I had a complete hysterectomy 24 years ago but could not tolerate HRT therefore was susceptible to osteoporosis but I had slipped through the net according to my doctor and only got a dexa scan in August 2017. I have been put on prednisone and even though my bones are ok I have been prescribed AA as prednisone destroys bones. Now its probable to be loosing my teeth and I live on social security and am very afraid that my dental health has been irrevocably damaged by this drug. Hi, I am 47 years old and recently found out I have osteopenia every where and osteoprosis in on of my hips. The pain has travelled to her shins since stopping it. Alendronate is the drug we know as Fosamax. These chemicals were developed in the 19th century but were not investigated until the 1960s for bone metabolism. Ive only just started on the AA but since my run in with Metoclopramide Im scared to take any drugs now. I appear to be ding well on them so I am told along with calcium and Vit D supplements. Been given Alendronic acid 10mg tablet which I have to take daily. Extra C/D also. Alendronate is used to treat osteoporosis caused by menopause, steroid use, or gonadal failure. But no issue with my teeth. Never in my life have I read as many horror stories and am dumbfounded that medication like this is still being prescribed. I asked how we would know if it wasnt working, and his reply was that it would be having an effect on my bones after six months and the next scan results would indicate an increased bone density, or not. When I got to see the next doctor in September 2012, I thought I was still telling a Seroxat story. oscar the grouch eyebrows. Land degradation also has serious knock-on effects for humans, such as malnutrition, disease, forced migration, cultural damage, and even war. Hopefully it will have gone by tomorrow and I am not taking anymore,will only take the prescribed vitamin D and calcium daily tablet. I have been taking them for about 5 weeks. jaw ? This is a vile drug dangerous and should be pulled from market to protect any future victims. Below is everything you need to know about alendronic acid, commonly prescribed by doctors to treat bone conditions. Tablets the gift that keeps giving, I have just had a DXA scan (following a wrist fracture) and it came back I have really bad osteoporosis. The medicine your doctor has advised you to take, alendronic acid, is one of the bisphosphonates and is given to strengthen fragile bones. Bisphosponates are prescribed to help your bones stay as strong as possible. I have v v mild connective tissue disorder (not rare) also. I am 62, healthy and active. I have taken 2 in total. Store below 25C. Alendronic acid belongs to a group of non-hormonal medicines known as bisphosphonates, which prevent bone loss from the body. Next morning extreme pain in my back and kidney area. I also have severe oseaoarthritis in my hip and other joints are affected. I am so worried about taking the meds but also worried about not taking them? If you suddenly stop taking the drug, you might experience severe side effects, putting you at high risk of more bone fractures. My lower teeth started getting loose and getting cavities to the point where , in 2011 I had to have the last remaining 6 lower teeth pulled and dentures made. Hi Ive had AA and it made me feel terrible! Hi I have been on alendronic acid for 7 months I was worried about side effects but have been ok but have noticed a weakness in muscles and am really stiff in mornings and if I sit down even for a short while. This condition is common in women after the menopause. Also taking into account that I have & still do.Lead a very active & healthy lifestyle! Its essential to take your dose while your body is upright. Dentist now tells me my teeth are not strong enough to hold a bridge again. I just took my 8th dose of alendronate sodium 70 mg. reduce the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis. Avoid taking it if you have esophageal or throat conditions. In fact we were three quarters of the way through our time together before I happened to mention I took alendronic acid. It usually takes 6-12 months of taking alendronic acid to support your bones. I had had a two year bone scan and been told that my bone density had increased, so as far as I was concerned, the drug was working and all was well in that particular area. She has had none of the horrible side effects mentioned in these posts so it must work for some people. I do have quite a high reading of osteoporosos but I feel I need to know what it really does to the body. Their non-medical use was to soften water in irrigation systems used in orange groves. I have an appointment at The Royal Dental Practice, Cromwell Road, Dorchster to have two back teeth removed. re the first strange vivid dreams has been my nearest experience. The next day I felt very ill. I had a scan 6 