Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: America's Fading Global Influence, #113 | America Faded: Syria, Russia, & The Decline Of The American Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Collapse and the Technosphere with Dmitry Orlov, Best Dmitry Samarov Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Shevelenko Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Sitkovetsky Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmoney Martinez Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmoney, Best Dmytro Balaba Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmytro, Best Doak Walker Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doak, Best Doan Winkel Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doan, Best Dobbin Buck Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobbin, Best Doberman Dan Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doberman, Best Dobie Gillis Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobie. Question: Have you seen any grounds for optimism in the results of the first round of the presidential election in Ukraine? Outside of a niche application of flushing out small game animals, it is a joke weapon that is rarely, if ever, offered for sale in serious hunting shops. Dont know about the rest but about the Russian Army: we dont want any part of them. Dmitry Vladimirovich Orlov ( Russian: ; born 23 July 1991) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League (NHL). Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. Where is Russia`s space plane? There are different accounts on Khrushchevs origins, but accordingly to most biographers Khrushchev was ethnic Russian. But the domestic system is brilliantly designed, not going anywhere. Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. subject, it is a talisman that symbolizes Golgotha, with four crosses Nothing wrong with that. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. are totally fucked! or some other string of obscene expletives, Make snippets of Doberman talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. They will continue to see poison as good food, lethal enemies as trustworthy friends. Lower their expectations. Listen to audio about Dmitry Samarov. This unique phenomenon continues to be a joy to witness. As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops. Folks in the West like that? The Saker: What about the EU and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe? It was then decided that the road map for Ukraines inclusion in NATO should be set aside because the Ukrainians are just too crazy for sedate and sedentary NATO. We are starting to see that these problems are systemic. Let the masses eat cricket flour! More from Dmitry Orlov on The American Collapse https://cluborlov.blogspot.com "In the ongoing US presidential election, an almost-dead candidate and his charming assistant have been voted for by an army of the undead: voters that have mailed in their ballots in spite of being deceased. Perhaps somebody else would like to comment in regards to the deployment of 5G and the latest Trump comments that it should be done ASAP. British referendum voters have certainly tried to prod their government in that direction, and in response their government has been experimenting with various methods of rolling over and playing dead, but a different government might actually try to execute the will of the people. Capitals' Dmitry Orlov: Dishes helper Tuesday. By the time the USSR collapsed, the Ukraine was its most highly developed and possibly its richest part, and some people expected that, having thrown off the Soviet yoke, its future would be too bright to look at without goggles. If the best an Imperial Defender can come up with is a spray of octopus ink saying gee, that author could really do with peer review, thats a pretty weak argument at this stage of the Imperial game (late). The nations of Europe will gradually realize that its relationship with Russia is mostly beneficial while its relationship with the US is mostly harmful, and will make certain adjustments. "In terms of the legal basis for the Russian incursionI wouldn't call it an invasion; invasion is when you move in to stay, invasion leads to occupation. Growing their own food? What binds them together is their commonality of historical experience as part of the Russian Empire, then the USSR, but this historical legacy is being actively erased. Very nice people compared to the Aussie/British riff raff. Just as the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), it had reached its peak of economic and social development just as the USSR was about to collapse, and it has been degenerating and losing population ever since. This is a process that should take place and will be completed. I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. What a brilliant piece of work, an essay, in essence. arctic fox or, if you want to be coy and use a euphemism, you can Why does everything have to come in a neat package strictly in line with your demands? All the other Soviet republics had their own communist party organizations that developed cadres to send to Moscow, while Russia itself lacked such an organization. The Dutch voted against the EU constitution and so did the French. * Neither was it affected by the flagrant violation of OSCE rules when our observers were kicked out and over three million Ukrainians working and living in Russia were deprived of the right to vote. Finally, we need an actuator; instead of turning on a light bulb, all of these elements should be able to push each others' buttons. The entire pelvis also This is a typical kind of meme that gets spread through repetition and is used to explainn a lot of things that actually require other explanations. At this time we are like a frog on a hot rock, jumping everywhere. His excellency said: Of course, it will all be made to look highly democratic for the sake of appearances. Correct, I went to test your statement thinking that my firefox using noscript will have easy job dealing with it. Seventeen years later, Russia/Moscow/the Kremlin/Putin carried out the illegal annexation of Crimea, LOL. SSSR is dead. No arm-twisting, bribery or other persuasion has been able to force a single sale. This country was so different back then, people were so much friendlier, laid back, way more trusting but that was before the dogma of Neoliberalism really kicked in. He seems to assume that Russian Doctrine is that WW3 is to be fought on US soil. Catherine founded the first institution in Russia for educating girls. