702-769-4973. Fill out the short form below to contact us. Information About Agent Orange. You can even get SMC with a 0% rating, depending on your disability. Copyright 2023 Woods and Woods, LLC | PO Box 1287 Evansville, IN 47706. Fill bucket but leave about 2" of space or so for the developing baby mushrooms. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. The blue water navy ship list has been updated with more ships and ways to win service connection. Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association P.O. In total, 19 new ships were added and changes were made to nine existing agent orange ships. Yankee Station was a fixed coordinate off the coast of Vietnam where U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and support ships loitered in open waters. of the Agent Blue component dimethylarsenic acid, which is now known to be a potent carcinogen. USS Castor (AKS-1) [General Stores Ship] docked to pier at Da Nang on October 7, USS Caliente (AO-53) [Fleet Oiler] docked for in-port replenishment at An Thoi and, USS Manatee (AO-58) docked for in-port replenishment at An Thoi and, USS Passumpsic (A0-107) docked in-port at An Thoi on June 28, 1971, USS Grapple (ARS-7) [Salvage Ship] conducted numerous repair and salvaging operations while moored to beach or piers at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, and Tan My during January 1967; November 1970 through April 1971; and August 1972 through January 1973, USS Deliver (ARS-23) docked in Cam Ranh Bay to pick up DeLong floating pier July 26-28, 1973, USS Safeguard (ARS-25) docked at Pier-2 in Cam Ranh Bay on August 14, 1971 (see other category), USS Mataco (ATF-86) [Fleet Ocean Tug] docked to piers at Da Nang during May and August 1968 (see other category), USS Arikara (ATF-98) docked to piers at Da Nang from September to December 1969 (see other category), USS Kula Gulf (CVE-108) [Small Aircraft Carrier: used as helicopter and troop transport] docked at Cam Ranh Bay November 13-16, 1965, USS Braine (DD-630) docked to pier at Da Nang on November 27, 1966, USS Charles S. Sperry (DD-697) docked at Da Nang during January 1966 (see other category), USS Wiltsie (DD-716) docked in Da Nang during January 1973, with evidence of crew members going ashore (see other category), USS Hamner (DD-718) docked to pier with destroyer tender at Da Nang during April 11-12, 1972, USS Epperson (DD-719) docked to Da Nang Pier on October 4, 1970 (see other category), USS James C. Owens (DD-776) docked at Cam Ranh Bay on April 30, 1968, USS Richard B Anderson (DD-786) docked to pier at Da Nang on August 29, 1972 (see other category), USS Dennis J Buckley (DD-808) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor to deliver drone on December 15, 1969 (see other category), USS Rich (DD-820) docked to pier at Da Nang on December 13, 1972, USS Ozbourn (DD-846) docked briefly to piers in Da Nang Harbor on February 21, April 1, and April 11, 1971, USS Leonard F. Mason (DD-852) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 12, 1973, USS Cone (DD-866) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on December 11, 1972, USS Henry W. Tucker (DD-875) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on September 12, 1971 (see other categories), USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887) sent crew ashore for work details and liberty leave while anchored at Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, and Vung Tau during April-May, 1970 (see other category), USS Manley (DD-940) docked periodically at Da Nang and sent crew members ashore for liberty leave and work details between November 1966 and March 1967, USS Bigelow (DD-942) docked to pier at Da Nang on April 19, 1967, USS Edson (DD-946) docked to Da Nang pier and sent small boats ashore while anchored in Da Nang Harbor and off Point Allison during July 1971, USS Morton (DD-948) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 7-10, 1973 (see other category), USS Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7) [Guided Missile Destroyer] docked at Da Nang pier on April 2, 1967 and September 