How Many Kids Does Linkin Park Have? This story and all the bizarre features surrounding it as strange as they are, are actually very much similar to the thousands that have been put together by former cop and forest ranger David Pauladis series of books Missing 411. Shes describing the things youve noticed on the pic!!!! Had someone told them about something worth seeing? But, Who took the photos on later dates? The non-waterproof lycra backpack mysteriously shows up, with completely dry contents. The day before theguided tour, however, they decided to explore the area surrounding the activeBarVolcano towards the Continental Divide. Its part of the relaxed culture. Yo veo en el fondo de la foto 506, adjunto al muslo, la pierna y el pie izquierdo de Kris, una silueta de un hombre joven, con sombrero de copa alta y ala ancha (al estilo de los sheriff norteamericanos), con una manta blanca sobre sus hombros,tronco y brazos y un rifle o escopeta en posicin horizontal sobre sus manos. Yes the dog was owned by Giovanni and Doris, the owners of Il Pianista Restaurant. Your email address will not be published. Thank you, Sue. The bones of Lisannes foot were fractured in an unusual way (from the top down). US Is Europe's No. Thanks un advance, Lyn Carmichael. Yes, this was taken after their photos at the Mirador. I dont see what the writer sees at all. That and the deleted photo make me for first time in my studies of this incident start to suspect foul play, but well never know. I know AMAZING explanition it is sad they are dead but my friend said they might be faking and Lisanne froon and kris kremer ate people to fake their bones but I think my friend is wrong. It is the morning of April 8th. It only makes the image look more detailed, but the detail is artificial and can be very misleading. The grimace on Kris face is because she is in pain. Before that, in image 507 & 508, you can see Kris in a stiff, nervous posture, because the girls saw someone they were afraid of closing in. Shame! And look at it from this point of view. It seems too strange to be an accident. "For now, however, this finally marks the beginning of our grieving process and provides us with a path to closure.". Hard noncontroversial evidence is very limited and what there is is open to interpretation. "This is a nightmare with 1,001 demons," says 40-year-old Oscar, who is from Colombia but was living in Bolivia. , I could be wrong but scanning through the comments didnt see some of these things being discussed, & thought Id put my 2 sense in! Especially the one where Kris is holding a water bottle 30-40ft from the photo-taker. The timing of the photos is incorrect, the resolution of the photos was altered to remove detail (which is why the public only has poor quality photos) and sometimes the photos were different sizes/dimensions. Apparently this villager travelled abroad, adopted extremist Christian views, returned home and started a cult in his own village which resulted in human sacrifices of other locals. The calls bother me though. ALSO, I really want to know where and when Kris quit wearing her backpack! Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). I have seen her stick out her tongue and other photos of her. Local authorities dont often feel a sense of responsibility to victims and their families. Would they really have gone along a dark spooky ravine, which is obviously a dead end, if they were trying to find their way back to Boquete? Be careful. Fortunately, I have that ability. I would like to know the answer to that question also. Government corruption is the core of the problem. I was visiting Panama and Boquette July 2014, thats when I first heard about this case and was following it ever since. The date read April 1, the day of their fateful hike. I did not cover all of the accidents and trials and tribulations along the way leading to their death. You can even see clear rods in the red areas towards the top going straight through. There are . From the summit, they decided to go in a bit deeper, or just took the wrong exit path by mistake. However, if Kremers and Froon had found manmade ramshackle structures during their hike, such as the possible items viewed in this photo, its possible they had unwanted company. She uses Kris phone, instinctively entering her own pin number. Shes just exploring. Hi Marie, Theres no evidence that points to the dog being with them. Perhaps the photos served astrail markersto help the young women find their way around or back to therescuers. Its not a very long trail and I think when they got to the end of the trail they made their really big mistake. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. What if she was trying to get fire with the mirror and the paper? Kremers'slocked phone showed someone entered awrong PINseveral times. Most novices wouldnt know how to properly handle something like this, so it was probably someone experienced with computers. Debbie, I agree. Jane, Recently I have been reading that it is not unusual for people that hike or run in dangerous places and go missing that a shoe with a foot is found. I think the last three photos of Kris show a definite change in mood. Ive removed their comment and blocked them from reposting. People have been there. In all the other pictures she is always got her arms visible, I find this very odd. What people are mistaking as swelling of the right eye/cheek is simply the sunlight highlighting the contours of the right side of her face while the left side is in shadow, probably combined with squinting of the right eye due to the bright light. Haha. There was no signal!! I cant say what it is, but it looks similar to an object, that can be seen in some of the nighttime photos, like in this one here. Its incredibly sad. Cheers, Reg. Which other objects in this photo look unnatural to you? But in numerous case there are adverse priorities that lead to incompetence in disappearance investigations. Im baffled as to why this case hasnt been investigated more, if not for protecting an indigenous tribe. The causes of Kremerss and Froons tragic death have never been determined and the two bodies that were recovered have not even been conclusively found to be either of the girls. If a psychic reading leads to some legitimate form of tangible evidence and made public, then thats excellent, but otherwise I think its mostly a distraction. However, calling emergency services doesnt require unlocking the phone, meaning a third party had to be involved. "Those flash floods made staging scenes or strategically placing items impossible.". You will notice another branch of dead leaf just below it. One showed Kremers with what looked like concern on her face,dated around the time