He had his favourite bed spaces to sleep in, and he seemed to be the fourth musketeer in a select group of Chick, Frank, Jordy, and of course Paddy. Squadrons of the 16th/5th also served with the United Nations peacekeeping missions in Cyprus (1973) and Beirut (1984). He was found to have a large amount of money on him, and he was taken to the police station in the Crescent for interrogation, which was our base for most of the time. I went to one I and decided it was not my scene drinking the tea from a saucer, drinking Coca-Cola, and eating a type of privet leaf and beetle nut, and was the first and last time. On its re-formation in 1858, it was ranked 18th, instead of 5th, in the cavalry order of precedence. Below are just some of our members who have served at 16/5 Queens Royal Lancers. Following a short civil war, Aden and the rest of the FSAbecame part of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen. The regiments final major engagement as an independent unit was the Gulf War (1990-91), where it served as a reconnaissance unit with 4th Armoured Division. Yes, starched stiff as a board, and we all had a Dhobi mark. General Service Medal1962- clasp: Borneo numbers: 14 The Regiment landed in Naples in January 1944, at the outset of a sixteen gruelling months campaign in Italy. The regiment initially provided motorised machine-gun troops to defend Britain against possible German invasion in the autumn of 1940. [3], The regiment deployed squadrons to Aden and to Hong Kong in November 1963 and then re-roled as a tank regiment at Aliwal Barracks in Tidworth Camp in December 1964. We would pick up just about any ammo that you could name for distribution to various other units i.e. This explains the new regiments title being the 16th/5th rather than the 5th/16th Lancers. Second was the biggy "PADDY". The mutineers killed 22 British soldiers and shot down a helicopter (The pilot had to abandon take off from a ledge near Crater, Aden after being hit in the knee by a bullet. The grenade killed the High Commissioner's adviser and a woman, and injured fifty other people. 1960-1963: Omagh, Northern Ireland (Recce Regiment for 3 Div) *Squadron in Aden in Armoured Car role. 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers B and C squadrons, Falaise camp until December 1964 then to Aliwal barracks, Tidworth. Also that music never seemed to end, and the face of President Nassa popped up all the time. The Aden Emergency, also known as the Radfan Uprising (Arabic: 14 , romanized:Thawra 14 Uktbir, lit. It served in many British Army campaigns around the world until 1922, when it was merged into the 16th/5th Lancers. "First time @NAM_London today. To ensure your tomatoes stay healthy and productive, its important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of these issues and take steps to prevent them from occurring. As a result the Israeli Army invaded and drove the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) out of the capital Beirut. Welcome to Forces Reunited the place where you can find information and friends from 16/5 Queens Royal Lancers. A Sqn Hong Kong: Sek Kong Camp, New Territories. Share. These were called in by the army for attacks on rebel positions in which they would use 60-pound high explosive rockets and their 30 mm ADEN cannon. It served in several British Army campaigns until 1993, when it was merged into The Queens Royal Lancers. The Emergency was precipitated in large part by a wave of Arab nationalism spreading to the Arabian Peninsula and stemming largely from the socialist and pan-Arabist doctrines of Egyptian leader Gamel Abdel Nasser. [citation needed]. I was posted to Aden from Aldershot in Feb 1964 after basic training as a driver in the RASC, at Yeovil, & Aldershot. [3] It joined 11th Infantry Brigade and moved to Lumsden Barracks at Bad Fallingbostel in January 1968. From 1964, this "informational programme" follows the British Army in Aden (Yemen) during the state of emergency in 1964. '14th October Revolution'), was an armed rebellion by NLF and FLOSY during the Cold War against the Federation of South Arabia, a protectorate of the United Kingdom, which now forms part of Yemen. It was with these tanks that the Regiment fought in the battles of Kasserine, Fondouk, Bordj, Djebel, Kournine and the final battle for Tunis. British troops and their families, members of the local security forces and supporters of the government were all attacked. yard flamingos for birthday. But when they withdrew, trouble flared up again, with the rebels receiving NLF support. On their return, the 16th/5th were brigaded with the 17th/21st Lancers and 2nd Lothian and Border Horse. Register with your email address now, we can then send you an alert as soon as we add a record close matching the one you were searching for. Even the BBC camera team went up in one of our convoys. "First