As for seduction part, I am ultra feminine when I want to please or crave the attention of my man. He will use emotional blackmail to make me behave the way he wants. 1. Being consistent will take you much farther than a few huge love gestures. I wish you well and hope you make the RIGHT decision she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. Their problems are stacked up against them and unless theyre willing to put in the effort, they may fall short of a long lasting love. This means she has the capacity to hold things in then when the opportunity arises, she will tell the person shes upset with, everything that is wrong with them and why. Id be hypocritical if I said I was against it. She has a need, a craving for her independence and adventure. I stay in silent and I dont contact him. 12. Sweet words of love turn me on faster than anything. I feel like I am doing everything to be with him and he just wants to go the easy path. She likes to do things her own way, without having to listen to orders or cooperate with anyone. My husband was Navy. The Pisces woman takes up the paint brushes and hits the canvas in her art studio. He also doesnt get why she likes to live in different places periodically. and had 2 kids He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. I dont understand how he could want to separate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why a Pisces Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. Love compatibility between Woman of the Aquarius sign and Man of the Pisces sign. If not, anything goes honestly. She could decide hes too clingy and leave. A Pisces man is drawn to an Aquarius woman's quirky, unique personality, while an Aquarius lady is intrigued by a Pisces guy's quiet, introspective nature. If the Aquarius man wants to attract the Pisces woman, he has to be as romantic as he can. The Pisces man and Aquarius woman marriage isnt high up on the priority list. Its NOT just sex for physical pleasure any longer with me, I feel what the Pisces man feels if not more so but I am now older so been there, done that. If a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman form a sexual relationship, it will likely be challenging for them to find common ground. I know it is up to him. Its the Aquarius in me. They prefer confidant leaders that pull them out of the clouds once and a while. When a Pisces man has a crush, he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve. I am aquarius and he was pisces. Both of these signs tend to go off and do their own thing. An Aquarius woman is an admirable human being with so many interesting colors in her personality that can amuse anyone. If you are asking yourself, What does a Pisces man look for in a woman? The answer is someone as devoted and loyal as he is. Aquarius is so full of hope and it is hard to kill out hope. 1) be chased 5. Pisces are takers, and require everyone to support them, but they are always too drained to give support to others. A Pisces is attracted to learning, knowledge, and a higher level of spiritual awareness. They know each other, understand the needs of each other and support the other whenever required. Thats also down to insecurity. 2. May not fooled or the faade of being said, virgo's intellectual behavior attracts the virgo woman compatibility. Therefore tread lightly with her so you dont lose her. Depends on how major it is. We can write love songs and dedicate poetry to you as well as stand by your side as your rock and help you achieve your dreams.We just desire a harmonious and drama-free love life, and a man who doesnt desire to dominate us but treat us as equal and be our strongest support system.Someone who can read my heart,my body language and is comfortable with me even in silence.Someone with whom I wouldnt always need words to communicate. This is it I found the one. An Aquarius woman will never settle for a boring sex life, so she will be more than happy to take the lead and initiate wild, experimental sex. Hi Rose. Worst: Cinnamon, ginger, or tobacco. Do Pisces men forgive easily or they believe in forgive but dont forget? An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. When you get away, let me know, until them I have to be done with reading this b/c truthfully it depresses me. Sometimes this can be a good thing, as it forces a shift in perspective, but it can often be damaging for Aquarius. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of the time. I feel that t hose gestures outweigh the possibility of me even wanting to explore anything else with another person because I know I have a good man who wont even compare to anyone else. To give that up, the guy has to really be worth the huge change in her life. As the zodiac cycle nears the 12th house, the zodiacs become softer, more introspective, and creative. Watches me do chores while he just scrolls through social media on his phone while telling me he is doing important things. He gets so focused on his partners pleasure and doing what he knows works well to please her that he fails to bring variety into his lovemaking. I feel and love like a Cancer and Im also a Scorpio Rising so I want all or nothing kind of romance. But when I think of a future with him I feel depressed and hopeless. Before I was in my relationship yeah it was just sex and I detached from it, but being with someone who cares so much about you is way more valuable to an Aquarius female. IF a man is already verbally abusive and is already showing signs of being able to be physically abusive to you he well may do that very thing and it might not be pretty. We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. I can honestly tell you she and I love each other more than ever, that we are soul mates. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 which is going to bring massive changes to the world and your Pisces man is most definitely going to feel this in the area of his body and who he is at his core. I truly have never known love like this. In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). Mostly a no as there is much we value over money. Know he is trying to hook up with me again after he's been gone for 8 months for sex. She has to stand out from the crowd. she already knows you are not in it for the long haul and thats why she is the way she is towards you. Its nice adventuring once in a while. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. SO, sorry Im not an expert on this. Aquarius easily waits for a good thing to come in the future. I know that once I do find him I will be committed, loyal and that will be it in and out of the bedroom, but finding is the issue. Its also in my mind a process of elimination. However as they age they actually do mellow out in a lot of ways I have noticed. Has she given you reason to be suspicious or is it just your imagination running wild? Thinking back on our relationship, it was someone else who first pointed out that they thought we would be good for each other. On the other hand, the natural tendencies of both of these signs help them to live together peaceably. I am an aquarius female and am about to marry a pisces male. He is sick in his head. I do want to make clarification regarding period sex topic and sorry if I am being too descriptive here. ), Any other advice from you or anyone else or even more insights into how Aquarian women are? Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. Do Pisces men like when their gfs/wives make hot home cooked meals for them? we dont forgive because we dont forgets And ladies, since we support girl power, we just wanted to let you in on a little secret: if you're looking for love, you just might have men hounding around you because of your scent. You must constantly be learning about yourself and remember that everyone you meet is still learning about themselves too. He loves exploring other peoples imaginations and coming up with new ideas. Pisces is a super affectionate and touchy-feely sign that definitely falls in the former category. The Aquarius man brings an air of reason to the Pisces' dreamy nature, preventing her head from getting caught up in the clouds. We're in this together! Even after a breakup, a Pisces guy will still be there for his former lover for as long as she needs him, until or unless he moves on to someone else who requires his undivided attention. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. What physically attracts Aquarius? He is a charming person and he use that charm to entrap women to get what he wants. My suggestion to Pisces men interested in Aquarius women would be to be honest and open with her or she would feel you arent serious about her. He loves all kinds of attention from women. Having Saturn in his sign is going to be a challenge, but ultimately he will come through this victorious. This limits the things they can do together and have a good time. There are many other factors in the relationship equation. I am an aquarius woman with a pisces man long distance. Pisces man feels hes getting closer to his Aquarius woman and she feels as though sex is fantastic with this dreamy guy with talent. Theyre just too different and really dont balance each other very well either. This means that the Pisces man will probably be left to his own devices. i dream of a future with my pisces man. For the last year I spent trying to JUST BE FRIENDS with her (and nothing more until we were both ready) the entire year which I never do for any woman. Aquarius woman here. In reality, the Aquarius woman is not such a wild card as she's made out to be. Quick replies are a must 6. i feel like he mostly fantasizes about emotionally fulfilling situations? I know I am searching even now for my MR. Pisces Man Aquarius Woman Compatibility Degree. Let's take a look at seven specific reasons why. 18. Some are really sweet and some are just funny and bizarre. He was a dreamer, very artistic, very moody and when we first met extremely jealous of me. Theyre both lured by fantasy. All i can say is great friends they were and are. The advantage that they have is that even if they do not communicate well, a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are able to peacefully coexist and stay out of each others way. Yet, you lasted 20 years with one & 8 years with the other one lol. I said, I gave you a year of my life, blocking out all other woman emotionally and physically and youre still doing the bullshit with me, Im done Ill restart with someone else and just make sure not to make the same mistakes she was all upset with me but she wore my level of care for her feelings down to 0%now Im with an Aries woman and it just feels right. I am 70 dear with a mind of 40. I will lose someone that did not care much about me. She hates being confronted with other peoples feelings and refuses to be held responsible for them. Theres miscommunication and my emotional needs often feel unfilled, but its a small price to pay for the most truly special woman Ive ever known to be in my life. HONEY I was married to a Pisces man for 33 years. Aquarius often has the reputation of being progressive and open-minded, but that is only because she will listen with interest to anything anyone else has to say. He loves that shes so independent but at the same time he can be a bit fearful of it. You have probably only dreamed of a guy who was so in tune with himself, others, and especially you. Personally, a little jealous (could possibly fall into the greater definition of possessive), but controlling, no. It all must have been a mistake (it wasnt a mistake). i