months ago and have osteoporosis. the shaking could be from one of the new meds, but it started slightly in the summer. treat cancer that has spread to the bone ( secondary bone cancer or bone metastases). But first, you should learn more about osteoporosis. So I have decided that it must be the alendronic acid and I have stopped taking them its making my life unbearable. You must take your dose on the same day each week. So, I took it with 12 ounces of water. Just had to reply to your post! You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. Abstract. I was told that it was very uncommon what happened to me, and it was my choice to take it again next week or not. She doesnt have osteoporosis but they just put her on these. That I wasnt living in my old house I went to bed around 10pm. It should be taken as soon as you get out of bed in the morning and at least 30 minutes before any food, beverage, or other medicines. I was prescribed Alendronic Acid 70 mg by my GP a couple of months go due to fracturing my humorous after I tripped me fell. I suggested, because of the Seroxat link, that I might be sent to a Seroxat specialist. She was told her bones were fine but should continue on Alendronic Acid. Did your painn go away after it left your system. I am not in your age group Jane bit I can appreciate Yor feeling left out. My idea of a short walk had always been an hour and a half in the woods with my dog my favourite footwear was my walking boots. Their mode of action is to disrupt normal bone remodeling, which is ultimately detrimental to bone integrity and fracture resistance. The food and drug agency should be aware of this severe health risk and compensation for reconstruction of dental work and monies for pain and suffering should be compensated. Hi Judith My 76yr old mom has taken 7 AA tablets and it has cause her hip, leg and groin pain that has become quite severe. No tablet is worth taking if no quality of life. Taking Prednisone now reduced to 15mg per day and apparently it has accelerated progress of cataracts! I take Alendronic tablets as I had breast cancer and take the tablets for continuing bone health. Ive not taken many of the Adcal, and havent yet taken any Alendronic Acid, and to be honest Im now thinking about not talking it at all, as the possible side effects are really worrying me. I better print your reviews kind people & put them before my GP & the Liver Consultant who suggested bisphosphonates in the first place!! I was put on alendronic acid weekly and vitamin d and calcium twice a day . I am 62. When I initially had a bone scan they said Id have another one after three years, Ive never had another one. I had another dexa test in 2018. I went back to my GP to inform him that I couldnt take them and he readily gave me another prescription for Risedronate 35mg one a week which I am now frightened to take because the possible side effects listed are exactly the same as the AA. I would like to take an alternative to alendronic acid wuth some exercises for the spine. So after a bit of Internet research and finding this site, I will no longer be taking either drug. Menopause in women or low testosterone levels in men, Poor nutrition such as low-intake of calcium and vitamin D, Crohns disease, celiac disease, and other inflammatory bowel conditions that affect your body in absorbing nutrients, Calcium supplements, magnesium, iron, and zinc multivitamins, Cancer medicines such as bevacizumab or thalidomide and if youre undergoing chemotherapy. I also have had a bone scan pre drugs so it would be interesting to find out when I can have another scan to see whether there is an improvement or at least no further loss apart from normal degeneration of bone. Took 1 pill of AA. Hello very interested in everyones comments, I was put on alendronic acid tablets two years ago since I had osteoporosis in the hips. Fast forward to 2019 stared getting pains from my knees traveled throughout my body into my head thought im going to die. MY blood pressure became high and I was sent for a ECG on the 29th of November which showed I have at somepoint had a mild heart attack which I was unawear of and have now in December been put on Ramipril 2.7mg and Simvastatin 40mg. Hi You should be able to have a dexa scan every 5 years. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press.. Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic on Incontinence; NEW - The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press NEW - The Essential Diabetes Book; NEW - Ending the Opioid Crisis - Mayo Clinic Press NEW - Ending the Opioid Crisis The dentist recommend my mom to have all teeth in the lower jaw removed (some are already loose) and get denture. I was going through a traumatic time at age 45 yrs and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the menopause and depression all at the same time. HI all I fractured my wrist in October had a dxa scan and was told I had osteoporosis. Then seen a doctor over the pains in my head he asked how long Id been taking alendronic when I told him how long Id on them, he was horrified and reported straight away.They discovered I had broken Vertebrae leaning on my spinal cord.Alendronic should be band. This full head pain is extremely bad. Feel quite worried reading all these comments but thoughts Id just let people know that my 90 year old mother has been taking AA plus Adcal for about 8 years after two falls in which her wrists were broken ( falls due to hypotension caused by drug she was currently taking. I feel much better and fitter than before. Its been a nightmare for four weeks weeks. H411 (50%): Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects [Hazardous to the aquatic environment . This medicine is available as a generic drug in oral pill or solution form and under brand names like Fosamax (oral tablet) and Binosto (oral effervescent medication). 2 years. The hospital talking about infusions once a year but still waiting for a appointment. My life coaching business came to nothing I am unable to work. 2 years after that I had a dexa test. Ive been prescribed alendronic acid now as although doing very well year later, my new doctor is concerned about my bone and muscle condition. I slept restless, my shoulders began to hurt. I also read from what seems like reliable sources that oesophageal cancer rates go up by 40% and also causes atrial fibrillation in significant numbers . In the morning (Wednesday) I was not able to zip my jeans, brush my hair or other daily activities. It's harmful if you suddenly stop taking it without a proper assessment from your healthcare provider. Wait for at least 30 minutes after taking the drug. It belongs to a group of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are the most commonly used treatment for people with osteoporosis. I was running 2 or 3 times, each week, circuit, bodypump, combat, body pump etc, about 14 hours of workout every week. I am aldo taking Calcio with vitamin-D As the Corona virus is ongoing we cannot go back to the GP yet, but she is convinced all the aches started after coming off of it!! The side effects are bone pain, joint pain and bruising, numbness in the face and lips. I still do not feel right and have added pain, although a bit better than it was. blurred vision, painful or red eyes - these can be signs of swelling of the eye. Everything was find. However, your doctor will mostly recommend you at least take the drug for three years to benefit from it for a long time. Take one tablet of alendronic acid 70 mg weekly if youre prescribed brands like Fosamax and Fosavance. I left the surgery with a diagnosis of being on the edge of a clinical depression and a prescription for Seroxat. For alendronic acid Common or very common Gastrointestinal disorders; joint swelling; vertigo Uncommon Haemorrhage Rare or very rare Femoral stress fracture; oropharyngeal ulceration; photosensitivity reaction; severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) Side-effects, further information Delighted to report Tum is behaving much better since giving up just hoping the other side effects ( Jaw and Teeth) dont show up unexpected! Anything more and pressure builds in my head, I feel lightheaded, my ears ring and my muscles jerk happily away by themselves. However Im convinced that its the AA tablet and am very scared to take another! I had been suffering with a terrible burning tongue for eight months and I also had aching legs, this burning tongue I put down to the gallstones I have got. I urge you to Look into his work for yourselves. I was in a bad way. I had to stop immediately and was plunged in to full blown menopause, which has been hell ever since. Clinical trial results suggest an increased risk of atrial fibrillation for zoledronic acid (Aclasta ), pamidronic acid, and possibly for alendronic acid, although the balance-risk remains. Ohh my Goodness thank you so much for your post. I am now using a Naturopathic Bone Protocol supplentation for building bones. Six hours later, left jaw joint tightness, nerves in teeth/jaw became sensitive (lasted a day), runny stools, dry mouth, calf cramps (at night). How to take alendronic acid Alendronic acid is a drug used for the treatment of osteoporosis. Sight has deteriorated (but attend Moorfields for regular check ups. I was prescribed alendronic acid 1x weekly. Alendronic acid has been studied in a small number of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta under 18 years of age. There are 8,218 reported reactions, bear in mind many dont report the side effects to the Yellow Card Scheme. Took dose 7, and on and off right hip aches, but now radiating to thigh. Where do you live Jane hope you dont mind me asking. . Thank all of you for your posts. Bottom