time @NAM_London today. I remember those days and my mates like yesterday, it's just the Arab/English spelling that's a bit off,, Sorry! [3] From there it deployed units to Cyprus. For all old mates and guests, who served in the regiment. Their cell was a concrete cube, no water, no TV, no toilet, and was washed out every morning by an Arab policeman with a fire hose. It deployed to Tunisia in November 1942, where it was re-equipped with Sherman tanks the following year. Then, in 1948,it was posted to Egypt for five years. One of the most common causes of toma, Honour Nursing Professionals and Support American Farming Heritage with The Nightingale Project & True North 2022, The Nightingale Project and True North 2022: Celebrating Nurses and Preserving American Farming Heritage Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. At one point I was casavaced to Muckerious from Khormaksar in a Dakota for a week in Mukarious of peace and quiet to get myself better. From 1953 and for much of the next thirty five years, the Regiment was in the forefront of the Cold War, serving as part of the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) in a variety of roles; at times patrolling the East-West German border, and always carrying out a vigorous training programme as an important part of the NATO deterrent against the communist Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union. It was formed to provide an air defense capability for Carrier AntiSubmarine Air Groups. The British withdrawal from southern Arabiacompleted its retreat from Empire, which had started 20 years earlier with the independence of India and Pakistan. 16 June 54: Renamed 16/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers.. Apr 56: Joined 4 Guards Brigade Group 4 Guards Brigade Group 1957.02 England: Waithwith Camp, Catterick Tank Training Regt 1959.04 Germany: Imphal Barracks 428 talking about this. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Regiments and Corps. In September 1962, the Regiment sailed from Southampton for Aden, equipped as an armoured car regiment and engaged in security duties in the Aden Protectorate and the Trucial Oman States for a year. [3] It joined 12th Infantry Brigade and moved to Imphal Barracks in Osnabrck in April 1959. These were like space vehicles compared with the Bedford's we had at the time, as they were amphibious, fast over very rough terrain, armour plated, and well suited to fast convoy work on dirt rock-strewn roads. Royal Anglians, 2 Para, 45 Marine Commando, KOSBs, Koyll, and 16/5 Lancers. On the beach, Aden, Yemen, 1960s More images from Aden and RAF Khormaksar at The Flickr RAF Khormaksar Group I've been unable to identify some (or all) of the people in this shot. 3. In 1971 at the height of the troubles in Northern Ireland, the 16th/5th took over the role of resident armoured car regiment from the 17th/21st. On 2nd May 1945, the German army in Italy surrendered, followed days later by the unconditional surrender of all enemy forces. HMS Kildarton Minesweeper, berthed at Sheba Jetty and was used for minesweeping the Aden port entrance. [1] It moved to the United Kingdom in 1926 but returned to India in 1936 and was based there when the Second World War started. RM2BWBKY6 - Polo at Ranelagh - the Royal Horse Artillery team versus the 16/5 Lancers . It was in this guise that they occupied Nicosia airport after which a tense stand off with the heavily armed Turks ensued. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Lineage 16th The Queen's Lancers 1715 - 1922 5th Royal Irish Lancers 1689 - 1922 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own) 1715 - 1922 21st Lancers (Empress of India's) 1858 - 1922 Uniforms 1964-08-94 No 1 dress trousers, 17/21st Lancers, nd; master pattern, 5 Mar 1964; bandsman only. The 16th/5th received Sherman tanks for the Battle of Fondouk in North Africa and the Italian campaign. The British, French and Israeli forces that had invaded Egypt following Nasser's nationalisation of the Suez Canal in 1956 had been forced to withdraw following intervention from both the United States and the Soviet Union. [3] It became resident battalion at Lisanelly Camp in Omagh in November 1971 at the height of the Troubles and then returned to Aliwal Barracks in Tidworth in May 1973. On the whole it was very close and dotted with vineyards and olive groves, complemented by formidable mountain ranges. Soon we were given a 3-ton RL Bedford or Land Rover, or for the less fortunate among us an old K9 Austin water bowser, and our most frequent points of call would be X group for ammo. To commemorate this special occasion, KarenO, a registered nurse with 35 years of experience, has started The Nightingale Project. [2] The regiment returned to the United Kingdom in 1940, becoming part of 26th Armoured Brigade in the 6th Armoured Division. The 