Thank you for your support!! Society is in an epidemic, pandemic and overall concerning and dangerous time with the virus, politicians blocking legislation, and the basic needs of the people (food, housing, income and health care, among others) being unmet. A world longing for light again. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children the future of humanity.. WSD Productions & Native Driven Network presents I watched one man get carried out after getting sprayed, water on his beard looked frozen, he needed help to lift his legs up over the guardrail to get to the van, it didnt look like he could do it on his own. Born and raised on the Rosebud Reservation in South . According to history this woman revealed the mysteries of the earth to them, and then laid down on the ground and turned into a black buffalo, then red, then yellow, and finally white. The prophecy said that animals would be born strange and deformed. The "7th generation" principle taught by Native Americans says that in every decision, be it personal, governmental or corporate, we must consider how it will affect our descendents seven generations into the future. In the distance, to my left, I could see the bright lights coming from a line of police cars behind the barricade, across State Highway 1806. Real Native history being shared and taught to all colors of mankind based on real truth, not a settler colonialist biased perspective. As an Indigenous person, no matter what tribe(s) you are from, dont question whether Crazy Horses prophecy will come true. Telegram See EXCLUSIVE In5D Videos and Articles on Patreon. Our next issue of, But perhaps the best gauge for Black Elk's prediction of hope for the seventh generation lies in. The US army soldiers opened fire on the Sioux . Instead, non-Natives would be given the role and would paint their faces or dress up in costumes which continued the appropriation of the culture. The Real Legacy of Crazy Horse The Oglala Sioux leader prophesied an economic, spiritual, and social renaissance among Native American youth. The current system has done nothing but destroy the Lakota people, it is time to change the system and create a new hope. Lakota Prophecies. Rushmore looks like through a Lakota lens and the history behind Paha Sapa the Black Hills. She might lose her arm. I envision Grandpa receiving the prophecy from Creator in a respectful Lakota spiritual way. May 7, 2020 For the past forty four years, humanity has been moving through a rare cosmic phenomenon known as 'The Galactic Alignment Zone', which occurs only once in every 26,000 years. Yet this is the case with a member of the Oglala band of Lakota Sioux who was known as Black Elk until he was baptized in a Catholic church and given the name Nicholas (in 1904). The response was overwhelming. See 7th Generation, a new film directed by Jim Warne (Oglala Lakota), which shows how the former football star and Native activist is working to support tribal communities in blazing the path to success in 21st-century mainstream America while holding fast to tribal cultural ways.. Synopsis: After the Wounded Knee Massacre a Lakota medicine man named Black Elk had a prophecy. Synopsis: All Rights Reserved. He saw a star rising from the east that would bring wisdom. That story is one of a singular voice made up of many peoples voices, united for an ideal that Native voices have been singing for millennia. Now an event that has a one in ten million chance of occurring has happened. So maybe the birth of a white buffalo and this group of Lakota millennials can make a difference. but a deep understanding of Lakota culture and history as well," district ., Follow In5D on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WG1WGA, Patreon, and OnStellar. - Heidi Marsh, Marketing Director The resolve he saw to protect a sacred space was transformative. The final episodes look toward the future, the youth, and Crazy Horse's Seventh Generation prophecy. They have not only been instrumental in helping to initiate the movement, but also in leading and inspiring it. In the Dakota/Lakota culture, one doesnt need matching DNA to be considered family. In our own travels, we've met many new tribal leaders who seem quite determined to make life better. Law enforcement officers have, too. 4. He is currently employed by Seminole Media Productions for the Seminole Tribe of Florida where he develops content and documentaries about the indigenous tribes all over the world. A White Buffalo has been born. For when you are at that center within you and I am in that place within me, we shall be as one.. Yes Creator, I hear you in my mind and heart. They have provided security for people in the camp and repeatedly protected elders during confrontations. I hope more police officers will come and stand with us.. Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival 2019, WINNER!!! (function() {var s=document.createElement("script"); s.async=true; Black Elk said it would take seven generations to heal the broken circle of life caused by constant Indian oppression that reached a devastating climax with the massacre. 