need her back. We definitely dwindle in our own dreamland as opposed to being secretive. At best, they can be friends. Cancer and pisces woman compatibility horoscope for a two sun sign and aquarius man pisces man - information and pisces man. So it makes it hard to leave. Though frequently misunderstood, both signs are great thinkers, and very creativepowerhouses of imagination, if you will. Gods love is unconditional, this is true, but having fellowship in atonement does have its requirements of us: to abandon fear in favor of faith. The reason for this is that both of these signs see the world in a different way. Hope this helps! I told him and hes listened well. My man is a Pisces and when we first got together I had to tell him I need him to be my best friend before anything and calm the emotions down for right now. I am a Pisces man and I got out of a relationship with an aquarius women last year and we were going out for 3 years prior to the break up and a bit on and off through out the time frame, but we were so deeply in love with each other and passionate for each other its still to this day one of the best relationships I have ever had. Even though this sign has a reputation for independence, when an Aquarius woman gets into a relationship, she is very stable. 4. i'm on here because i'm trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to end things with this leo and start back talking to this pisces . Are Pisces men good fathers? So sometimes it ends up being we want to have a lover or friend we can trust and grow deeper with, while we both go discover exciting things together. It means I am far more nurturing than a Cancer Sun Sign female.My maternal instincts are very strong so I wouldnt prefer a male who doesnt want to create a family because a Cancer Moon is all about the home life. With this pisces man I feel truly bonded, just like this article says. Act now accordingly. Im not inclined to forget as easily. An Aquarius woman collects friends. She hadnt been very spiritual, didnt seem to be saved, but I can tell you now that I will never judge anyone, nor will I sa tha the only hell that exists is the hell that we need in order to show us our faults. I have been with a pisces man for some time. when he passed away in 2011. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. Hello DK, Thank you so much for your input and honesty. While these two may have a few things in common, they really dont share too many of the same interests. I was recently talking to him about how I dont know where the relationship with the pisces is going, and with his scorpio powers he somehow got me talking about what I am really REALLY looking for in a relationship which is eventaully marriage and children. I had a psychic reading and she told me were were a good match n take my chances with this pisces. He is the most generous lover I have ever been with and the sex between us is breayhtakingly incredible. You might want to get to the root of his behavior b4 you do what I did and waste all of those precious years that you will NEVER EVER get back. The more they feel that you are an anchor in their lives, the more they will devote themselves to you. . A Spiritually Based Connection To make a Pisces guy attracted to you, you need to show him some affection, too. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. With most men sex feels like a joining of souls but with pisces man it feels like it is something being done to me physically. Do Pisces and Aquarius fight? We can read people and if we sense that the person is not good or real we are very cautious no matter how much our heart burns for this person. I am an intense Aquarius who wants to merge emotionally,physically and spiritually with my man and become one with him. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. The answer isnt a particular body type or facial feature, but rather a womans inner confidence. All this makes is easy to be hurt while also not offering the other person enough space. What greater love is there than this? Maybe I am in love with who he used to be. he did go through hi male mid-life crisis at about his mid 50s and that was when he decided to be 25 again. Sorry this is going to be a long reply and thank you for being so blunt in your reply to me. Threw pots and pans when he was upset. Overall, the Aquarius woman and Pisces man love connection probably wont be enough to make these two get married, but if they go into the union well-prepared, they have a chance of making it work. Thank you Obviously cant speak for all pieces Males, but as a Pisces sun /capricorn moon? Yes, but I also like to cook for someone and cooking together is fun. Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of crazy that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. Pisces man doesnt like to talk about his personal side until hes comfortable and neither does Aquarius woman. Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Out of friendship and into a relationship ? We are both used to doing everything alone since we were both loners, so it takes awareness to make sure we actually do things together, but you need to, it makes everything so much better and brings us closer. Thats highly dependent on the situation. You should remember that flattery works in case of nearly all Pisces women. I cant anymore. On the other hand, because of the general nature of these signs, they will be able to make a relationship work between them if they want to. This feels much more relevant to our relationship than other posts Ive read about this pairing. And we havent even dated we just been toxic with each other for almost 4 years now and Im not understanding why he even keeps coming back . I am NOT interested anymore in ANY PISCES. I have to have more than 