of the emergency calls. Alex Humphrey disappeared . Occums razor. Im not understanding why they bothered to create a cover story. Like she was scouting and turned back to talk to Lisanne, shielding her eyes from the sun to see her. I was clearly kept elsewhere and planted later. Perhaps every murder in the first world is resolved. Thanks for your interest in the case and providing some input. We usually permit our commenters to publish links to external material, and you are welcome to do the same. The simplest explanations are most likely to be the correct explanations. Of course these generalities and cultural traits do not apply to everyone here. Im very impressed. Her stance is weird there is nothing of note she could be looking at and it is difficult to tell what her right arm is doing. How long have Keir Starmer and Sue Gray been secretly cooking up their plot? They had plans to meet men there as their boyfriends.Check men they used to Date or seen. ), which doesnt look natural. If you track the photos she takes her hair down around when she reached the top of the mountain and there are photos taken shortly after this showing her to be fine, in good spirits even. I really hope the girls rest in peace and that nobody goes through this ever. Who knows if the girls really went for a walk that day by themselves? Too many coincidences. Hi Jim, That particular photo was supposed to have been taken at 1.20 pm. He believes he is working for God. Ive found that there are in fact two native type people visible in the night photos. If you can rule out getting lost or falling off the trail in that circle, all my money is on foul 1 Long-Haul Tourism Market. A man and a woman. Im curious. The backpack contained two pairs of sunglasses, $83 in cash, two bras, a water bottle - and importantly, Lisanne's passport. We have no way of knowing if somebody tried to unlock the phone but failed. She has no idea that her parents are about to arrive in Panama. Im sitting here, with tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.The transition from two weeks of lively holiday to stepping into the life of a real Panamanian family is just too much for me I want MOM and dad to hold me tight and tell me that everything will be alright I now feel like a small child of 2 yelling for her mother who is 2 meters away. It seems to be made up of white paint, at least like a tribal looking face of white paint. Shes been beaten into submission. Does anyone know where this photo was taken in relation to their happy photos taken at the top of the Continental divide? Blue, a dog known throughout the community, reportedly followed them along the trail. The smooth rocks would further back that theory up and the blue trash could have just washed up thereperhaps. Highly probable. Stories which hes found in archives going back as early as 1500s until modern day all Facts and all true. Shes clearly holding a bottle of water in her left hand in front of her. Not saying that its impossible, but very VERY difficult to edit photos seamlessly. We have no final police report only a lot of leaked info much second hand and multiple hand. The backpack had no scratches, no marks, the camera and mobile phones inside are as good as new. or Two young women, who dont take any risks, go for a trip in the jungle and get lost in a mysterious way? There appears to be a blue pieces of trash on the ground. I also see something above the brown circle, like a ring of colored balls or ???? The rock isnt about the twig its got chunks of flesh and blood splatter all over it to the right and back of rock. I often keep reading things online hoping that they solved the case, but unfortunately it doesnt look like they really have. My first thought and instincts on the object you believe to be circular on the left is a cow skull and the fact its there is very strange indeed. A piece of evidence that is irrefutable. PANAMA CITY BEACH Local officials agree that traffic is the No. Rainfall probably washed the bag into the water. It looks as if there is a guy standing off the edge in the tunnel. The dog wasnt in any photos, nor were the girls photographed after their disappearance. Thanks for pointing this out. They had planned a trip in the forest the next day, on April 2nd, with a local guide. What is that clear brown glass-looking circle in the upper righthand corner? I think Kris and Lisanne were two smart, savvy, levelheaded young women. He has a weapon like o jr t in his hands. If the dog went with them, its likely that the girls would have taken a photo of the dog, even if the dog was in a photo accidentally. The search efforts moved into the forests where the young women traversed, using on-foot search teams and dog units. But the blue was also something I noticed. The blood on her leg is, again, a shadow. While I do believe eventually, and possibly soon after this, there was foul play, I dont think anything untoward was happening as of this photo. Maybe the girls were not so clever at tech but they did not leave voice or video memos to document their predicament not goodbye messages for family. There are over 30 fingerprints on the blue backpack which belongs to one of the girls, but they dont want to investigate the fingerprints. Wow. This is so surreal. Much information is second hand. And more on this most people in Latin America that permit their dog to walk freely do not keep track of where their dog goes. Is there a head count of how many people have perished using the hiking trail in, say the last 10 years? After this, can ANYONE IN THIS WORLD still doubt that this girl WOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN OR PHONED HER MOTHER FOR TWO WEEKS when she also called the police 100 times? And I think that sunlight she is trying t avoid also is the reason for her facial expression. Someone mentioned a Jaguar? The whole scene is odd why is Lisanne (if it was her) standing miles away? Nothing. Was the dog fed and watered by a family as opposed to being one of the many feral dogs in Latin America? The main areas of tourism in the country focus on business tourism, beaches, health and trade. This option is least likely, because wed obviously see something more tangible in the photos. In a chilling discovery, 90 photos had been snapped on the camera deep in the jungle in the dead of night on April 8 between 1am and 4am - raising questions about who took the pictures. The BLUE object on ground could be a BRA. Just behind her tied hand area. Id love to know if these pics exsist. No chance. They maintained a great deal of secrecy and privacy and never officially published any information. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes.
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