Earth, and who nurtures and guides her children whenever they are in a spot of bother. Drawings displaying the Ant People firmly resemble illustrations found in modern grey alien encounter reports. He is the Son of Man of Christianity, the Kalki Avatar of the Hindus and the Rudra Chakrin of the Buddhists, who is prophesized to return with great power and glory from the heavens, riding a white horse, followed by a celestial army, in order to kill the evil ones, save the righteous, and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. Even now the seeds are being planted. The Hopi Prophecy Blue Star Kachina by Charlotte Smith Let all the poor, oppressed, downtrodden, and victimized pray for the Blue Star Kachina to come now. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. Flowers will bloom again, wild game will return to barren lands, and there will be abundance of food for all. And where was he coming from? Their place of origin, however, is supposed to be far, far away. The world shall rock to and fro. These two brothers were instructed to carry them to a place the Great Spirit had instructed them. The older brother was to go immediately to the east, to the rising sun and upon reaching his destination was instructed to immediately start to look for his younger brother who shall remain in the land of the Great Spirit. This is the Blue Kachina!!! [8]. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon.[3]. He is pure light essence and doing our great creators work. They would be forced to develop their land and lives according to the dictates of a new ruler, or else they would be treated as criminals and punished. As a fearful pathogen sweeps the planet, his warnings seem more timely than ever. They are surrounded by the Navajo Reservation, and inhabit the four corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah with the other Pueblo tribes. A. Barrett, "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol., Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 22:11. a comet, that stood over the city of Jerusalem for a whole year in 66 CE, which foretold the disaster that was about to befall the Temple.[15]. When the Hopi had met the Spaniard Pedro de Tovar - the first white man they had ever seen - they welcomed him as Pahana. An ancient Hopi prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge." This will be the Day of Purification /Day of the Lord. The next three Signs point to other European influences, such as the arrival of cattle, and the emergence of railroads and telephone lines. The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Yes, it did. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. . so that it becomes increasingly difficult for us to ignore them. The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. As per the prophecy of Dr.Wolf, the arrival of the Red Star Kachina and the Day of Purification will not happen abruptly, and many messengers will arrive beforehand to make us aware of this Shift in the Ages, so that we get a chance to mend our ways. Could it be that Pahana was actually a spirit being a kachina, to be more specific who will use his supernatural powers to restore peace and harmony? The oral traditions of the Hopi tell us that we are currently living in the Fourth World. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes. Since the Hopi claim that Pahana will be accompanied by a large host, in addition to two powerful helpers, the Red Star may actually be a part of a large comet swarm. They tell us of two brilliant comets a blue one and a red one both of which may be part of comet swarms, that will usher in profound changes at the end of the Fourth World. This fact is evidenced in many petroglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. Today, they remain hidden, waiting for their ancestors to return and cleanse the land of humans. It will happen when the Blue Star, also known as Saquasohuh . The prophecy tells us that the energetic emanations from the Red Star will have major repercussions on our psyche and the nature of reality itself will appear to fluctuate, as the carefully curated reality bubble that modern civilization has built for itself begins to come apart at the seams. The Fourth World, too, is destined to meet the same fate if it is consumed by evil and war. GIZE, STONEHENGE, CHICHEN ITZA, ETC,ETC: HOPI EN ARIZONA (TIERRA ROJA Y EN EL PARALELO 33)-NEXO CON ORION Elegir otro panel de mensajes: Tema anterior Tema siguiente: Respuesta: Mensaje 1 de 64 en el tema : De: BARILOCHENSE6999 (Mensaje original) The time grows short., Evidently, White Feather was distraught by the lack of interest shown by the younger generation of Hopi people in following the ancient rituals and ceremonies. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. As translator for Hopi elders, Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1909-1999) traversed the globe for 50 years sharing the Hopi Prophecy. For in the Earth we shall find relief from the madness that will be all around us. The way to get through the difficult times that lie ahead as the Hopi instruct us is to reconnect with our inner Self and return to a life of simplicity, led in harmony with the Earth and all its creatures, with love for the Great Spirit and for one another. It is known that our True White Brother, when he comes, will be all powerful and will wear a red cap or red cloak. Frank Waters mentions that the kachina had accompanied the Hopi during their migrations. Would love to learn more. For a kachina to remove his mask during one of these annual sacred rituals is indeed unprecedented. Cart predicted. Or are the peaceful Hopi really the keepers of ancient sacred knowledge, passed down from a time when the man walked alongside the gods? Could it be happening right now? The war of the end of the world is described by Waters as "a spiritual conflict with material matters". (Must View Video). Other accounts have it that Tawa, or Taiowa, first created Sotuknang, whom he called his nephew . This is their prophecy. The Hopi prophecies state that we are about the enter the fifth world. Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future, he said. The time of plenty when there was enough food and water and resources for everyone is coming to an end . You perhaps you will see it. They say that toward the final phase of our current Fourth World, the Blue Star Kachina (Sakwa Sohu) will dance in the village plaza and then remove his mask. This will signal the beginning of a great war, which, the Hopi believe, will be a spiritual conflict with material matters. Others will have great deformities, both in the mind and upon their bodies. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohul, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, the story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest HopiIt was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy - Bird Clan Messenger Bird Clan Kitchen Party, Indigenous, MEMETASTIC Medicine Show, Mom the Bomb's Kitchen Party, Prophecies, The Great Awakening Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow. With him there will be two great ones, both very wise and powerfulThe three will lay out a new life plan which leads to everlasting life and peace. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a catastrophe or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the . When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. The falling of Seven Macaw or Cygnus the Swan relates to the Hopi prophecy of the return of Massau and the emergence of the Fifth World. They are surrounded by the Navajo Reservation, and inhabit the four corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah with the other Pueblo tribes. This will be the Day of Purification. Did this article just come out? When the Hopi had emerged into the Fourth World, they were greeted by Masaw, the guardian spirit of the Earth, who told them how they were to complete their migrations, how they would recognize the places they were to settle in, and the manner in which they were to live. *This article was originally published No life force in their eyes. One of the Hopi elders who was quite vocal about his beliefs in UFOs was the late Chief Dan Katchongva of the Hopi Sun Clan. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are nor sure of their exact nature. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. Because there were no pollutants, the sky offered at night a map of the universe. We understand that he will return from the East, along with many people of the rising sun, free the Hopi people from persecution, and fulfill the plan of life given by Masaw. The 7th planet is called the planet of the crossing or Nibiru. The blue star Kachina according to the Hopi mythology is a spirit that signify the coming of the beginning of a new world, and the spirit appears in the form of a blue star. ( Note: Kachinasalso spelled katsinam, plural, and katsina, singularare spirit messengers between the world of the gods and the world of humans. This refers to the arrival of the Europeans with their gunpowder. Passed down from generation to generation, their intriguing mythology describes the event: First, the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. from WolfLodge Website Spanish version . * American Indians and the Star People. Latest UFO Sightings, Daily UFO News, Alien UFO Disclosure, Ancient Mysteries, Moon and Mars Anomalies, Paranormal, Spirituality and more.. You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the Earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It was to Spider Woman's two grandsons the sacred stone tablets were given. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Dr. Robert Wolf writes that, that the Blue Star Kachina will be accompanied by the twins, who will come flying in their patuwvotas, or flying shields, and they will bring many of their star family with them.
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