1 fish on my line biting, b/c if something happens to that one fish then I want to be sure my bases are covered with another fish on another line and now there are 4. In my experience, most definitely not. YOU dear also NEED help badly. There are a few things that have the capacity to work well with the Pisces man and Aquarius woman matchup. None of them has ego problems and they both are ready to submit to each other both emotionally and physically with such a romance that is even envied by the angels of heaven. Depends on the mood but if gauged right no problem. Scorpio knows what you want and will use it to get what they want. I need my man to be with me, if not then I need to know that I am on his mind. They were best friends who married last year. Hes so emotional but I dont feel like he cares about me after awhile, @No name, I needed to read this because this is literally me and my Pisces male and I hate it. Aquarians are often attracted to Scorpios because it's one of the few signs that can awaken them sexually, but other problems can arise with Scorpio. It's quite hard not to be. It takes time for the both of you to completely open up, but it is worth it. Absolutely correct. Our secret! This is the first time I feel so deeply intuned with a partner with sex too. Pisces Male Positive Traits. After the kids grew up we separated. I will ask an aquarius to marry me, I just dont know when or how but I know I want this aquarius my entire life. The Moon in Aries man is attracted to: inner strength An Aries Moon sign is known for being very self-confident, ambitious, and determined. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. I am an aquarius woman in love with a pisces man. Aquarius woman commits herself to the man she loves as soon as he has proven to be her very best friend. It does appear as if he has some deep rooted phycological issues that may have stemmed from his past. The Pisces man and the Aquarius woman don't have too many things in common. MY problem with pisces man even while we live in the same city he likes to be alone a lot and prefers to go out all alone and hates when i want to be included all the time. In fact, a simple romantic gesture gets her every time. Do Pisces men love an affectionate woman who loves to hug,kiss and cuddle a lot or is it too much? I give my all when I am deeply in love.I dont do casual sex.And thats the reason why love making experience is extremely intense with the man I love,as I am not afraid of his sweat,tears and other fluids.Aquarius women are very kinky as well.We know the art of seduction and can be very persuasive so we can convince our men to try things in bedroom he thought he could never enjoy,lol. Pisces also tend to be loners, they want A LOT of private or alone time. Amen. Lying and cheating. I am a Pisces man and my partner is an Aquarius woman. 5. He knows me throughout and cherishes me. He doesn't get along with no men at all. I am hoping to meet an intelligent,grounded, adaptable, romantic,loyal,committed and compassionate Pisces man(preferably an earth or water moon) in future. No. Many men find this softer femininity attractive, but it does not impress an Aquarius man. Your intuition leads you to understand better than most what people are looking for and how you can best support them. Then he still wanted to spend time together but I started to feel insecure. I hope he feels the same way. In fact, shell find it rather refreshing that shes not the one who has to bust the moves. Pisces men love love, and they love beauty. 15. Hearing Love is great affirmation. 9) yes please. I wont give up in her that easy, for I breathe her 24/7, I want her in my life I am about to provide her my writings about me, about how, when, why I fell in love with her. Im not 71 and I never remarried and am unfortunately alone now b/c of the phycological damage that all of that did to me. I am 46 yo aquarius. Her visit was quite unexpected but most welcomed. This is the type of aquarius that is a perfect match for the type of cookie cutter pisces man. Feb. 4th and Mar 2nd Are Pisces men ok with a partner thats a homebody or they like an adventure loving gf/wife? Im a Pisces too and patience is one of our stronger virtues. This is something that can happen in any relationship; if you don't have your own inner strength yet and haven't learned how you stand in the world, combining your energy with someone else's is going to be messy. He finds her very appealing and will want to talk to her and get to know her. What is she doing that makes you feel this way? 3. I know pisces likes to have his privacy and alone time, but just remember to reach out to her. I have been dating a pisces man for 10 weeks. Dont use sex as a weapon because it might backfire. Its not a kink or fantasy but actually a strong emotional need.I am in anyway not suggesting to paint each other with blood but I have my reasons to specifically ask for this.I will explain this so that men can benefit from this information and may find it useful in future even if they arent with an Aquarius woman(squeamish people please dont read ahead).Some women may not desire it at all due to period cramps and bloating but other women like myself experience high increase in libido during PMS and period which is caused by hormonal changes.This desire is all time high compared to other times of the month because ovulation starts 14 days after the first day of period as the female body is getting ready to become pregnant.I feel most feminine, most vulnerable, most aroused and most emotional and in need of my partner during PMS and period.Its one of the most intimate experiences one can have with the partner.Obviously there are less messy ways to do it like wearing protection, putting a dark towel on the bed or doing it in the shower.