Jan 26, 2023 (Jan 25, 2023 to Feb 20, 2023) Ven 10th H. Your career, social standing, or reputation is favored at this time, especially by making personal contact with superiors or by socializing and making friendly contacts at work. You could be a little tired and more accident-prone, so be sure to rest up. Know Your Ascendant The Ascendant or the first house of the birth chart ( Kundli) indicates the native's outer appearance, physique, relationships, health, etc. at 12:09 AM Mercury biquintile Jup Jul 16, 2022, at 2:17 PM Venus quintile Chi Relationships are thus apt to be smooth, but this may well come at a cost to you. Times/dates are Eastern. Jan 10, 2023 (Jan 9, 2023 to Feb 3, 2023) Ven 9th H. Jan 11, 2023 (Jan 11, 2023 to Jan 11, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Retrograde Venus cycles, which happen every approximately eighteen months for about six weeks, affect your romantic life a little more than others. Midpoints are included as well. Also, your desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it all yourself. As each month passes, the urge to find someone important in your life may grow. Mar 6, 2023 (Mar 6, 2023 to Mar 9, 2023) Moo 4th H. Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Mar 9, 2023) Mer Sqr Asc. at 2:14 AM Mercury 8 Can 06 Sqr Jupiter 8 Ari 06 Oct 12, 2022, at 3:24 AM Mercury 1 Lib 41 Oppos Jupiter 1 Ari 41 Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 20, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo 10th H. Feb 22, 2023 (Feb 22, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until the peak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached. Sep 29, 2022 3 AM (Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 30, 2022) Ven Trine Asc. Also, your emotions are more intense and you may overreact to some encounter. at 5:46 AM Mercury quintile Chi At this time of year, you have a greater need than usual to be with a partner. Jan 4, 2023 (Jan 3, 2023 to Feb 3, 2023) Mer 7th H. Jan 7, 2023 (Jan 6, 2023 to Jan 9, 2023) Moo 2nd H. Jan 9, 2023 (Jan 9, 2023 to Jan 9, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. The natives also have a long face, long nose and chin. You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you cant quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Jan 9, 2023 (Jan 9, 2023 to Jan 12, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Jan 10, 2023 (Jan 10, 2023 to Jan 11, 2023) Sun Qucnx Asc. Apr 28, 2022, at 2:39 PM Mercury 28 Tau 53 SSqr Chi 13 Ari 53, May 17, 2022, Enhancing love now: Sharing, or taking interest in, daily routines and activities, performing services or little chores for a lover. You are likely to make an important change at this time. Jan 5, 2023 (Jan 5, 2023 to Jan 7, 2023) Moo 2nd H. This is a time for taking care of your possessions and personal belongings. You find appreciation and happiness in the common everyday affairs of your partnership. You seek out and receive assurance from family, old friends and allies, or even places, books, or objects from your past. You may make a good friend or meet someone beautiful and charming through your work. Traditions and religious activities will fetch happiness the natives of Gemini. Apr 3, 2022, at 1:10 AM Venus 27 Aqu 25 SSqr Chi 12 Ari 25 Dec 29, 2022, at 8:57 AM Mercury 24 Cap 21 Conj Venus 24 Cap 21, Jan 10, 2022, hence drive carefully and pray Lord Hanuman during this period. Taking care of immediate responsibilities and situations that arise at work requires your attention. Jan 4, 2023 (Jan 3, 2023 to Jan 7, 2023) Moo 1st H. Jan 4, 2023 (Jan 4, 2023 to Jan 5, 2023) Mer Qucnx Asc. Oct 23, 2022, at 11:57 AM Venus 0 Sco 25 Qucnx Jupiter 0 Ari 25 Unlike your Sun sign, . The transit effects of Ascendant Lord Mercury for Gemini natives in the year 2022: Since Mercury is the ascendant Lord and it stays in a sign for around a month or so depending upon its speed and retrogression. Enhancing love now: Unselfish love; showing affection and attention without expectation of reward; being supportive; private activities. Gemini Ascendant Negative Traits ET. Cancer Ascendant 2022 Yearly Predictions. Dec 19, 2022, at 11:23 AM Venus 11 Cap 57 Sqr Chi 11 Ari 57. How: By expressing and emphasizing your playful, dramatic, spontaneous, and fun-loving qualities. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 17, 2023 to Mar 8, 2023) Mer 9th H. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 18, 2023 to Feb 18, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. at 2:01 AM Mercury 4 Gem 05 sextile Venus 4 Ari 05 Demands or obligations in your work or personal life can cause you to avoid relating on an intimate basis with others at this time. Since Venus retrogrades in approximately the same area every eight years, it can help to look back on December 2013/January 2014 to get a sense of how Venus retrograde in this area of your chart affects you. August 20th, 2022 - March 25th, 2023 On August 20th, Mars the planet of decisive action moves into inquisitive Gemini. Reassess what matters the most to you, decide where you should put your efforts in first. