[190] Eyrbyggja Saga, c. 64. In Brussels is celebrated, I believe to this day, a festival called the Ommegank, in which a ship is drawn through the town by horses, with an image of the Blessed Virgin upon it, in commemoration of a miraculous figure of our Lady which came in a boat from Antwerp to Brussels. This cross is half the height of the deity. The king, in a fury, slew the bird, and then discovered that the water dripped from the jaws of a serpent of the most poisonous description. Then the owner of the rod resumed it, and, passing over the same places, the stick rotated with such violence that it seemed easier to breakthan to stop it. Thus, as Odin was a wind-god, men were hung in his honour. The alae of the ears were very large, and extended a good way back. Plano, Texas 75023. If I had money enough to spend Who does not remember Tom Moores verses on this legend?. The account is briefly this:. This he did, making considerable use of a history of the mysterious lady, written by one of the race of Lusinia, William de Portenach (qu. In a Sclavonian legend, a youth was reposing in a forest. Come, heavnly wind, and blowA prosprous gale of grace,To waft from all belowTo heavn, my destined place:There in full sail my port Ill find,And leave the world and sin behind., Or I might quote a poem on The Last Voyage, from the Lyra Messianica, which one would have supposed to have been founded on the Gaelic legend told by Macpherson:. Next day, early, they left Lyons, and only stopped for a moment at a gardeners cottage. Crabs of monstrous size spun round and round on one claw with the nimbleness of a dancing-master, and twirled and tossed their other claws about like limbs that did not belong to them. 18. The story comes to us from Switzerland. The deficiency was soon supplied. As they proceeded with their spoils along the strand of the lake, a lad of twelve years old appeared from among the reeds onthe opposite bank, armed with a bow, and amply provided with arrows; he threatened to shoot down the captors unless the old man, his father, were restored to him. Thus, in a most satisfactory way, the presence of these male bones was accounted for, and no scandal attached to the chaste troop of male and female celibates which had crossed the Alps, and descended the Rhine, to fall before the sword of the barbarian. And, again, another gives eleven, but in different order: Martha, Saula, Brittola, Gregoria, Saturnina, Sabatia, Pinnosa, Ursula, Sentia, Palladia, Saturia. (Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.) Compare with this the ancient ballad of Tamlane. . As a special favor this dog is to be one of the ten animals to be admitted into his paradise, the others being Jonahs whale, Solomons ant, Ishmaels ram, Abrahams calf, the Queen of Shebas ass, the prophet Salechs camel, Moses ox, Belkis cuckoo, and Mahomets ass. Schamir, he told Solomon, was the property of the Prince of the Sea, and that prince entrusted none with the mysterious worm except the moor-hen, which had taken an oath of fidelity to him. Archbishop Hermann of Cologne, in 922, also speaks of this number. Myth. I., fig. A marble monument representing the papess with her baby was erected on the spot, which was declared to be accursed to all ages. c. 37. She threatened to jump into the well unless he opened the door. Apparently, then, the LXX, in saying that the temple was erected of (Greek) express their meaning that the stones were unhewn and in their natural condition, so that the skill of Solomon was exhibited in putting together stones which had never been subjected to the tool. Next morning Unk-Khan took possession of the Tartar tents, but found them empty. Joy, song, and minstrelsy reign in that blessed region[183]. Then the servants of Fortunatus began to exhibit anger, and to insist on their master being restored to them. When they arrived there, a number of field-mice, pouring in upon their enemies, devoured their quivers and their bows, and, moreover, the handles of their shields; so that on the next day, when they fled bereft of their arms, many of them fell. W.D.Chrysostomus Dudulus,Westphalus., The statement that the Wandering Jew appeared in Lubeck in 1601, does not tally with the more precise chronicle of Henricus Bangert, which gives: Die 14 Januarii Anno MDCIII., adnotatum reliquit Lubec fuisse Judum illum immortalem, qui se Christi crucifixioni interfuisse affirmavit.