Line. Im 62, and fit until I came tumbling of my bicycle 2years ago and damaged my lumbar spine and muscles. Alendronic Acid Has Destroyed My Life (Everything About Alendronic Acid & When To Stop Taking It) by Reana Jean Cuevas You can only stop taking alendronic acid when your doctor says so. I had settled on a very low dose of Seroxat, enough to keep withdrawal at bay but not enough to have a therapeutic effect, because I didnt need one. Thus, it helps increase bone density, reduce the risk of bone fractures, and treat osteoporosis. Do not take this drug if you have mild to severe kidney problems. Then one day my body turned to chaos. She decided to come off the Alendronic AcidShe really has gone downhill. It is commonly prescribed to treat patients with bone issues like osteoporosis and Pagets disease. car underglow laws australia nsw. My Mum had taken Alendronic for 10yrs after breaking her hip. Hi, Ive just been reading through some of the comments as I too have concerns over Alendronic acid tablets. It got better in the day, but flared up at night for a few nights, then resolved. But it probably has. 65 fatalities, 1,292 musculoskeletal disorders, 651 poisonings, 2,537 gastrointestinal disorders. Despite the doctor's assurances that it wasn't addictive, I became addicted. Had another car ride, but then it flared up again, sometimes I limped all morning. I am diary intolerant. Its bad enough living with PBC and all that entails for the rest of my life, but to go through what all of you good people have gone through NO WAY DANNO! I decided to stop for a few months following my retirement as I was going travelling for 3 months. After reading all the reports of strange muscle and joint pain caused by this medication, Im guessing that is the culprit. Alendronic acid may put your pregnancy at risk. I have an annual blood test at hospital for gluten. I took the tab yesterday &.the strange & heavy uneven rhythm actually woke me up last night. I do wonder if all of this is as a result of being on Seroxat for so long. It has further become clear that my symptoms were not and are not brought on by activity per se, but by an increase and deepening in my breathing, as if the extra air I take in is poisoning me in some way. From day one my tummy was not happy & after 8 weeks I suddenly became severely constipated (Literally overnight !!!) I drank 2 cups of coffee. Im very concerned and unsure what to do? Im now in my 70s and am doing my best to stay out of a wheelchair. Having read all the above I am going to see my doctor again about this drug. I had also gone hypothyroid. Energice is a vitamin infused Premium Isotonic ice bar scientifically formulated with Electrolytes, B Vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12) and Potassium. If you missed a dose, take it the following morning and continue taking your next doses on your usual schedule. It hurts to walk on my feet. My mom who is 76 has taken 7 tablets, she stopped due to pain in her hips legs and groin. Had this procedure yesterday 30th Jan 2021 (My Birthday ) Found absolutely nothing clean bill of health with my colon Such a relief Guess I will never know for sure if the medication was responsible but I am convinced that it was & will never ever take AA + ADCAL3D again. Results are insufficient to support the use of alendronic acid in paediatric patients with osteogenesis imperfect. Ive been reading all the posts on this forum THINK I might stop altogether does anyone else get these symptoms. How Alendronic Acid works Alendronic Acid is a bisphosphonate. I wont be taking it as I feel I may be able to find a natural alternative. There are dentists and oral surgeons in the US who will not treat people if they are on this drug. I took my first Alendronic acid tablet last Sunday. Alendronic acid is generally safe for long-term use and stays in your body. Common Fosamax Side Effects However now it is back with a vengeance! My legs and bottoms of feet, are so painful. You can, however, lie down after youve eaten your first meal of the day. Hello Claire, I am 60 years old and very modern and active with and without my grandchildren. You can only take it with plain water, not mineral water. September 2020 Diagnosed with PMR & prescribed Prednisolone + ADCAL3D +Alendronic Acid. Also, have you researched iodine? Your doctor may recommend you go for a regular bone density test using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a special CT scan to diagnose. All Rights Reserved. Shingles 6 months ago and Dr. says this is result of shingles. I attributed this to having a 12 hour car ride and driving 6 out of 12 hours. Can you keep us posted on whether it goes down again, and if it does whether you or anyone can work out what it is about the drug is causing this to happen and what your doctor suggests when you get to talk to him. I was prescribed Alendronic acid