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. If this happens, try to realize that the world is not against you, that you are the maker of your own destiny, and be strong enough to make positive changes in your attitudes. Poissons / Vierge. How you assert yourself and how you go about going after what you want out of life are two things that are up for review now. Dec 28, 2022 (Dec 28, 2022 to Dec 30, 2022) Moo 10th H. Dec 30, 2022 (Dec 30, 2022 to Dec 30, 2022) Moo Sxtil Asc. And with that, spooky season also known in other circles as "autumn" comes to a close . Expressing open-hearted interest in a lover, listening to a lovers side to the story, compromising. Jan 26, 2023 (Jan 25, 2023 to Jan 28, 2023) Moo 11th H. Jan 28, 2023 (Jan 27, 2023 to Jan 30, 2023) Moo 12th H. Jan 29, 2023 (Jan 28, 2023 to Jan 30, 2023) Sun Trine Asc. Jul 6, 2022, at 1:17 PM Venus 16 Gem 22 sextile Chi 16 Ari 22 Youre likely to be more fair and detached at this time. Dec 9, 2022 11 PM (Dec 9, 2022 to Dec 10, 2022) Ven Qucnx Asc. Jan 27, 2023 (Jan 26, 2023 to Jan 29, 2023) Moo 11th H. Jan 29, 2023 (Jan 29, 2023 to Jan 31, 2023) Moo 12th H. Jan 31, 2023 (Jan 31, 2023 to Jan 31, 2023) Moo Conj Asc. This is a good time for peaceful meditation, contemplation, and spiritual renewal. Jan 15, 2023 (Jan 15, 2023 to Jan 15, 2023) Moo Qucnx Asc. Other peoples idiosyncrasies, personalities, prejudices, or subjective judgments grate against you at this time also, especially when they clash with your own. Now is also a good time to enhance your public standing and to create good will with the public. Jan 29, 2023 (Jan 28, 2023 to Feb 28, 2023) Sun 9th H. Jan 30, 2023 (Jan 24, 2023 to Feb 3, 2023) Mar Conj Asc. at 1:13 PM Venus 13 Sco 01 Qucnx Chi 13 Ari 01 Dec 26, 2022 (Dec 26, 2022 to Jan 30, 2023) Mar 12th H. At this time, youre likely to feel that you cannot make your desires or influence felt, and that things go awry when you try to assert yourself, make an impact, or get things done in a forthright way. At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. Venus, the planetary ruler of your romance sector and the goddess of love, is retrograde starting near the end of 2021: from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 18, 2023 to Feb 20, 2023) Moo 9th H. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 15, 2023 to Feb 24, 2023) Jup Sxtil Asc. Someone with Gemini on the Ascendant/Rising Sign will have their identity guided by the energy of Mercury, wherever it appears in the chart. Mercury emphasizes your ability to communicate well in society. If you are interested in a more detailed and personalized forecast, see our Future Forecast Reports. Dec 29, 2022 (Dec 29, 2022 to Dec 29, 2022) Moo Sxtil Asc. Sep 26, 2022, at 1:59 PM Mercury 26 Vir 47 Conj Venus 26 Vir 47 You find the world fascinating and enjoyable, and you live in the moment. Dec 21, 2022 (Dec 21, 2022 to Dec 21, 2022) Moo Oppos Asc. Feb 11, 2023 (Feb 10, 2023 to Mar 2, 2023) Mer 9th H. This is a good time to plan or take a journey to a distant land. Dec 24, 2022 (Dec 24, 2022 to Dec 26, 2022) Moo 8th H. Dec 25, 2022 (Dec 25, 2022 to Dec 26, 2022) Ven Qucnx Asc. Pluto continues its long journey through your intimacy sector, adding depth and meaning to your most personal exchanges. You may even provoke them in an unnecessarily forceful or inconsiderate manner. Aug 14, 2022, at 1:41 PM Mercury 16 Vir 09 Qucnx Chi 16 Ari 09 Jan 2, 2023 (Jan 2, 2023 to Jan 2, 2023) Moo Conj Asc. Dec 19, 2022 (Dec 19, 2022 to Dec 19, 2022) Moo Qucnx Asc. Gemini Rising sign natives tend to be inclined towards intellectual stimulation than physical so their relationships often lack depth and warmth. This is an excellent time for a vacation, particularly if you can travel to someplace youve never been before. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 18, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo 10th H. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 19, 2023 to Feb 21, 2023) Ven Sxtil Asc. Your outlook on life in terms of the big picture could be more cautious, and you might find that you temporarily have less faith, hope, confidence, and optimism. You may be at peace with others and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later. Nov 25, 2022, at 1:46 AM Mercury 12 Sag 18 Trine Chi 12 Ari 18 Your spouse or mate may be critical of your appearance, viewpoints or behavior, leading you to feel uncomfortable in expressing your true desires. At the very least, youll learn something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. So you know alllll about Gemini, but what about Gemini Rising? Jan 31, 2023 (Jan 31, 2023 to Feb 3, 2023) Moo 1st H. Feb 3, 2023 (Feb 2, 2023 to Feb 5, 2023) Moo 2nd H. Feb 3, 2023 (Feb 2, 2023 to Feb 24, 2023) Mer 8th H. Feb 3, 2023 (Feb 3, 2023 to Feb 4, 2023) Mer Qucnx Asc. How: By expressing your initiative, natural charm, friendliness, enhancing your beautiful features and personal style, expressing self-confidence. You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with. Until September 12th: The Sun continues to highlight your solar third house--a time of the year in which you are most likely to be a "busy bee". Mar 6, 2022 1 AM (Mar 6, 2022 to Mar 7, 2022) Ven Trine Asc. Conversations you have at this time go smoothly, and an agreement can be reached. You may be at peace with others and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later. Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Further, their core features are embellished with long arms, hands and fingers. Gemini Good Days Calendar, 2023 Preview Gemini Horoscope By Monisha Holmes Published: Mar 22, 2022. This can be a time of fireworks in a partnership. Nov 14, 2022, at 3:19 AM Venus 27 Sco 36 Sesqu Chi 12 Ari 36 Some of you will make a partnership official or public. Gemini (Born June 1 to 11) and Gemini Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Gemini: December 2022 Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends December 2022. Jan 27, 2023 (Jan 27, 2023 to Jan 30, 2023) Moo 12th H. Jan 30, 2023 (Jan 30, 2023 to Jan 30, 2023) Moo Conj Asc. Mar 4, 2023 (Mar 4, 2023 to Mar 6, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Mar 6, 2023 (Mar 6, 2023 to Mar 6, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Mithuna Lagna 2022-2023 Career Predictions. Learn More. You're likely to feel it most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Gemini. However, these influences are in effect within 24-48 hours of the exact time, especially in the lead-up to that time. Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Mar 23, 2023) Mer 10th H. Mar 9, 2023 (Mar 9, 2023 to Mar 9, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Try not to do so in a completely insensitive, arrogant manner as this will almost certainly work against you. Feb 5, 2023 (Feb 4, 2023 to Feb 7, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Feb 7, 2023 (Feb 7, 2023 to Feb 7, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. An important love relationship or your marriage can be especially rewarding to you now. Find out about your year ahead with a comprehensive 2022 Personalized Horoscope Reportover 100 pages longfor a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more, for only $7.95; Romantic Compatibility Report (choose from a selection); Sky Log Report for only $5.95; or a detailed Solar Return Birthday Report for only $4.95. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. If you know your birth time, but dont know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here. It amplifies the push and pull between defending our beliefs and working toward consensus. But it is very sure that the pointed areas will be receiving favors or adversities, intensity may be varying depending upon individuals horoscope. Sep 18, 2022, at 6:34 PM Mercury 4 Lib 45 Oppos Jupiter 4 Ari 45, Oct 1, 2022, As long as egos dont interfere, love will reign! Apr 27, 2022, at 1:11 AM Mercury 27 Tau 11 sextile Jup 27 Pis 11 Gemini Ascendant Positive Traits They are intellectual, concrete, eager to learn, well-read, educated, sophisticated, versatile, observing, bright, neat, agile, curious, communicative, open, quick-learners, adaptable, and easy going . Feb 8, 2023 (Feb 7, 2023 to Mar 10, 2023) Sun 9th H. Feb 10, 2023 (Feb 10, 2023 to Feb 10, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. May 22, 2022, at 5:55 PM Mercury 0 Gem 05 SSqr Chi 15 Ari 05, Jun 14, 2022, May 19, 2022, at 9:33 PM Mercury 1 Gem 42 sextile Jup 1 Ari 42 Nov 21, 2022, at 5:55 PM Mercury 7 Sag 09 Conj Venus 7 Sag 09 Feb 3, 2023 (Feb 2, 2023 to Feb 28, 2023) Ven 10th H. Feb 5, 2023 (Feb 5, 2023 to Feb 5, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Talking with your mate, business partner, or other close associates is likely to be helpful now, and you may be able to negotiate some agreement or come to some resolution of a problem youve been having. Your Gemini Ascendant indicates that you're an individual with an adaptable personality and, in many cases, a wiry, flexible physique as well. See what you can do to secure your valuables or your finances. Negotiations are apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation is unlikely. Readers must always bear in mind that these predictions are common to all and may vary on the basis of other peculiarities of an individuals horoscope. A strong need for harmony, affection, approval or belongingness colors your attitude and decisions now. Being at home or in a comfortable, supportive atmosphere feels best. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength; we can call this date the "peak date". Mar 9, 2023 (Mar 8, 2023 to Mar 11, 2023) Moo 5th H. For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the third decanate of Gemini (20 to 30 degrees Gemini), this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead. How: Quiet charm, helpful and compassionate nature, discreet. Relationships begun now are: Relationships begun while Venus is transiting a particular sector of your chart tend to take on some of the characteristics of that sector. Apr 30, 2022, at 5:14 PM Venus 27 Pis 58 Conj Jup 27 Pis 58, May 6, 2022, By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Throughout the year, luck and fortune would befall you in economic life. Nov 15, 2022, at 2:20 PM Mercury 27 Sco 34 Sesqu Chi 12 Ari 34, Dec 6, 2022, This is a very favorable time for doing something to enhance your appearance such as getting a hair cut or purchasing new clothing. Vijaynagar, Ghaziabad, See also 2023 Summary Horoscopes for neat summaries of the year ahead for each sign, 2023 Yearly Horoscopes for detailed forecasts for each sign, 2023 Preview Horoscopes, and 2023 Love Guides/Horoscopes for Each Sign for forecasts in the areas of romance and relationships. Mar 3, 2023 (Mar 3, 2023 to Mar 3, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. Jupiter is the ruler of your partnership sector, and a key factor in your relationship astrology, dear Gemini. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment. You appear rather headstrong and most people will stay out of your way, or let you take the lead. The exact times of the aspects are in the Eastern time zone. At this time you come across in an appealing, charming, openly affectionate manner which is likely to win you new friends and admirers. Midpoints are included as well. Jan 2, 2023 (Jan 1, 2023 to Jan 5, 2023) Moo 1st H. You are more perceptive and sensitive and easily affected by what is going on in your environment, particularly the feelings and emotional currents of the people around you. Jan 16, 2023 (Jan 15, 2023 to Jan 18, 2023) Moo 6th H. Jan 18, 2023 (Jan 18, 2023 to Jan 18, 2023) Moo Oppos Asc. You may have become quite intolerant of superficial or artificial experiences on these levels, and longing for deeper connections. If you are looking for a romance that might lead to marriage and family, this is a favorable time. Feb 11, 2023 (Feb 11, 2023 to Feb 11, 2023) Moo Qucnx Asc. This position of Jupiter can also indicate a partner who is thriving, succeeding, and at some sort of personal or professional peak. During Oct-Nov, do take care of your child likely to suffer on account of anything, trouble from metal or vehicle may bother. Enhancing love now: Ways to improve an existing love relationship during a particular period. Gemini Ascendant Daily Horoscope at 11:29 PM Mercury quintile Chi Mars in Gemini 2022 means the Warrior God entering the fast-acting and even faster-talking sign of Gemini. If you are artistic, your work will be particularly inspired now. Things run smoothly and your work is likely to take an enjoyable turn now. Relationships begun now are: Intense, all-consuming, emotionally-charged, deep, possibly stormy and characterized by possessiveness, obsession, or power games; passionate and erotic. Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual. Gemini Good Days Calendar, 2023 Preview Gemini Horoscope Contact No: +91-8178341336 Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. You can have a great deal of nervous energy running through your body now. Jan 30, 2023 (Jan 29, 2023 to Feb 1, 2023) Moo 1st H. Feb 1, 2023 (Jan 31, 2023 to Feb 4, 2023) Moo 2nd H. Feb 4, 2023 (Feb 4, 2023 to Feb 4, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. There may be some adjustments to make problems in committed relationships revolving around sex and money can be aired now. See your Monthly Forecast. Its time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans. If your rising sign is Gemini, people perceive you as bubbly and talkative. Jan 21, 2023 (Jan 21, 2023 to Jan 21, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. You may meet and learn from someone from another culture or with vastly different beliefs and experiences than your own.
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