[8], In 1604 he seems to have appeared in Paris. xxvii. On the Syrian coast, they told of their goddess plunging into the sea, because they saw the moon descend into the western waters; but the Cretans, who beheld her rise above the eastern horizon of sea, fabled of a foam-born goddess. In this story, as in Snorros account of Donald, we have a sacrifice of human beings, taken from a low rank, offered first, and then the chief himself sacrificed. . Another eye-witness writes to the Abb Bignon a letter printed by Lebrun in hisHistoirecritique cited above. To mem'ry now I can't recall It is true, however, that the motion is much less strong and less durable in other fingers than his own. In one of the Icelandic sagas we have a strange story of a man standing at his house-door, and seeing the souls go by in the air, and among the souls was his own; he told the tale and died. WebALLEN FAMILY FUNERAL OPTIONS. If the divining rod is put in motion by any other force except the involuntary action of the muscles, we must confine its powers to the property of indicating the presence of flowing water. The valleys were open and free to the ocean; trees loaded with leaves, which scarcely waved to the light breeze, were scattered on the green declivities and rising ground; all was calm and bright; the pure sun of autumn shone from his blue sky on the fields; he hastened not to the west for repose, nor was he seen to rise in the east, but hung as a golden lamp, ever illumining the Fortunate Isle. There are numerous instances of hydroscopes thus detecting the existence of a spring, or of a subterranean watercourse; the most remarkably endowed individuals of this description are Jean-Jacques Parangue, born near Marseilles, in 1760, who experienced a horror when near water which no one else perceived. "And there he sat downe under a tree, to the which he reined his horse the better to solace and sporte him at his owne pleasure. . During the five centuries after her reign, he says, the witnesses to the story are innumerable. Now, for two centuries there is not an allusion to be found to the events. In Iranian mythology, the same battle is waged between Mithra and the daemon Ahriman. We find that Antichrist is known to the Mussulmans as well as to Christians. The church of Villers-Saint-Leu contains relics of the saint, which were given to it in1101by Alexander, chaplain of Count Ernest, who had received them from Baldwin at Jerusalem. The Sun image stood, they say, in the midst of the temple, surrounded by all the images of the world. I gently rise and softly call, There is a curious story told by Fordun in his Scotichronicon, which has some interest in connection with the legend of the Tanhuser. Whan the time limited and ordeined of almighti god approched that the noble and goodly queue Beatrice should be delivered after the cours of nature, the false matrone aforsaid went and delibered in herselfe to execute and put in effecte her malignus or moste wicked purpose. Yes, now we'll experience life. They have whetted their teeth against the stones,And now they pick the Bishops bones;They gnawd the flesh from every limb,For they were sent to do judgment on him.. v. 103. The myth of Isis and her wanderings is too well known to be related. The two men murdered the wine-seller and his wife with their bills, and then mounted to the shop, where they opened the coffer, and stole from it one hundred and thirty crowns, eight louis-dors, and a silver belt. In the palace, at night, nothing is burned for light but wicks supplied with balsam. The Protestant writers were not satisfied that the father of the unhappy baby should have been a servant: somemade him a Cardinal, and others the devil himself. The descriptions which they give of this imaginary country are as emphatic and exaggerated as those of the promised land: milk flows in some of the rivulets, others gush with wine; undoubtedly there are also streams of whisky and porter[188].. From time to time it uttered little cries like those ofamouse. What may have been the significance of the primeval story-radical it is impossible for us now to ascertain; but the legend, as it shaped itself in the middle ages, is certainly indicative of the struggle between the new and the old faith. But it is sad that the Church should have lent herself to establish this fable by the aid of fictitious miracles and feigned revelations. She sits in a mountain of crystal, surrounded by her bright-eyed maidens, and comes forth to scatter on earth the winter snow, or to revive the spring earth, or bless the fruits of autumn. Wearied by the cries of the famishing people, the Bishop appointed a day, whereon he undertook to quiet them. Then he gave her the clothes, and returned to his companion. Parival, in his Helices de Hollande, relates that it was instructed in its duty to God, and that it made reverences before a crucifix. It is quite impossible that, under the circumstances, six Shetland fishermen could commit such a