Before Arthur's illness, Micah rarely tried to annoy Arthur and often tried to be friendly with Arthur, respecting him and likely wishing that they could be friends. Arthur is very friendly with Karen and cares for her, this is shown early in the game when Uncle, Tilly, Karen, Arthur and Mary-Beth head to Valentine and whilst the girls scope the place out for information Karen takes a man to a hotel bedroom to rob him, but he starts to beat her. Micah convinces Dutch that Arthur and John have become disloyal which begins to strain Arthur's, and the gang's, relationship with Dutch. They track down the pair of hunters who had done this and Charles, for the first time, shows his emotions as he shouts at the hunters and bluntly shoots and kills one of them. Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After what Marston's done I dont think I can do neither. She maintained her friendship with John years later. I also feel like whether they realize it or not, the rest of the gang tells Arthur she's no good for him because she's the one thing that could get him to give up the life. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. As times goes on Swanson gets his act together and becomes sober, surprising even Arthur. In regard to Arthur's indefatigable ability to provide the gang with money, food, and supplies, Dutch, while encountered in camp, will call Arthur "the best man among us.". Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. Arthur and Bill were originally on good terms and worked well together, but due to the latter's recklessness and stupidity Arthur would often hold Bill in poor regards. She would sometimes have spontaneous interactions with him, mostly about Dutch, but also about the rest of the gang and her insecurities concerning them. The incident devastated Arthur and he never truly coped with the loss. Arthur must prove whether he really is a redeemed man as he faces a choice between his old life and the new home he has made in 2021. Arthur left a big impact on Sadie and she was grateful for his efforts to help her, as well as the Marston family. Arthur only survives thanks to the intervention of Eagle Flies but with the latter being mortally wounded. Is the horse the only thing hes bringing back? Arthur has a brief yet friendly relationship with Joe, with the two talking about recent events. If you look at Arthurs interaction with people who dont speak English It seems like he has little to no patience with them lmfao. She was found by the Van der Linde gang while being chased by her pickpocketing victims, and was presumably rescued by them before joining the gang. Arthur was one of the first to welcome Sadie into the group and he would try to offer his condolences for what she has been through, with Sadie mostly pushing Arthur away. They also pulled jobs together, such as robbing the bank in Valentine and stealing a wagon full of weapons and explosives from the Lemoyne Raiders at Shady Belle, it was because of this job that the gang knew of Shady Belle and could use it as their next camping spot. She touches her tongue to the fine droplets of wet blood that coat her lips and cheek; it tastes of earth and salt, like the faraway memory of sea spray. But he does wake up. In a random camp encounter Abigail complains that she cannot afford a new set of clothes for Jack, giving Arthur the choice to give her $5, indicating that he is willing to help Abigail and Jack in any way he can. Neither one is doing anything wrong in my opinion. Abigail is one of the gang members that Arthur can play Dominoes with at camp. You were planning to continue your studies once youve arrived, but it seems like youll have learn on the go. This concerns Arthur, and his friend Charles, greatly. When Kieran is brought into camp, Mary Beth starts feeding him and sneaking him in drinks while Kieran's tied to the tree, as the story progresses, Mary . Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. Tilly is also very kind to Arthur, frequently expressing concern for him as his health begins to deteriorate and wishing he'd take better care of himself. 2), Also it's up to you if you want this to be an & fic or a / fic. Here she also admits to Arthur that, aside from her husband, Arthur is the best man she has ever known. Implying that he cares about his well-being and does not want to see him hurt, or even killed. She would call your name, asking what you thought about a specific part. This gains both his and Dutch's admiration and respect, to the point where even Dutch reprimanded Bill for not respecting Sadie. He goes missing for a while when the gang moves to Shady Belle and his body soon turns up at camp on top of his horse with his decapitated head in his hands and his eyes poked out. During certain points in the game, like Karen and Mary-Beth, Arthur can confide in Tilly that he's not always certain of his place in life and questions why he does the things he does. It is hinted by Dutch that Arthur may have had sex with Abigail before her relationship with John, as did the other members of the gang, when he is confronted by John at the bank in Blackwater in 1911. 73 Stories. Arthur retorts that although he and Strauss are not good men, the people who Strauss was loan sharking to were. He was often quick to point out this poor habit and the foolish situations he got himself into, forcing Arthur, at one point, to save him from getting killed by an oncoming train after he gets his foot stuck in the tracks. Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. This took me two months to write LOL But in the end, Im very pleased with how it turned out. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. In return he will give Arthur a set of Spurs as a clothing item. Arthur mentions Isaac when conversing with Rains Fall, telling him that the incident made him realize that he can't expect good things to happen to him with the life he led. He decides to leave the gang and, should Arthur not help the nun in Saint Denis, will meet Swanson at the train station after dropping off Captain Monroe. Whilst at camp, one of the chores has Arthur moving two sacks to Pearson's wagon, and he will occasionally thank Arthur for doing this. When the group went to Valentine, with Arthur and Uncle, she was the only one not to get into any confrontations. However, this might be because of her disappointment in how far Dutch has fallen rather than genuinely preferring Arthur, as anecdotes can be heard that Miss Grimshaw was rather close to Dutch before the events in the game. Arthur retorts that if he only cared about money he would be long gone. Arthur Morgan is the pinnacle of Rockstar's character crafting as he's more realistic than any character who has come before him. Was it for the last time, or was something else bound to happen? Despite their poor relationship, the two work well enough together to get a job done. Arthur loved his son and remembered Isaac fondly as being "such a good kid." Arthur admits that he reciprocates her feelings but declines, stating that they need money, that there's still people in the gang he needs to protect, and that he doesn't want her to get hurt. So, without any further ado, send your head canons, imagines, and fanfic requests my way! His fair skin already had a tinge of gold from the past few days working in the sun. To cope, he goes to live on a Big Valley cattle ranch owned by Jackson and Victoria Linton, two of Mary Linton's descendants. Bill would try and rib Arthur for the shootout that occurred in Valentine that put a temporary halt on his, and Karen's, plan to rob the bank. Thought you might find it useful, hed say, giving you a brand new journal. This shows that Arthur is protective of her. However, Trelawny is very useful and a pleasant person to be around. This shows Arthur trusts Sadie to care for John's family when he is under the impression that John has died or has been captured. After helping Archibald MacGregor destroy a distillery in the Bayou, Dutch asked Arthur if he wanted to race back to camp. Same, the two dances I had were both with Karen. Howdy, my fellow outlaws! But when he looks in his son's eyes, he can only think to himself is, "Am I enough for him?". When he does tell her this she deeply sympathizes with Arthur but she will also try to reassure him, and tell him he still has time to do good. "Well, what do you think I came for, John?" However, Arthur still gets frustrated by John's poor decisions, such as when they, along with Javier, steal horses from the Braithwaites for, what they hoped would be $5,000, only to be told they would get $650. She can also request Arthur to find her some Oregano herbs and in return will leave him some Miracle Tonic beside his tent. He emotionally tells Dutch that he "gave him all he had." Work Search: In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. Arthur goes to check on the cabin only to be surprised and held at gun point, however, Kieran saves his life by shooting the O'Driscoll first. In my head I imagine Mary Beth and Arthur settling down together. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Furthermore, Arthur has an honour system and depending on the honor level, either low or high Honor, which is dictated by the player, Arthur will receive different dialogues from certain characters and will be treated differently by NPCs, too. Arthur and John were, more or less, like brothers as both of them were raised by Dutch and Hosea for 15 years. Furthermore, Arthur reveals that he broke him out of prison because he cared for him, rather than for just Abigail's or Jack's sake. Arthur empathized with her and decided to take her out with him to collect supplies. In one incident Javier calls Charles an arrogant son of a bitch because of his lack of faith in Dutch and further adds that he should "use [his] brain". If Arthur chooses to help Mary, their relationship improves to the point in which she reveals she still has feelings for Arthur. My favorite trio UwU. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. During the failed bank job in Saint Denis Hosea is killed by Agent Milton. Set in Chapter 4: 'Saint Denis' of Red Dead Redemption 2 after the death of Kieran Duffy. At camp Karen may sometimes go up to Arthur to talk to him, particularly when she is drunk. My favorite trio UwUJohn, Diamonds & Rust Part II - Arthur x Reader (NSFW). Summary: Mary Beth want to confess her feelings for you, but she's nervous. During the gang standoff at Beaver Hollow, Javier sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, although he is hesitant and doesn't fully point his gun at the pair; additionally, he is not seen chasing down Arthur and John, hinting at some fondness he still had for Arthur and/or John. Johns last words to Arthur are we're brother's, which Arthur responds by saying I know, I know.. After giving her the pocket mirror Molly will start leaving him a cigar at his tent. As the gang started to fall apart, due to Dutch's growing violence and paranoia, Arthur did all he could for Jack and his family to escape and live a free and safe life. You look so beautiful like that! shed say once she finished doing your hair, adding a small flower as a final touch. They hide in a barn until nightfall, only for them to get caught again by Cornwall's men. Every few months Arthur would visit Eliza and Isaac and stay with them for a few days. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. ", I got to dance with Karen when Dutch randomly put on his record player at Clemens Point , Yes me too! Congratulations, Abigail. Before the train heist Arthur tries to talk to Dutch about letting John and his family leave the gang peacefully. Finally, a comment about her I can relate to. Like Lenny, Tilly expresses concern to Arthur about being in the state of Lemoyne which has a history of slavery and all the racism that comes with it. Dutch, who turned back to get him, tells Arthur that he could not find John and that he is either dead or has been captured, with Arthur being visibly devastated from the news. At one point he makes it clear that he only thinks Arthur is around for money instead of loyalty to the gang, or Dutch. For most of1899, their relationship is strong and healthy, with Arthur having Dutchs full trust and respect and vice versa. Hosea adds on that they were "a curious couple with their unruly child." His willingness to help Rains Fall got to a point where he would try to do so behind Dutch's back, and even if it earned his contempt. However, their last encounter is Arthur delivering his mortally wounded son after he chose to attack Cornwall's oil factory under Dutch's manipulation to compel him to do so. This is where I post my fulfilled tumblr-requests, all centered around our favorite cowpokes. Pearson is usually upbeat and kind to Arthur and he returns the favour. Arthur has a good relationship with Abigail and at some point he thought about marrying her had she not fallen for John and he not fallen for Mary. Whilst at camp he talks to Arthur about robbing a lucrative stagecoach and introduces him to Alden, who can be used throughout the story to find stagecoaches to rob. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. Arthur then dies and, depending on his honor level, it will either be from Micah killing him or peacefully succumbing to his tuberculosis. Likelihood is that it'll all be happy ending stuff because I'm a happy ending sorta gal, not a sad, angsty sorta one. He arrived on the Bluebell Railway on 17th May 1960, after the railway's founder Bernard Holden MBE helped to save the line for preservation. This care for Arthur's well-being is further shown when, after Arthur and the others end up in Guarma and he locates them, Dutch exclaims with great relief that its a "goddamn miracle" that he had survived, and hurrying the others to get him some water immediately. Basically a what-if, what if John never came back after running out on Abigail and Jack? Nonetheless, Arthur still sees Bill as a capable member of the gang and continued to bring him along on heists, such as when Uncle reveals he has a lead on a stagecoach, and the two often work surprisingly well together. If you wanted a season two this is it. She can ask Arthur for a fountain pen and in return will give him a ring. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . I, of course, wanted to make you shred Crazy Train, but decide to spare Arthur and the rest of the camp the mindfuck that would be the conversation explaining metal . She has a fucked up family and no one who cares about her but Arthur so she keeps writing him when she hits a low point. Initially, Arthur viewed Rains Fall as weak because of his pacifism, a stark contrast to Arthur's lifestyle. Vidla ped sebou chlapa, kter mluvil ke konm a respektoval eny, a ukzala na jeho mladho bratra, toho s nevymchanou hubou a vychovnm srovnatelnm s nosorocem, a ekla chci tohohle. This reveals her deep appreciation for what Arthur did. Also yes, I know Arthur wasn't there for the Blackwater job, so bear with me if there are any game lore errors. please <3The title for this fanfic (like almost all my other works) is from a song; this time its Accused of Love by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Summary:While snooping through Arthurs journal, Karen finds a portrait of a woman who draws her attention. Arthur would help Sean when robbing a small cabin and when they set fire to the Gray Family's fields. They ride out together, killing any pursuers, with Arthur having successfully found evidence of Cornwall's intentions. Arthur jokingly tells her that none of them will live to see seven years but that he will find her a new mirror. Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to John, as well as his satchel. "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. Arthur Morgan is a big brother; Van der Linde Daughter; Protective Arthur Morgan; swedish character; tuberculosis; Original Character Death(s) Summary There once was a young girl called Addie Andersson, whose father deeply desired a son.
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