2301 North Central Avenue He writes pieces that support the LGBTQ initiatives that he is involved with as a gay, indigenous man. A true Native holistic health care system that is designed by Native minds for Native people, which formally recognizes and incorporates medicine men/women and each tribes unique and powerful culture as an integral part of holistic health and healing. In the neighborhood tribal schools, they learn to become nurses, teachers, entrepreneurs and administrators and once they graduate they fill job needs in the local schools and health care facilities. Lila Was'te, Mitakuye Oyasin. It is designed for healing and helping to see the way. Today we are approaching the 7th generation and Black Elk's prophecies both good and bad continue to become reality. On Veterans Day, more than 100 veterans gathered in formation. At the core of this prophecy is the statement, It will take seven generations to heal our sacred hoop. Today we are approaching the seventh generation and Black Elks prophecies both good and bad continue to become reality. The entire area is considered a sacred area, and said to contain other graves. The root cause of many contemporary issues among Native American people The clash of European colonization and the, Indigenous languages around the world are in critical danger of extinction, particularly Native American languages in the United, Despite each individual Native American Nation being very different in terms of beliefs, language and culture, there is, The Indian reservation system was established in the late 1800s by the U.S. government to subdue Indigenous people, By the 1950s, the U.S. government was beginning to realize the financial burden that the reservation system had, Native American people are in a very unique position in the world, considering their history since pre-colonization until. These corporate terrorists need to get the point that people are changing, and we arent going to be their sheep for much longer.. The elders tell of a time in history during a great famine that a beautiful women dressed in white appeared to the Lakota. Twitter. Our youth has a strong future ahead. IndieFest Film Awards 2017 (Best of 2016 - Humanitarian Award)), WINNER!!! Because the prophecy lovingly came directly from Creator. Retired after 30 years in law enforcement, Jeff has an easy way about him which would lend itself to de-escalation tactics as a police officer. 5. s an Indigenous American, there was never any question of whether I should travel to Standing Rock or not. Intimidation doesnt stop there; as has been widely reported, physical interactions have also taken place. Mitakuye (my relative), I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nation, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call "Turtle Island." My words seek to unite the global community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in . Do you know of an upcoming event, have a news tip, or just have an idea for a future story? It was their ancestors who defeated Gen Custer at the famous battle of the Little Bighorn. I glanced at my vehicle, already knowing it was hardly suited for the 1,100-mile drive from my home in north-east Oregon, and resigned myself to staying home. By continuing to use this site, you are giving us your consent to do this. She felt the pressure of life and experienced a very traumatizing family event. Something big like this, to change the world. Tribalwide presentations reveal 7th Generation Project mission. Spirit Daily Blog. For many decades, Native Americans have been inaccurately represented and were never hired to portray the American Indian. ~ Fred R. McFarlane, Ph.D., Interwork Institute, San Diego State University, Films like 7th Generation should be included in our curriculum. He's very familiar with the Seventh Generation prophecy, attributed to Black Elk and other tribal leaders in the late 1800s. Meanwhile, in a 2012 Indian Health Service National Tribal Budget Formulation report, only $2,896 was provided for Native Americans per capita during the same year. His presence and insightful comments made the screening even more special and provoked strong emotions and tears among the audience the film was awarded our prized Inspiration Award. Sage speaks to youth focusing on four fundamental principles: traditionalism, spirituality, contemporary issues and education. The air would burn the eyes of man. With Jim Warne. He saw a star rising from the east that would bring wisdom. A true basic tribal infrastructure built and in place for the people paved roads, electricity lines, water lines, transportation, health care and which targets tribal members and all ethnicities most in need. We were informed of the strict camp policy no weapons, drugs, or alcohol and had to submit our trailer to a search. 