mistake., One of these creatures was found in the belly of a shark, on the north-west coast of Iceland, and is thus described by Wernhard Guthmunds son, priest of Ottrardale:, The lower part of the animal was entirely eaten away, whilst the upper part, from the epigastric and hypogastric region, was in some places partially eaten, in others completely devoured. Edinburgh, 1855, p. 312. The lightning-flashing cloud was also supposed to be a flaming hand. It is a fair subject for inquiry, whether the popular iconography of the angel-hosts is not indebted to the heathen myth for its most striking features. The bishop and the governor asked him where he had found the treasure, and he replied that he had found none, but that the few coins were from his own purse. 4. Rudolph Botoreus says, under this date, I fear lest I be accused of giving ear to old wives fables, if I insert in these pages what is reported all over Europe of the Jew, coeval with the Savior Christ; however, nothing is more common, and our popular historieshave not scrupled to assert it. in the style of 1800s American folk music. There they supped, and after supper they beheld a great light, and in the light were four angels bearing up an ancient man in bishops vestments, and they set him down before a table of silver, on which appeared the Sangreal. According to another version, Solomon went to his fountain, where he found the daemon Sackar, whom he captured by a ruse, and chained down. This apparition continued to exhibit itself for some time, and then vanished, with two shrieks similar to that which had first excited Lady Fanshawes attention. Here are found the emeralds, sapphires, carbuncles, topazes, chrysolites, onyxes, beryls, sardius, and other costly stones. S. Jerome testifies that the versions of Aquila and Symmachus, written, the one under Adrian, the other under Marcus Aurelius, were without it, and that it was only in the version of Theodotion, made under Septimius Severus, that the T was inserted. Before the third prisoner there were no signs; the fourth trembled, and begged to be heard. In 1688 a theft of clothes had been made in Grenoble. The third year comes a plague of rats. Marco Polo says that the true monarch of Abyssinia is Christ; but that it is governed by six kings, three of whom are Christians and three Saracens, and that they are in league with the Soudan of Aden. In what way he learned it is not known. It was about two inches long, and terminated in a point. (of Germany), a weak and factious man, while reclining at a banquet, was on a sudden so completely surrounded by mice as to be unable to escape. I looked upon those who dwelt across the Tamar as uncanny, as being scarcely to be classed with Christian people, and certainly not to be freely associated with by tailless Devonians. [198] Paus. It was sung by Anne Bonny (played by Sarah Greene) at the ending of the video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. 1836; the earliest printed English edition is that of Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1516. This is an observation made also by Theopompus, in his geographical myth of Meropis[178]. That which characterizes the sepulchres of Golasecca, and gives them their highest interest, says M. de Mortillet, who investigated them,0is this, first, the entire absence of all organic representations; we only found three, and they were exceptional, in tombs not belonging to the plateau; secondly, the almost invariable presence of the cross under the vases in the tombs. A third view was, that he would be merely a desperately wicked man, acting upon diabolical inspirations, just as the saints act upon divine inspirations. [75] Die Sage von der Heiligen Ursula, von Oskar Schade. The manner in which S. George dies repeatedly represents the different ways in which the sun dies each day. Reinbot von Dorn (cent, xiii. Whilst I am absent, watch the boy, lest he gets injured by the ichneumon. After she had left the house, the Brahmin went forth begging, leaving the house empty. Malchus, having escaped from the town, fled, full of fear, to his comrades, and told them of the emperors fury. The same story is told of other persons and places. It was erected on Montsalvatsch, of precious stones, gold, and aloe-wood. The chief of this line was an Asiatic prince, named Perillus, who came to Gaul, where his descendants allied themselves with the family of a Breton prince. when you are not here with me, with me. Another has the sacred bull accompanied by this symbol; others have a lions head on obverse, and the cross and circle on the reverse. The literature connected with Antichrist is voluminous. An inscription in Thessaly, (Greek) is