because I had been diagnosed with osteopenia back in 2004. By this time my body was still, so I went home feeling scared and utterly distraught. Ive not been offered another dexascan in four years but if this swelling goes down my GP can decide what he wants to do about treatment, if any. I think its great that we can come in here and discuss how we are feeling. Are there any better options to AA which people have found?? Hi, Ive just discovered this site. I was able to see a neurologist fairly quickly, and he concurred with my thoughts that it was probably Seroxat clashing with the anti-sickness tablets (metaclopromide) I had taken in September, and therefore a one-off event. Alendronate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. I stopped taking these tablets after 3 weeks due to pain in my legs and still have it sfter 3 weeks and hoping it will come out of my body soon. Same here. Dosage instructions, including remaining upright for at least 30 minutes and taking with a full glass of water, must be strictly followed. When my doctor told me emphatically that I couldnt build my bones with diet and exercise alone, I reluctantly said ok, but I want to take strontium. Took AA on Sunday and the next night I was in so much pain, I couldnt move. Some years later she was in terrible pain and her doctor wouldnt believe me when i said that i thought her hips were dying. So, what happens now, does my Osteoporosis get progressively worse over time? Like any other drug, alendronic acid comes with mild side effects, which affect 1 in 100 people. I am not hoi going to take anymore Alendronic acid tablets. muscles ache, no energy, depression. Until recently I only took my Thyroid med. Its harmful if you suddenly stop taking it without a proper assessment from your healthcare provider. I was prescribed alendronic acid as my DEXA scan showed mildish osteoporosis when I started arimidex. Hi. I can't even eat an orange on an empty stomach as it hurts so much. Alendronic acid is used to treat a condition called osteoporosis (brittle bones). I could hardly walk with pain all over my body, felt sick, couldnt eat. For all patients: Dental practitioners should ask about current or past use of I was on it for 9+ years and it caused fractures in my sacrum and pelvis. For a once health, fit woman shes a frail person now who cant walk and has bladder/stomach problems. There is a Group related to these awful side effects on Facebook called Reglan Support Group (Primperan/Metoclopramide Read the devastating effects this drug has had on people taking it. 2019 I went to the Dentist with a broken tooth, she told me after an Xray that she could only pull the tooth out as my jaw was crumbling and she could only offer me dentures from now on. Maybe tomorrow I will get better direction from the physician. So I left the surgery with a prescription for alendronic acid and a promise I would have a scan after two years, not the usual three. Thank you. Reading these reports,i am now 63 & After taking AA 70mg per wkfor 2months,& all the awful side effects mentioned here,consultant wants to try zoledronate yearly infusion. The wierd thing is that none of my upper teeth seem to have been affected by it. Think Im off to GP to hear her thoughts!!! Bisphosphonates like alendronic acid and risedronic acid have been the subject of research on their effectiveness in treating osteoporosis. where do I go from here, the last thing I want is dentures !! When i DID start researching, after being on these meds for about a year I decided the risk just wasnt worth the POSSIBLE gain and stopped taking it. Hi. alendronic acid has destroyed my life Singing, to my deep distress, is now out of the question, along with all the other active things I loved to do. I suffer with Reaumatoid Athritis, so put the pain down to this, plus the osteoporosis. Do not just stop taking alendronic acid without your doctors approval. It might surprise some readers to learn that bone is. Now my story is about alendronic acid and the slow but sure decline of my health and fitness. I was prescribed AA 70mg one per week and took the first dose on Saturday which gave me such severe joint and muscle pain all over my body within 24-36 hours that I was barely able to walk or stand. Bisphosphonates are widely used. I am otherwise healthy and have never taken any meds in my life. I think she must have dislodged it, I also have something called GCA which can affect your jaw so I cant say which or if either has caused the problem. I have recently been prescribed AA and, after researching this drug for its possible side effects and reading your stories, I really do not want to take it! I called my doctor and spoke with the nurse. I would demand one straight away. I guess my mouth has changed after a long time and it has not fitted properly for a while.
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