7. Other great ideas and realities you would like to see come true. Smith said she hopes Warnes presentation will inspire adults and youths to heed the seven generations philosophy. I have always felt a deep remorse for the atrocities that the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (the name given to America by indigenous groups) have suffered. In fact, a 2013 Bureau of Prisons report blamed skyrocketing health care costs for catapulting annual prisoner medical allocations to nearly $6,000 per inmate in 2012. Black Elk said it would take seven generations to heal the broken circle of life caused by constant Indian oppression that reached a devastating . On 7 November, Jamie Stone, Cody Nowland and I began the two-day trip to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. Instead of mediation and active listening engagement, protectors were met with stout commands and lawful orders. He directed, produced, and edited 7th Generation. The healing this is a modern addition to the list. There is a sense of history in the making. I envision Grandpa receiving the prophecy from Creator in a respectful Lakota spiritual way. "INSPIRATION AWARD" - Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, Lafayette, Louisiana January 27, 2016 Two of the worst confrontations took place on the low hill known as Turtle Hill, where the gravesites of two known grandmothers of the tribe lie. Were gonna be standing for our people protecting our sacred land and water. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. Actor and former NFL player Jim Warne made careers of playing in front of cameras, but when the Oglala Lakota member stood in the Seminole spotlight recently, he revealed another passion. Cody is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian reservation, which is not far from my home. Today, many elders and Native leaders see a clear rise of the 7th generation in their people today. A mere two weeks later, on December 29, 1890, the US 7th Cavalry Regiment surrounded an encampment of Sioux Indians near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. It is perhaps for this reason that despite the continuing war against our way of life, there is love, happiness and a deep spirituality at Oceti Sakowin Camp. Were the only people with the legal right to health care but what we get is health care that ensures the highest diabetes rates and the lowest life expectancy, Warne said. In reality, Crazy Horse, the great Lakota spiritual chief, who lived to be 37 years old and was murdered at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, was Creators chosen messenger to humanity, and unlike day-to-day media hype, this prophecy is timeless, true, and filled with Creators unconditional love, promise, power and grace to you and me. We had a excellent first year and looking forward to 2016. Jim Warne and 7TH GENERATION are indeed inspiring! ~ Rebecca Hudsmith and Pat Mire, COTBFF Co-Directors. It is up to the present generation of youth of the KanienKehake to provide leadership and example to all who have failed. If you really believe in the traditional ways, and if you do open your ears and listen to whats going on around you theyre trying to tell you stories, says Standing Rock rider Sunny Iron Cloud. Only one problem remained: I had to find a way to go. I've been able to trace my Lakota ancestry back as far as 1800. DAPL floodlights point at the camp from dusk until dawn. His uncle is an oil executive, and his brother works for oil companies around the globe, but he also has family members who are farmers in the midwest and have had easements forced across their own land for oil pipelines. Recognition by all that America is Native American land, and that real universal healing starts with this factual recognition and realization under the sacred Tree of Life and One Circle. Instagram As Indigenous people we matter. The story of Chief Joseph, in particular, is yet another tale of a protector willing to sacrifice everything in the face of insurmountable odds. Take heed Native America, and humanity a loving, and spiritual Grandpa already done told us. fire and each fire referred to a particular era of time that would come in the future Mary No-Eyes, Medicine Woman, Chippewa From the book Pheonix Rising by Mary Summer Rain. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tags: american, birds, die off, fish, gregg prescott, indian, mass animal, mohawk, prophecy. According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation of the Onkwehonwe would see the day when birds would fall from the sky, the fish would die in the water, and man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his mother and provider, the Earth. So far, Standing Rock has seen visitors come from as far as Tibet, Japan, and New Zealand to offer support. Smith said youth at Warnes presentation in Hollywood paid close attention when Native decimation was compared to the genocide of the Holocaust. We apologize for the inconvenience. . Among the Lakota, the Crow, the Chippewa and other Native American tribes, the White Buffalo is one of the most sacred symbols. We passed through eastern Montana, nearing the site of Chief Josephs surrender. For decades following the mass relocations, the same disregard occurred in reservation schools. West Europe International Film Festival 2019, WINER!!! Voth then produced subsequent videos that further explored Indian Country issues and the seven generations belief. Indigenous peoples have it right, Dakota Access pipeline: ING sells stake in major victory for divestment push, Dakota Access pipeline: appeals court refuses tribes' request to stop oil flow, Sami people persuade Norway pension fund to divest from Dakota Access, Dakota Access: women on frontlines tell of violent arrests and police abuse. He also has a deep interest in visual effects and has taught and continues to teach himself computer animation, compositing, and 3-D modeling software. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Goals (soteriology), God (ontology), Animism (ontology) and more. Flathead Lake International Cinemafest 2018, WINNER!!! They have brought jobs, role models and opportunities that simply didn't exist. Okeechobee, Dwyer tied 5-5 in top of 9th. Having Jim attend and do a Q&A was an additional treat! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'in5d_com-box-4','ezslot_4',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-in5d_com-box-4-0'); Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott! We have something to say, and, respectfully, humanity has something to learn from our Native ancestors, elders, and people. }); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, More Navajo communities see COVID-19 increase, Guest Column | How to spend ARPAs $2.1 billion, Being cut from b-ball fortuitous for KC wrestler, Hardship Assistance frequently asked questions, NECA CFO termination could be start of more terminations, Fort Defiance Agency Spelling Bee champs advance to final bee, A-C-T-I-N-I-C: Shonto dominates Western Navajo Bee, Letter | Potential common ground between Western thought development, nature, Guest Column | 'By the powers-that-be in Santa Fe: Lundstrom gets things done. The Heard Museum screened the film 7th Generation to a maximum capacity crowd the audience expressed the film brilliantly displayed an overlooked conversation I just couldnt afford the trip. When someone yelled gun, in fear, Larry sprang into action with several others and ran to confront the man and place himself in between harms way and the other water protectors. She has been working on passing a land and wildlife preservation bill on the Reservation to further her efforts in bringing self-sustainability to her community. His visions joined those of a second cousin, the famous war chief Crazy Horse, who was even more prophetic. DAPL floodlights point at the Oceti Sakowin camp from dusk until dawn. "BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILM" - Los Angeles Cinema Festival of Hollywood, CA April 8, 2016 Final: Okeechobee 8, Dwyer 5 in 9 innings. Ed, that's a good point. She brought the Sacred Pipe and established the foundation of their ritual and social life. A thirty-six year window of time formed its epicentre. Native children ripped from families were forced into boarding schools and told to forget who they were. Its about enlightenment. The owner of the Bison herd has extended an invitation to the Lakota to attend the naming ceremony for this little white Buffalo. True bonding and love among individuals, families, communities, tribes, and all ethnicities under the sacred Tree of Life, One Circle and Colors of Mankind. Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival 2017, WINNER!!! the time has come, thank you god, hallelujah!!! Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect, Show great respect for your fellow beings, Work together for the benefit of all Mankind, Give assistance and kindness wherever needed, Look after the well being of mind and body, Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good, Take full responsibility for your actions. There is a prophecy among Native tribes called "the seventh generation", which speaks of a time thought to be seven generations after first contact with Europeans, when indigenous youth and. Lakota leader Crazy Horse spoke of his vision of that prophecy with the following words: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}Upon suffering beyond suffering, the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. The majority of casinos (in Indian Country) are so tiny that when you know what Tribes are doing well, you know the answer is hardly any. The film received the Best Indigenous Film Award at the festival." He also was said to have encountered spiritual grandfathers who ruled over the six directions (north, south, east, west, above, and below). What is the outcome of this worldwide situation impacting all the people? This documentary film addresses historical and current perspectives from Lakota elders and community members with a focus on a positive future for all of our youth - the 7th Generation "BEST INDIGENOUS FILM" & "BEST OF FLIC" - Flathead Lake International Cinemafest, Polson, MT January 27, 2018 & Encore Screening February 1, 2018 He and his friends are the peaceful modern-day equivalent of the famous Great Plains horse warriors of yesteryear. His story of the 7th Generation touches many levels of history and the unknown experiences of past generations. "HUMANITARIAN AWARD of DISTINCTION" - IndieFest Film Awards, LaJolla, CA February 8, 2017 Hi there, we've noticed you are using a computer with an outdated browser and/or operating system that does not allow for secure online shopping. After pushing into several protectors with his truck while laying on his horn and revving his engine, he pulled out a handgun and began pointing it at people. This issue brings a lot of people together for a lot of reasons, Jamie told me, whether its eminent domain, protecting water rights, or just people sick of profit over people. The Yellow Nation, the Red Nation, the Black Nation, and the White Nation, all came together. The man behind Dakota Access