accompanied by a Calvary cross; and Greek crosses of equal arms adorn the tomb of Midas, in Phrygia. Arnoulx wrote a work on Paradise in 1665, full of the grossest absurdities. He saw only Morgana, and felt no desire other than to sigh through eternity at her feet. Some of the crosses have bezants, or pearls, forming a ring about them, or occupying the spaces between their limbs. I have onlyslipped away to the next room. The Maya race invaded Central America, coming from the Antilles, when the country was peopled by the Quinamies, to whom the Cyclopean erections still extant are attributed. Unquestionably, the story of S. Patricks Purgatory is founded on the ancient Hell-descents prevalent in all heathen nations; Herakles, Orpheus, Odysseus, in Greek Mythology, Eneas, in Roman, descend to the nether world, and behold sights very similar to those described in the Christian legends just quoted. Some years after an Andirondack youth beheld and loved her. Saint George! The words and action communicated spirit to his soldiers: they fell with vigour on the French, and routed them with a slaughter of two hundred soldiers. Aristotle accepted the notion of there being a new continent in the West, and described it, from the accounts of the Carthaginians, as a land opposite the Pillars of Hercules (Str. These men, he said, were the criminals; he had been their servant, and had only kept guard in the upper room whilst they committed the murders in the cellar. A prince has been murdered,that is, the earth is dead; then comes the eagle bearing a vial of the reviving water the cloud with the rain; it sprinkles the corpse with the precious drops, and life returns[120]. The story, as told by him, differs materially from that received in Germany. The cist was floored with slabs of freestone, the sides were built up of boulders; other cists were constructed of slabs, and cubical in shape. In a similar manner Ogier-le-Danois found himself unconscious of the lapse of time in Avalon. how the rats and mice are squeaking. Shortly after, he was attacked by an army of mice, and fled to his castle of Giittingen in the waters of the Lake of Constance; but the vermin pursued him to his retreat, and devoured him. A twelvemonth later she gave birth to another son, whom she called Gedes; he had a face which was scarlet. The rod remained immovable. And when the cries ceased, there entered two damsels with a basin in which was the head of a man swimming in blood. She consented, and he found that, in the few hours of rapture in Avalon, two hundred years had elapsed. These strains he sang, and they were wondrous. By chance he arrives at a fountain, in which are bathing1three maidens. The keeper himself was absent, but arrived late at night, and, on hearing what was said, he roused Aymar from his bed, insisting on having his innocence vindicated. The Finn ethnologist Castrn obtained the following tale in the Finnish village of Uhtuwa:. Scarcely was she dead before fresh discoveries in the old cemetery reopened the scandal. .(Metam. However, whether it be there, or whether it be anywhere else, God knows; but that therewassuch a spot once, and that it was on earth, that is certain.. To the left started sheer precipices of ink-black rock to icy pinnacles, from which fell a continuous powder of white water into a lake, here black as the rocks above it, yonder bluer than the overarching heavens. A peasant, taken at haphazard from the street, was brought to the sorcerer as one suspected. and so on. It contains the Tree of Life: there is neither cold nor heat there, but perpetual equable temperature. i. p. 270. Hanover, 1854. Was Aymar an impostor from first to last, or did his powers fail him in Paris? There, too, is a palace all of glass, floating in air, and receiving within its transparent walls the souls of the blessed: it is to this house of glass that Merd-din Emrys and his nine bards voyage[185]. In a Walachian story it is the Almighty who gives the lad a bagpipe. I believe the latter to have been the case. It contains a fountain which flows forth in four rivers., Rabanus Maurus, with more discretion, says, Many folk want to make out that the site of Paradise is in the east of the earth, though cut offby the longest intervening space of ocean or earth from all regions which man now inhabits. Whilst passing the street between the amphitheatre and St. Clements, she was seized with violent pains, fell to the ground amidst the crowd, and, whilst her attendants ministered to her, was delivered of a son. Thinking that she means him to take more, he feels his crammed pockets, and finding that he has nothing to reproach himself with in that respect, he seeks the light of day, entirely