29, 1971 (see other category), USS Buchanan (DDG-14) docked to pier with destroyer tender at Da Nang during April 11-12, 1972, USS Bronstein (DE-1037) [Destroyer Escort] docked to pier at Da Nang on December 11, 1972, USS Lang (DE-1060) docked to pier #4 in Da Nang Harbor for 38 minutes on January 5, 1973, and sent whaleboat to and from shore with briefing personnel on January 8, 1973, USS Ramsey (DEG-2) [Destroyer Escort] docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on November 24th and 30th, 1969, and January 6, 1973, USS Newell (DER-322) [Destroyer Escort Radar] docked at port of Nha Trang during December 22-24, 1965, USS Gridley (DLG-21) [Guided Missile Frigate] Docked to Pier #2 in Da Nang Harbor to unload a damaged helicopter on January 12, 1967, USS Durham (LKA-114) [Amphibious Cargo Ship] docked to piers at Da Nang during March 20-21, July 20-21, August 18-19, and September 7, 1970, USS Mobile (LKA-115) docked to pier at Da Nang on September 20, 1970 and April 16, 1971 (see other category), USS Ogden (LPD-5) [Amphibious Transport Dock] made numerous dockings at Da Nang to transport troops and supplies, with crew members going ashore, from February 1966 to March 1973, USS Duluth (LPD-6) made numerous dockings at Da Nang, as well as transporting troops and supplies to Chu Lai, Vung Tau, and Quang Tri, from May 1967 to August 1972; also participated in evacuation of Saigon during April 1975 by sending rescue boats ashore at Vung Tau, USS Dubuque (LPD-8) docked at Da Nang on March 15, 1970, USS Vancouver (LPD-9) docked to pier at Da Nang on June 19, 1971 (see other category), USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2) [Landing Platform, Helicopter] docked to pier at Da Nang on October 6, 1969 and May 19-20, 1971 (see other category), USS Okinawa (LPH-3) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay to offload aircraft during May 1971, USS Boxer (LPH-4) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 9, 1965, USS New Orleans (LPH-11) docked to pier at Da Nang on March 12, 1970, USS Hermitage (LSD-34) [Landing Ship Dock] docked to Da Nang pier June 2-3, 1967 (see other category), USS Warbler (MSC-206) [Minesweeper-Coastal] docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay July 22-25, 1964 and June 18 and July 6, 1970, USS Widgeon (MSC-208) docked repeatedly to piers at Cam Ranh Bay during July 1964 and June-July 1969, USS Whippoorwill (MSC-207) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay during July 22-25, 1964; March 10, 1969; July 21 and 29, August 13, and September 1, 1970 (see other category), USS Conflict (MSO-426) [Minesweeper-Ocean] docked to piers at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30, October 7, 27, 28, and 31, 1971 (see other category), USS Endurance (MSO-435) docked to piers at Da Nang at various times during March-June, 1969, USS Excel (MSO-439) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay July 31, 1967, USS Firm (MSO-444) docked to pier at Da Nang November 26-30, 1969 and docked to piers at Cam Ranh Bay February-April, 1971, USS Force (MSO-445) while moored with other ships in Vung Tau Harbor, sent crew ashore for liberty leave March 3-7, 1967; and docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay March 13-15, 1972 and Vung Tau April 25-May 3, 1972, USS Fortify (MSO-446) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30 and November 29, 1971, USS Guide (MSO-447) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on September 30, 1971 (see other category), USS Loyalty (MSO-457) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on April 9 and 25, 1971 (see other category), USS Lucid (MSO-458) docked to pier at Da Nang for off-loading and on-loading equipment during May 1967, USS Prime (MSO-466) docked to pier at Da Nang on February 16, 1967, USS Gallant (MSO-489) docked to pier at Da Nang during November 5-6, 1969, USS Leader (MSO-490) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay on November 30, 1968, USS Persistent (MSO-491) docked to piers at Da Nang and Cam Ranh Bay during October-December 1970, USS Pledge (MSO-492) docked