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. Written and produced by Harold E. Kern. Aden was the British Armys last colonial counter-insurgency campaign and one of its least successful. NLF and FLOSY fighters then took to the streets and engaged in gun battles, while arson, looting, and murder was also common. In August 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait. Perhaps it was the Dorset drawl that upset them. During this time married families living in flats along the Maallah straight were asked to have night snipers in, and they would take a position on the balcony and wait for target vehicles to run the gauntlet. He just listened and never passed judgement. On 28th February a ceasefire was declared. There's quite a bit of body to the water today. The preservation of British Military History Aden 1964-1967 "The Barren Rocks of Aden" Campaign contents RASC in Aden and the Radfan By Richard Bullock - GSM. Found this link while looking for pictures of vehicles in Aden. The 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. The Squadrons alternated on a three monthly basis between Aden and Bahrain. Aden Emergency. E-Commerce Site for Mobius GPO Members The Regiment were then ordered to a position some forty miles northwest of Kuwait City. Initially designated the 1st Motor Machine Gun Brigade employed in anti-invasion duties in Kent and Essex, in November 1940 it was re-designated 26th Armoured Brigade, part of 6th Armoured Division. This deployment was at a particularly sensitive time as the nationalist party in Egypt was gaining influence. To find out more about how we collect, store and use your personal information, read our Privacy Policy. A message and chat forum for the Queens Royal Lancers, The 16/5thL, The 17/21stL attachments and families. This cavalry regiment had an interrupted history. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible". Very soon a desolate dark brown rock-strewn plateau was to be a sort of city of canvas homes. Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. In 1954, it was renamed the 16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers, taking The Queens from the 16th Lancers and Royal from the 5th Lancers. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible". [3], In 1993, as part of the reduction in forces after the end of the Cold War, it amalgamated with the 17th/21st Lancers to form the Queen's Royal Lancers.[1]. Our Land Rovers were a bit special as well. Eight soldiers of the Royal Corps of Transport were killed when mutineers fired on their lorry. Golden. The rise of Arab nationalism through the 1950s and into the 1960s saw a number of divergent guerrilla groups begin to coalesce around issues of national determination, inspired by the doctrine of Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. [2] As part of this formation, the regiment fought at the Battle of Kasserine Pass in February 1943 and the Siege of Tunis in May 1943, before landing in Naples in January 1944 and taking part in the Battle of Monte Cassino in May 1944. Capt Mick Holtby AMA (Curator): Later the 16th/5th became part of NATO's front-line force in West Germany. I remember a small, raised garden bed with a wall round it between the cells where we would sit and eat our food whilst Arab prisoners watched us half starved, as the only food most got was rubbish, leftovers and the like. Share Topics Replies Views Last post Looking for David Williams who served with the 16th 5th QRL in 1990 by smallsoldier02 1 Replies 184 Views Last post by miske748 Jun 30, 2022 CVR (t) Scorpion that served with the 16/5th by bfgmovies 0 Replies One was a cage with a small monkey called Tina in it, and I think at one time there was another one, but the other name escapes me. There must have been 20 of us in this dorm style accommodation, and what was in our lockers you might ask? Aden, situated on the south coast of what is now Yemen, had been a British colony since 1839. Federation Regular Army soldiers escorting prisoners, 1966, Disembarking from a Bristol Belvederein Radfan, 1964, British soldiers patrol the streets of Aden, 1966. Damn place turned out to be more dangerous than the Dhala Road, Crater City, or a sheik Otheman brothel on a Friday night, all rolled into one. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. We are the largest and fastest growing community of UK forces veterans on the web with over 500,000 members! In 1964 the British 24th Infantry Brigade arrived to conduct land operations. It was a very bad place to end up. By collecting seeds from your own garden or buying them in bulk, you can save money on future purchases. NG22 9EP, Web, SEO & Social Media 123 Internet Group, 12th Royal Lancers (The Prince Of Waless), 9th/12th Royal Lancers (The Prince Of Waless), 17th/21st (Duke of Cambridges Own) Lancers, The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths Own). The 16th/5th Lancers found themselves further west than any other regiment in the 8th Army, actually linking up with the American 5th Army. The 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. [3], In November 1980 the regiment moved to Bovington Camp as RAC Centre Regiment and, in January 1983, it moved on to Assaye Barracks at Tidworth as recce regiment for 1st Infantry Brigade deploying units for peace keeping duties to Beirut in December 1983 and to Cyprus in January 1984 and January 1985. Suffolk County Pistol Permit Phone Number, I have help him as much as I can perhaps some of you guys can help him to. [3], In November 1980 the regiment moved to Bovington Camp as RAC Centre Regiment and, in January 1983, it moved on to Assaye Barracks at Tidworth as recce regiment for 1st Infantry Brigade deploying units for peace keeping duties to Beirut in December 1983 and to Cyprus in January 1984 and January 1985. All security personnel were issued with a green card for instructions on opening fire, in the state of Aden and a pink one, which were Arabic phrases. Despite taking a toll on British forces, the death toll among rebels was far higher, largely due to inter-factional fighting among different rebel groups. Shamsan, a hollow part quite a long drive up the hillside to a gate at the top where an MP took your matches, cigs, and lighter and gave you a numbered disc for retrieval of the same on your way out. British military casualties in the period 1963 to 1967 were 90 to 92 killed[6] and 510 wounded. Interestingly it appears both were tank commanders in the 16th/5th lancers . "Always use the minimum force at your disposal" the green card said so I stood aside and let him through. On 25th February 1991, it led the way from Saudi Arabia, through the Iraqi defence line and on into Iraq. Is Chigwell Recycling Centre Open, The 5th Royal Irish Lancers had been dishonourably disbanded in 1799. After the landings in Algeria, from November 1942 until spring 1943 the 16th/5th were campaigning in Tunisia, their objective being Tunis itself. HMS Centaur embarks men of 45 Royal Marine Commando, Ferret armoured cars of 16/5 Lancers, and RAF Belvedere helicopters for the voyage from Aden to Tanganyika. The 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers was a cavalry regiment of the British Army. Koolhydraatarm Kookboek Met Weekmenu, The 16th/5th patrolled the border between West and East Germany, and later deployed on United Nations peacekeeping duties. Ollerton, This unit was formed as the 16th/5th Lancers in 1922 by amalgamating the 16th The Queen's Lancers and the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, both of which were in India at the time. Vgod Vape Price In Pakistan, 16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers B and C squadrons, Falaise camp until December 1964 then to Aliwal barracks, Tidworth. 14 . then "16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancers" from 1954 to amalgamation. Interesting as Aden tends to be almost a f. By the time of the Germansurrenderin Italy in May 1945, the 16th/5th Lancers had pushed the furthest west of any unit in the Eighth Army, linking up with the Americans. At some point the Arabs got television, and they would have TV parties. * 12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's). The Squadron was withdrawn in February 1984 after only three months. 16 June 54: Renamed 16/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers.. Apr 56: Joined 4 Guards Brigade Group: 4 Guards Brigade Group: 1957.02: . Trade trng at Taunton.Served with 16 Para.Brg.with 63 Coy RASC.LAD.and 23 Para Fld Abulance. By creating an account you agree to us emailing you with newsletters and discounts, which you can switch off in your account at any time. While in Risalpur, now Pakistan, the 16th/5th Lancers held their last mounted parade and handed over their horses before returning to England in January 1940. The Aden Emergency, also known as the Radfan Uprising, was an armed insurgency by NLF and FLOSY during the Cold War against the Federation of South Arabia, a protectorate of the United Kingdom, which now forms part of Yemen. Royal Anglians, 2 Para, 45 Marine Commando, KOSBs, Koyll, and 16/5 Lancers. From nutrient deficiencies to disease, there are a number of things that can cause your tomato plants to become sickly or unproductive. The wire cage was to stop Arab thrown grenades getting in the back, and mounted on the front bumper was a long metal goose neck to snap wires that were stretched across the road at the same height as the gunners neck, popular in the back streets of Steamer Point or Maalla. I remember trying out to be a radio announcer on the Aden Forces Radio, and muffed it. This cavalry regiment was raised in 1858 for the East India Company. I had the bad, the sad, and the good times in Aden. HMS FORTH