forgetting the precious blue flower which had opened to him the rocks, and which has dropped on the ground. Possibly some such property was attributed to the Templar, and previously to the druidic head. When King Solomon erected his glorious temple, the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house while it was in building (1 Kings vi. St. Hippolytus relates that St. John the Divine is slumbering at Ephesus, and Sir John Mandeville relates the circumstances as follows: From Pathmos men gone unto Ephesim a fair citee and nyghe to the see. [163] Muller, Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. Odin appears as the wild huntsman, followed by a multitude of souls; or, as the Piper of Hameln, leading them into the mountain where he dwells. According to popular belief, he still drees his weird in Fairy Land, and is one day expected to revisit earth. This was schamir, which was able to cut where iron would not bite. From her came the names of the hetarae Melitta, Meleto, Milto, Milesia (Athenaeus, lib. A controversy having arisen, some of the Greeks [heathen] converted to Christianity, who understood the hieroglyphics, interpreted this cross-like figure to signify The Life to come. The Christians, seizing on this as in favour of their religion, gathered boldness and assurance; and as it was shown by other sacred characters that the temple of Serapis was to have an end when was brought to light this cruciform character, signifying The Life to come, a great number were converted, and were baptized, confessing their sins[82].. is this your fidelity? cried he in a tone of agony. Polyidus observed a serpent stealing towards the corpse of the young prince. Now doth Cain with fork of thorns confine,On either hemisphere, touching the waveBeneath the towers of Seville. But Kara Kuruptju descends to the gloomy realm of the evil-hearted swan-women, where she marries their son Djidar Mos (bronzen), the thunder-cloud. In the mediaeval vision of Owayne the Knight, which is simply a fragment of Keltic mythology in a Christian garb, the paradise is enclosed by a fair wall, whyte and brygth as glass, a reminiscence of the glass-palace in Avalon, and the inhabitants of that land. But the Vogt noticed that Tell, before shooting, had stuck another arrow into his belt, and he inquired the reason. The very name of Siren is (greek) from to pipe or whistle[127], just as their representatives in Vedic mythology, the Ribhus, draw their name fromrebh,to sound, to which the Greek (greek) is akin. In this land, according to Teutonic mythology, which in this point resembles the Keltic, is a glass mountain. In order to obtain rain little boys and girls were sacrificed to him, and their flesh was devoured at a sacred banquet by the chiefs. lived Henry of Saltrey, who wrote a history of the visit of a Knight Owen to the Purgatory of S. Patrick, which gained immense popularity. Jay Ungar designed it as a The Duke of Limburg and Brabant died leaving an only daughter, Else or Elsam. p. 472. In one region grows no poisonous herb, nor does a querulous frog ever quack in it; no scorpion exists, nor does the serpent glide amongst the grass, nor can any poisonous animals exist in it, or injure any one. I believe the origin of these stories to be a heathen human sacrifice made in times of famine. To the manufactured mermaids which come from Japan, and which are exhibited at shows, it is not necessary to do more than allude; they testify to the Japanese conception of a sea-creature resembling the Tritons of ancient Greece, the Syrian On and Derceto, the Scandinavian Marmennill, and the Mexican Coxcox. Original Price $116.55 Tzetze and Procopius attempt to localize it, and suppose that the Land of Souls is Britain; but in this they are mistaken; as also are those who think to find Avalon at Glastonbury. This man possessed himself of the palace of the Popes, and obtained the incarceration of Benedict. Charmed with its beauty, he prepared to shoot it, when it exclaimed, Shoot not, or it will cost you your life! As he persisted in taking aim, the swan was suddenly transformed into a lovely girl, who swam towards him, and told him that she was bewitched, but could be freed if he would say an Our Father every Sunday for her during a twelvemonth, and not allude to what he had seen in conversation with his friends. Beneath the tree was a precipice. In the Saga of Half and his knights is an account of a merman who was caught and kept a little while on land. Arnault and Vayssire, travellers in the same country, in 1850, brought the subject before the Academy of Sciences. Let us follow Launcelot who was on a ship. But who would credit it, were it not proved by conclusive