to pier at Cam Ranh Bay intermittently during July 1967 and May-June 1971 (see other category), USS Boston (CAG-1) docked in-port at Da Nang Harbor on April 30th and May 17th, 1967, USS Grasp (ARS-24) moored to the shore at Wunder Beach and Chu Lai on multiple occasions to repair seaload fuel lines in July and August 1968, USS Albatross (MSC-289) docked to Junk Training Command Pier, Cam Ranh Bay, on July 22-25, 1964, USS Abnaki (ATF-96) docked to pier in Da Nang on September 16, 1967, USS Advance (MSO-51B) docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor and sent personnel ashore on October 7, 1966. Parks (DD-884) operated on Saigon River and Ganh Rai Bay during February and March 1968, USS John R. Craig (DD-885) operated on inland waterway during July 1965 (see other category), USS Orleck (DD-886) operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1969, USS Brinkley Bass (DD-887) conducted fire support mission on Saigon River during November 11-17, 1968, and in Rung Sat Special Zone during February 9-11, 1970 (see other category), USS Barry (DD-933) operated on Saigon River during December 1965, USS Du Pont (DD-941) operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968, USS Mullinnix (DD-944) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during August 5-6, 1966, USS Morton (DD-948) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Saigon River during April, 1966 and February 1969 (see other category), USS Richard S Edwards (DD-950) operated on Mekong River Delta in Province of Kien Hoa during February 28 and March 1, 1969 (see other category), USS Turner Joy (DD-951) entered Cua Viet River channel on December 24, 1969, USS Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7) [Guided Missile Destroyer] operated on Mekong River Delta during May 1968 (see other category), USS Lynde McCormick (DDG-8) operated on Cua Ham Loung River and Mekong River Delta during April 1966 and Mekong River Delta during March 1969, USS Towers (DDG-9) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone during July 1966, USS Robison (DDG-12) provided naval gunfire support for Operation Jackstay in Rung Sat Special Zone and Saigon River during April 1966, USS Joseph Strauss (DDG-16) operated on Mekong River Delta March 4, 1966 and Ganh Rai Bay during November 7 and December 7, 1968, USS Goldsborough (DDG-20) operated on Cua Dai River December 13, 1968 (see other category), USS Benjamin Stoddert (DDG-22)operated on the Song Lang Nuog River December 24, 1965 and the Cua Viet River April 25, 1972 (see other category), USS Waddell (DDG-24) operated on Saigon River during March 1966 and Cua Viet River during March 1967, USS Duncan (DDR-874) [Radar Picket Destroyer] operated on Saigon River during September and October 1965, USS Falgout (DER-324) [Radar Pickett Ship] operated on Mekong River during June 1965 and entered Qui Nhon Bay as part of operation with PCFs interdicting junk traffic during May 1966, USS Lowe (DE-325) anchored in Saigon Harbor during April 1966, USS Walton (DE-361) travelled up Saigon River and docked in Saigon Harbor during March 1962, USS Alvin C. Cockrell (DE-366) anchored in Saigon Harbor for four days during May 1962, USS McMorris (DE-1036) entered Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965, USS Davidson (DE-1045) operated on Vung Ganh Rai and Rung Sat Special Zone of Mekong River Delta from September 16 to October 5, 1967 (see other category), USS Finch (DER-328) [Destroyer Escort Radar] entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966 and December 1967 (when crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage), USS Kretchmer (DER-329) entered Qui Nhon Bay during September and November 1965, June and August 1966, and April 1967, USS Vance (DER-387) entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 20, 1966, USS Mahan (DLG-11) [Guided Missile Frigate] visited Saigon via Saigon River October, USS Vancouver (LPD-2) [Amphibious Transport Dock] entered Qui Nhon Bay during September 11-12, 1971 (see other category), USS Iwo Jima (LPH-2) [Landing Platform, Helicopter] entered Qui