LEAVING MALTA 1960. Hostilities started on 14 December 1963, with an NLF grenade attack against British High Commissioner of Aden Sir Kennedy Trevaskis, which took place as he arrived at Khormaksar Airport to catch a London-bound flight. We can reunite you with your friends who served at 16/5 Queens Royal Lancers and we have a wealth of information on different units, bases and ships in the site. . The 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's) (9/12 L) is a cavalry regiment of the British Army. This project aims to create a new white tomato variety that hono, Growing Tomatoes from Saved Seed: Tips to Achieve Maximum Germination Rate, Seed Saving: Tips for Ensuring Maximum Germination Rate Fighting between British forces and pro-guerrilla rioters lasted into February. In January 1967, there were riots by the supporters of both groups in the old Arab quarter of Aden. 2nd Royal Tank Regiment. Troops disembark from helicopters, 1964. Discover more about the 16th/5th The Queens Royal Lancersby visiting the Royal Lancers and Nottinghamshire Yeomanry Museum at Thoresby Park, Nottinghamshire. & Bar Richard Bullock I was posted to Aden from Aldershot in Feb 1964 after basic training as a driver in the RASC, at Yeovil, & Aldershot. Aid to a Civil Power Aden 1956 to 1957; The Royal Marines Farewell to Aden; Victorious & Hermes at Aden; Witness of an Execution; There's quite a bit of body to the water today; 3rd Royal Anglian Regiment in Aden 1967; Argyll Law ; The Crater to The Creggan; RASC in Aden and the Radfan; Tales from Aden 1955 to 1957; The Ever Readies Aden 1965 Met some great young men had a lot of fun. For all old mates and guests, who served in the regiment. 16 5 lancers aden 1964wilshire country club famous members. The British contribution was 1st (UK) Armoured Division of which the 16th/5th provided the reconnaissance. The regiment has a long and illustrious list of battle honours including World War I . For this the Regiment became part of the occupation forces in Austria and Schleswig-Holstein, where they had to deal with the consequences that war had brought to this part of Europe and the unprecedented numbers of refugees. HMS Kildarton returned to the UK in 1966. and of course Pim. [3] It joined 12th Infantry Brigade and moved to Imphal Barracks in Osnabrck in April 1959. in Nordirland, Aden Arranged by Charlie Calello. On 20 June 1967 a mutiny in the Federation Army spread to the local police. In 1947, Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth became the regiment's colonel-in-chief. 16 Commonwealth Field Ambulance, Brunei uprising 1963, Brunei cottage hospital injured personel from Queens Own Highlanders, Gurkha and 42 commando. The RAF had brought in Belvederes,(twin rotor helicopters), Beverly's, (for the heavy stuff) Twin Pioneers, and Beavers, and to supply and defend Thumier was RAF Reg. This deployment delayed the move back to Germany to over with the 16 th 5 th Queens Royal Lancers who were also deployed in Saudi Arabia until . From November 1964, the NLF switched its efforts to Aden itself, where it began an urban terrorist campaign. By 1963 and in the ensuing years, anti-British guerrilla groups with varying political objectives began to coalesce into two larger, rival organisations: first the Egyptian-supported National Liberation Front (NLF) and then the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY), who attacked each other as well as the British. Furthermore, if you're growing heirloom varieties or rare species that may not, Growing Tomatoes in Containers: Essential Tips for a Successful Harvest, Growing tomatoes in containers is a great way to enjoy homegrown fruits and vegetables without taking up too much space. A message and chat forum for the Queens Royal Lancers, The 16/5thL, The 17/21stL attachments and families. 16 5 lancers aden 1964. reborn in naruto world fanfiction 16 5 lancers aden 1964. However, Crater remained occupied by an estimated 400 Arab fighters. This formation was to remain together throughout the Second World War. I was contacted by a guy named Merlin Robinson some time ago he is interested in the 16/5th`s time in Aden/Radfan. VA-64 was an Attack Squadron of the U.S. Navy. There were anti malaria pills, salt supplement pills, and a bottle of orange or lemon cordial, letters in, a photo of your girl or wife, letters out, Brasso, Blanco, POSB, and the usual military things and strange memories. Attack. In 1948, almost immediately after its return from Germany, the Regiment served overseas for five years in Egypt (Cyernaica and Tripolitania). Hailing from Milwaukie, the Royal Lancers made a couple of recordings in the Hi there, i'm wondering if someone may be able to help me. Subsequently entering Kuwait, it was only hours later ordered back into Iraq to provide security for the main logistic units following behind the armoured