facts, that Johnny Sands is the inheritance of the whole Aryan family of nations, and that Peeping Tom of Coventry peeped in India and on the Tartar steppes ages before Lady Godiva was born? iv. In the Portuguese legend, the Island of the Seven Cities is unquestionably the land of departed spirits of the ancient Celtiberians; the properties of the old belief remain: the barge to conduct the spirit to the shore, the gorgeous scenery, and the splendid castle, but the significance of the myth has been lost, and a story of a Spanish colony having taken refuge in the far western sea has been invented, to account for the Don meeting with those of his own race in the phantom isle. But who considers right will find, indeed,Tis Holy Island parts us, not the Tweed.Nothing but clergy could us two seclude,No Scotch was ever like a bishops feud. Fortunatus, we are told, had heard in his travels of how two days journey from the town, Valdric, in Ireland, was a town, Vernic, where was the entrance to the Purgatory; so thither he went with many servants. What right have you to ask that question? demanded Don Fernando fiecely. One surpassed the others in beauty, and she was their mistress. With arching crest and swelling breastOn saild the stately swan,And lightly up the parting tideThe little boat came on.And onward to the shore they drew,And leapt to land the knight,And down the stream the little boatFell soon beyond the sight.. A Wali once smashed a pot full of herbs which a cook had prepared. It will be seen at once how wanting they are in all substantial evidence which could make us regard the story in any other light than myth. Then he found himself unable to cope with his adversary, whose every slain soldier recovered life by means of the sacred vessel. For the Banshee superstition has no corresponding feature in Scandinavian, Teutonic, or Classic mythology, and belongs entirely to the Kelts. It reached to China, where the emperor was all but converted; its missionaries traversed the frozen tundras of Siberia, preaching their maimed Gospel to the wild hordes which haunted those dreary wastes; it faced Buddhism, and wrestled with it for the religious supremacy in Thibet; it established churches in Persia and in Bokhara; it penetrated India; it formed colonies in Ceylon, in Siam, and in Sumatra; so that the Catholicos or Pope of Bagdad exercised sway more extensive than that ever obtained by the successor of St. Peter. I have only space to mention some. Years after, a native of the same island, Gudlief by name, was trading between Iceland and Dublin, when, somewhere about the year 1000, he was caught by a furious gale from the east, and driven further in the western seas than he had ever visited before. It is a very ancient myth Christianized, a wide-spread tradition localized. She was the only daughter of Nothus, an illustrious and wealthy British prince, and was sought in marriage by the son of a certain most ferocious tyrant. Ursula had, however, dedicated herself to celibacy, and her father was in great fear of offending God by consenting to the union, and of exasperating the king by refusing it However, the damsel solved the difficulty: by Divine inspiration, she persuaded her father to agree to the proposal of the tyrant, but only subject to the condition that her father and the king should choose ten virgins of beauty and proper age, and should give them to her, and that she and they should each have a thousand damsels under them, and that on eleven triremes they should be suffered to cruize about for three years in the sanctity of unsullied virginity. When she came to herself again, with streaming tears she kissed and embraced him for the last time. Then he bade him return at once to Iceland, and'warn his kindred not to seek him in his new home. The same story is also told in the Hitopadesa (iv. From my experience of English dissenters, I am satisfied that their religion is, to a greater extent than any one has supposed, a revival of ancient paganism, which has long lain dormant among the English peasantry. A third Egyptian cross is that represented Fig. Some way down the river, they found a boat moored to the bank. George was uninjured by the bath. According to an ancient fable preserved by Berosus, a creature half man and half fish came out of11that part of the Erythraean sea which borders upon Babylonia, where he taught men the arts of life, to construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and, in short, instructed them in all things that tend to soften manners and humanize their lives and he adds that a representation of this animal Oannes was preserved in his day.
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