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Our beachfront island Resort sits on Oahu's wild and rugged western coast, where vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons provide the setting for an unforgettable adventure. After riding 20 minutes to the launch site and receiving a safety briefing/instructions, youll be ready to go. and week day $167. Choose from the hotel or condo options below, and then go get your staycation on! 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Hawaiian Parasail. Once you board the 12-seater, your crew will go through safety guidance with you along with tips for how to have the smoothest takeoff and flight possible. DURATION: 4-10 MINUTES. The ride provided amazing views of Waikiki, fish in the water and a variety of boats across the ocean. var DT_language={"en_US":{}}; from $76.25. Note high water under bridge. If you need to cancel your appointment or reservation with us, we require that you provide us with at least 24 hours notice. A-List Exclusive Insider Discount. However, if you love getting that adrenaline pumpingandwant some of the best views Oahu has to offer, you need to sign yourself up for a parasailing tour. Additional charge for 3rd or 4th adult. City View Doubles. Resort will donate $10 per night in support of a local non-profit organization. Click 'Book Now' below and look for the Kamaaina rate, or call 1-888-236-2427 and request Promo Code Z43. Have you ever imagined viewing Hawaii from the sky? !b}),e.defaultPrevented||(d=e.detail.width)&&d!==a._lazysizesWidth&&c(a,f,e,d))},f=function(){var b,c=a.length;if(c)for(b=0;b */ /* n.latency){if(t)t.entries.push(e),t.latency=Math.max(t.latency,e.duration);else{var r={id:e.interactionId,latency:e.duration,entries:[e]};q[r.id]=r,j.push(r)}j.sort((function(e,n){return n.latency-e.latency})),j.splice(10).forEach((function(e){delete q[e.id]}))}},z=function(e,n){n=n||{},L((function(){var t=[200,500];N();var r,i=s("INP"),o=function(e){e.forEach((function(e){(e.interactionId&&V(e),"first-input"===e.entryType)&&(!j.some((function(n){return n.entries.some((function(n){return e.duration===n.duration&&e.startTime===n.startTime}))}))&&V(e))}));var n,t=(n=Math.min(j.length-1,Math.floor(_()/50)),j[n]);t&&t.latency!==i.value&&(i.value=t.latency,i.entries=t.entries,r())},a=d("event",o,{durationThreshold:n.durationThreshold||40});r=l(e,i,t,n.reportAllChanges),a&&(a.observe({type:"first-input",buffered:!0}),p((function(){o(a.takeRecords()),i.value<0&&_()>0&&(i.value=0,i.entries=[]),r(!0)})),c((function(){j=[],O=H(),i=s("INP"),r=l(e,i,t,n.reportAllChanges)})))}))},G={},J=function(e,n){n=n||{},L((function(){var t,r=[2500,4e3],i=C(),o=s("LCP"),a=function(e){var n=e[e.length-1];if(n){var r=Math.max(n.startTime-f(),0);rperformance.now())return;r.value=Math.max(a-f(),0),r.entries=[o],i(!0),c((function(){r=s("TTFB",0),(i=l(e,r,t,n.reportAllChanges))(!0)}))}}))};return e.getCLS=w,e.getFCP=b,e.getFID=D,e.getINP=z,e.getLCP=J,e.getTTFB=Q,e.onCLS=w,e.onFCP=b,e.onFID=D,e.onINP=z,e.onLCP=J,e.onTTFB=Q,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e}({}); Take Ala Moana Blvd. You will have to arrange for transportation yourself. Weights and flights are subject to weather conditions, and these calls are made by the captain. After your parasailing adventure, you will slowly descend back to the boat's landing platform. ("hidden"==x(a.parentNode,"visibility")&&"hidden"==x(a,"visibility"))},T=function(a,c){var d,f=a,g=S(a);for(F-=c,I+=c,G-=c,H+=c;g&&(f=f.offsetParent)&&f!=b.body&&f!=e;)(g=(x(f,"opacity")||1)>0)&&"visible"!=x(f,"overflow")&&(d=f.getBoundingClientRect(),g=H>d.left&&Gd.top-1&&F500&&e.clientWidth>500?500:370:d.expand,c._defEx=r,s=r*d.expFactor,t=d.hFac,J=null,O2&&o>2&&!b.hidden? This parasailing tour will have you soaring above the waters of Maunalua Bay for views of the Hawaii Kai coastline, Koko Head and the Koolau Mountain Range. Parasail 500 feet (152 meters) above the Oahu coast Get fantastic views of the island's southern shore No experience necessary. 'child or person of the land' [1]) is a word describing Hawaii residents regardless of their racial background, as opposed to kanaka which means a person of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Honolulu, HI 96815, Click here to visit our Google My Business Profile. Take in incredible vistas of the Koolau Mountain Range, Koko Head, Kai coastline and more! bible teaching churches near me. . SeaBreeze Watersports (H2O Hawaii Sports) offers the best parasailing experience in Hawaii. Departure. BOOK YOUR TOUR TODAY. Any questions? document.body.className = c; If you really want to try parasailing but think 500 feet isnt quite high enough for you, we have just the solution. The Kama'aina Annual Pass provides Kama'aina with even more special benefits and discounts! We also offer observer packages for the boat ride only. Limited Time Offer: 15% Off . Providers have over 25 years of water sports experience; Safety briefing and orientation before your ride; Soar up to 700-feet above the water on an 8-10 minute flight Click here to Now Offering Online Gift Cards to Give the Gift of an Experience! Qualified individual must be occupying the room and must present a valid picture ID with proof of Hawaii residency upon check-in or rate subject to change. var c = document.body.className; We offer great hours from 8 Am to 5 Pm for the experience. Senior citizens age 65+ are entitled to 15% off parasail rides for the entire reservation with proof of ID at check-in. Once you get back to shore, youll have the option of purchasing digital photos or GoPro footage of your flight. Take a fantastic flight over the sea to enjoy the beauty of this tropical paradise. Quickly access bookings. gtag('js', new Date()); Both small-group and private options are available. Call reservations at 808-941-7275 if you are in need of assistance. And for a limited time, we're offering special Kamaaina rates. All staff had a great sense of humor and they even put us on an earlier boat when we arrived early. Best . Make your reservation online, of if you would prefer to book your tickets over the phone, call us toll free at 1-866-482-9775 or (808) 892-2082 (local). lazysizes - v5.1.2 */ House of Mana Up Hawaii Features products from local markers and artisans that highlight homegrown ingredients, thriving cultures and woven textiles in the Hawaiian Islands. Life jackets are included with this Waikiki jet ski rental, and you can choose from a single or double ski for speeding through the turquoise waters. Parasailing is one of the most popular watersports in Hawaii. The ride back to Waikiki takes you past Punchbowl (the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific) and the King Kamehameha statue. Our highly experienced and certified guides ensure a safe and exhilarating experience for all participants. After free time for lunch, head to the east side's restroom-equipped beaches. ",e);return}if(O.length>15){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: Maximum prefetches threshold reached. Juveniles of 15 years or under must be accompanied by their parent or guardian to participate in this activity; ",t);return false}let e=t.href;let n=null;try{n=new URL(e)}catch(e){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: "+e,t);return false}let r="."+n.hostname.replace("www.","");if(! Book your Oahu parasailing adventure today. While this may sound short, its actually the perfect amount of time. After your parasailing adventure, you will slowly descend back to the boat's landing platform.
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