brigades. asstcurator@rlnymuseum.co.uk, Thoresby Park, yard flamingos for birthday. For battle honours won by predecessor regiments see 16th The Queen's Lancers and 5th Royal Irish Lancers. [2], The regiment was posted to Flug Marine Barracks in Schleswig at the end of the war but moved to Lulworth Camp in late 1946. I could fill many more pages of incredible stories but maybe next time. The BP fuel refinery drivers went on strike so I found myself driving a petrol tanker delivering petrol to just about everyone in little Aden, but that's another story. The Squadrons alternated on a three monthly basis between Aden and Bahrain. Around that time we started doing convoys to a place that was later to become Thumier, and then Habilain, where the Royal Engineers built an air strip, and we a fuel storage dump. Unlike the North African desert, Italy was not ideal armoured country. Nasser enjoyed only limited success in spreading his pan-Arabist doctrines through the Arab world, with his 1958 attempt to unify Egypt and Syria as the United Arab Republic collapsing in failure three years later. Nevertheless, repeated guerrilla attacks by the NLF soon resumed against British forces, causing the British to leave Aden by the end of November 1967, earlier than had been planned by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and without an agreement on the succeeding governance. [3] It returned to West Germany in a recce role and took up residence at Northampton Barracks in Wolfenbttel in October 1974. The Inter-War Years Find the perfect the royal lancers stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Between 1963 and 1966, British Commonwealth forces fought against Indonesia in a conflict that focused on the future of Brunei and North Borneo. Partly inspired by Gamal Abdel Nasser's pan-Arab nationalism, it began . Prevention and Management of Issues with Tomato Plants in Your Garden, Growing tomatoes in your garden can be a rewarding experience, but its important to be aware of the potential issues that can arise. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It was formed by the amalgamation of the 16th The Queen's Lancers and the 5th Royal Irish Lancers in 1922. [3] From there it deployed squadrons to Cyprus and to Hong Kong. The mission was however doomed to failure, as the conditions did not exist for peace. curator@rlnymuseum.co.uk After service in the Second World War and the Gulf War, the regiment amalgamated with the 17th/21st Lancers to form the Queen's Royal Lancers in 1993. Interview 3: N\A. ADSC: N\A. We add around 200,000 new records each month. Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. For battle honours won by predecessor regiments see 16th The Queen's Lancers and 5th Royal Irish Lancers. E-Commerce Site for Mobius GPO Members After the Aden police lost control, British High Commissioner Sir Richard Turnbull deployed British troops to crush the riots. The Museum is open from 1 March 30 November Wednesday to Sunday including Bank Holidays 10:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. (last entry 4:00 p.m.), Tel: 01623 824222 Vehicles of 7th Armoured Brigade advancing, Iraq, 1991. Most did a 3 month tour, as I was RASC I was attached to many different regiments during my two years, i.e. In 1947 HRH Princess Elizabeth was appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the 16th/5th Lancers. 1900s. Please enter your password, it must be 8 or more characters, I agree to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement, Many exclusive records, found only on our site, 1 on 1 Personal assistance from military photo and document experts, Access to Orbats mapping tool, allowing you to trace your WW1 ancestors steps. Jul 12, 2015 #1. Not a bad smell, just very different from Dorset country lanes. On its re-formation in 1858, it was ranked 18th, instead of 5th, in the cavalry order of precedence. Later the 16th/5th became part of NATOs front-line force in West Germany. Terms of Service apply. They came under sniper fire from an Ottoman fort on Sira island, but the snipers were silenced by a shell from an armoured car. [3], The regiment deployed squadrons to Aden and to Hong Kong in November 1963 and then re-roled as a tank regiment at Aliwal Barracks in Tidworth Camp in December 1964. A4D-2N/A-4C and A4D-2. 16/5 Queens Royal Lancers, in 1973 Written by Filippo Giovanni REALE Best years of my life were in training at Junior Tradesmans Regt St Asaph N Wales. Our predecessors had given very glowing and graphic reports on a two week R&R in Mombassa and as I was to be there for two years, I was looking forward to leave in Mombassa. Casualties among the rebel forces stood at 382 killed and 1,714 wounded.[4][3]. None made it out that we ever heard about and as far as I know four were stopped by being shot to bits.
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