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . Ukraine was under Polish-Lithuenian Commonwealth till Chmielnicki gifted the eastern part off the Dniepre river , around 1648, to Russia. Hopefully, Putin will be able to find a worthy successor by this time and will be able to convince them that a war will be a suicide to USA/West. That's what they think. I am now a pensioner , with enough Money to be able to live almost anywhere I would choose still I returned to my native Country, with which I dont agree very much but I did it .. because I am a Dane and ..may be naively ..hoped in spite of being a completely insignifficant elderly person to be able to make a small difference.in those years I have left of this Life. Look how recklessly the MIC is acting. In the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that neither EU nor NATO membership is the least bit likely, or necessary: the EU got everything it wanted from the Ukraine by forcing it to sign the Association Agreement while giving nothing of value in return; and Ukrainian territory already serves as a playground for NATO training exercises. Dmitry Orlov: The new pipelines under the Baltic and the Black Sea will be completed, along with the second LNG installation at Sabetta, and Russia will go on supplying natural gas to Europe and Asia. Dmitry Orlov gives his view on the pandemic and ensuing economic collapse. A long process for Ukraine to return to Russia, and under its own steam. And now we are off to the races! Russia is already receiving a lot of displaced Russians, plus tons of Russians in Ukraine who became the source of cheap labor for Russian companies. Their revolutionary zeal was hindered by its utter lack of practical merit. Following his cautionary analysis on the increasing tension between the US/NATO and Russia, Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers.. Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union and immigrated to the United States in the mid 70s, He has spent the past several decades traveling . To understand what seems likely to unfold, have to first delve into the technosphere's ontology: what does its emergent intelligence software it run on? Where rain did fall, in northern Queensland, after seven years of drought, the delight at the rain turned to horror as the rain fell in huge amounts, causing a one in 2000 year flood that drowned 500,000 cattle. Trump and the MAGA hordes, as well as similar xenophobic and nationalist movements throughout the Anglosphere and Europe, are only a precursor to what is coming. I look forward to a spring news letter from Auslander? The Ukraine, its natural gas pipeline system decrepit and beyond repair, will continue to import natural gas from Europe, only now the methane molecules will actually flow to it from the west rather from the east. The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA, https://saker.community/product/sevastopol-the-third-defense-2013-2014-a-premonition-the-move-south/, https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://saker.community/product/never-the-last-one-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooded_crow, http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/60309, https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/, https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-does-your-connection-is-not-secure-mean, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLVIbPtNrVo&t=4s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGh1Su7-ok, http://thesaker.is/why-do-i-live-in-the-usa/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Khrushchev#Early_years, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. Washington Capitals | Dmitry Orlov | Orlov registered an assist, two shots and two hits during Friday's 3-2 loss to the Nashville Predators. Ive followed Orlov and the Saker for a long time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_S._Power. Political machinations and intrigue as we have known them will be going spectacularly bye-bye, and not in the far flung future. Or continue to worship your Pope and believe in idiotic stories like Fatima and see how well that all ends up. 2007-present. Good point about the returning, disillusioned vets. Dmitry is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and . Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). This is a fact. People are infinitely better, friendlier, nicer and better looking than Americans. Which, like every other part of the Wests social fabric, works as long as there is a steady influx of global booty. However, theoretically anything is possible. I am curious if there is a real and tangible desire growing amidst the populations living in these regions to break relations with Kiev, in contrast to the prevailing sense of apathy that Ive read about over the last few years.
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