Nhon Bay in July 1965 (see other category), USS Princeton (LPH-5) operated on Ganh Rai Bay during April 1966 (see other category), USS Valley Forge (LPH-8) entered mouth of Hue River during December 1965 (see other category), USS Carter Hall (LSD-3) [Landing Ship Dock] delivered supplies up Saigon River to Nha Be during March-May 1967 and June 1968 (see other category), USS Gunston Hall (LSD-5) operated on Saigon River during April 1965 and March 1968 (see other category), USS Oak Hill (LSD-7) conducted salvage operations for damaged swift boat on Ganh Hao River during July 1967 (see other category), USS Cabildo (LSD-16) delivered equipment to Nha Be via the Long Tau River during June 1968, USS Catamount (LSD-17) travelled up Saigon River to Saigon during November 1962 and operated on Nha Be and Long Tau Rivers during April 1969 (see other category), USS Colonial (LSD-18) travelled up Saigon River to Nha Be during April 1966 and June and September 1969 (see other category), USS Fort Marion (LSD-22) navigated Saigon River to dock in Saigon during February 1966 (see other category), USS Whetstone (LSD-27) anchored as long term boat haven for repairs of smaller vessels on Qui Nhon Bay during June-July 1965 (see other category), USS Thomaston (LSD-28) conducted dredge lift on Saigon River during November 1964, USS Point Defiance (LSD-31) entered Qui Nhon Bay to deliver troops during July 1965; operated on Saigon River during March 1967; and conducted several operations on Saigon River to Saigon Port during October and November 1968 (see other category), USS Alamo (LSD-33) landed Marines while at Qui Nhon Bay during July 1965 and at Rung Sat Special Zone during March-April 1966 (see other category), USS Anchorage (LSD-36) transported troops and supplies into Qui Nhon Bay during June 1970 and January 1972 (see other category), USS Catskill (MCS/MSC-1) [Minesweeper-Coastal] entered Saigon River on March 18, 1970, USS Woodpecker (MSC-209) entered Qui Nhon Bay during May 1965, USS Gannet (MSC-290) operated on rivers of Mekong Delta at Vinh Long and Binh Thuy during May 1967, USS Whippoorwill (MSC-207) [Minesweeper-Ocean] entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during July-August 1968 (see other category), USS Conflict (MSO-426) [Minesweeper-Ocean] operated on Saigon River April 1, 1966 and Song Huong River (Perfume River) May 14, 1966 (see other category), USS Enhance (MSO-437) entered Qui Nhon Bay repeatedly during October through November 1968 and January through February 1969, USS Esteem (MSO-438) crewmembers painted a Vietnamese orphanage while docked at Qui Nhon Bay during December 1967 and again during March 1969, USS Fortify (MSO-446) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964, USS Illusive (MSO-448) conducted training with Vietnamese Navy on Saigon River from January through March 1962, USS Inflict (MSO-456) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964, USS Loyalty (MSO-457) travelled up the Saigon River to Saigon September 19-22, 1964 (see other category), USS Conquest (MSO-488) operated on Saigon River during 1962 and entered Qui Nhon Bay on January 29 and February 7-9, 1969, USS Pledge (MSO-492) entered Qui Nhon Bay on May 8, 15, and 21, 1971 (see other category), USS W. A. Mann (T-AP-112) [Military Transport] entered Qui Nhon Bay August 23, 1965, USS Breckinridge (T-AP-176) entered Qui Nhon Bay September 16-17, 1965, USS Geiger (T-AP-197) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 23-26, 1965, USNS General Hugh J. Gaffey (T-AP-121) entered Qui Nhon Bay November 6-8, 1966, USS Eaton (DD-510) entered the mouth of the Saigon River in the Mekong River Delta on August 23, 1967, USS William C. Lawe (DD-763) Operated on the mouth of the Cua Viet River on December 20, 1972, USS Sample (DE-1048) Travelled on Cua Viet River on April 27, 1972, USS Corry (DD-817) provided Naval gunfire support on the Mekong River on October 27, 1968 (see other category), USS Harwood (DD-861) conducted Naval gunfire missions in the Mekong River Delta from July 19-22, 1968.
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