pipeline, Wecan resist the Dakota pipeline through a powerful tool: divestment, Thewestern idea of private property is flawed. Heather in the Chapel: Heather grew up on a small farm on the Isleta Pueblo Reservation in New Mexico, a community of about 3,000 people. After the Wounded Knee Massacre a Lakota medicine man named Black Elk had a prophecy. Just like the prophecy, dont ignore it, accept it. 3. Create a free website or blog at In the picture above, he is seen cutting firewood to take to Standing Rock. In 2016, she won the most prominent title in Native American pageantry as Miss Indian World. I decided to come and support after watching video footage online that I believe clearly demonstrates unlawful use of force. Jeff Ginter, a former Department of Justice investigations officer and Homeland Security air marshall, was at Standing Rock during my time there. Many people were injured. that left 300 Lakota men, women and children at the hands of the U.S. Army. Her upbringing has given her a strong desire to help preserve her community and the land in self-sustaining ways. Director's Statement: The film is about Oglala Lakota tribal member Jim Warne's efforts in helping Tribal Nations find a way to succeed in a contemporary American system and still remain Indian at heart ~ John-L Voth, Director Synopsis: After the Wounded Knee Massacre a Lakota medicine man named Black Elk had a prophecy, 'It will . They were calling us, warning us about something. The biggest change we've witnessed on the rez in our one generation of publishing is the development of the tribal colleges. Regardless of the pros and cons of gambling, the casinos have provided jobs and revenues for projects on the rez -- and at least a taste of capitalism. Its my responsibility to never forget and to teach everyone.. Jim Warne and his colleagues present the issues and the illustrations of Native American life in past decades and present a view of a positive future through the youth, the 7th Generation As noted by Mr. Warne, I hope there will be a Native American President in our future. We were especially delighted that filmmaker Jim Warne was able to attend our festival and the film screening. Caorle International Film Festival 2019, WINNER!!! Recently, Lakota elders had made moves to resurrect a new Cowboy Indian Alliancethis time to take on Keystone XL. A powerful silent spiritual . This is a statement of Crazy Horse as he sat smoking the Sacred Pipe at Paha Sapa with Sitting Bull . Okeechobee High softball leads Dwyer 5-2 in top of 7th in 7A regional SF. During college things changed dramatically for Juanita. 15. "7th Generation is about Oglala Lakota tribal member Jim Warne's efforts in helping Tribal Nations find a way to succeed in a contemporary American system and still remain Indian at heart ~ John-L Voth, Director and Editor. Hes right: this gathering of nations is unprecedented in Native American history. and more. Maybe, just maybe, this event is the catalyst that will change the current situation on the Res. Alayna and Tonia Jo: These two Lakota women introduce themselves as sisters, even though there is no blood relation. Finally, a Native person will oversee the federal government's relationships with tribal nations and stewardship of public lands. NSU falls to Florida Southern in conference quarterfinal, Indigenous arts, music festival to be held in Big Cypress, Archaeological site in Fort Lauderdale opens as city park, Tribes energy conference enjoys strong attendance, Q&A: Explorer program reboots after pandemic pause, Tribal Art Project takes first steps at Stranahan House, Spencer Battiest signs with Hard Rock Records. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again. And so there is the counter-intuitive element (Black Elk also was known to wear two horns, representing a hunter), but by all accounts he was not only mystically gifted but holy in his own unique and perhaps highly controversial manner. The grandchildren (of Seminole Tribe founders) perked up when they heard about our genocide. The Lakota Sioux tell of their Messiah, the White Buffalo Calf Woman, who came to the people in a time of great need. Culture & Diversity Film Festival. 7th Generation covers generations of history, including the perspectives of Jim E Warne (Oglala Lakota) an advocate and educator. As legend states, long ago, the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman came to Earth and gave the Lakota people a Sacred Pipe and a small round stone. He died in 1950 in South Dakota. He came from a long line of medicine men and healers. If his starting point was the arrival of the white man in the mid 19th century, the seventh generation is about at hand. The seventh generation are activists, teachers, artists, doctors, scientists, community leaders, attorneys, language warriors, spiritual leaders, powwow celebrities, single parents. "The Flathead Lake International Cinemafest proudly screened 7th Generation at our 6th Annual Film Festival on the Flathead Indian Reservation of Montana. I quickly agreed to the opportunity, but requested that we attempt to raise donations for the water protectors, the group of Native Americans representing over 300 different tribes who are encamped near the location where the pipeline is slated to cross the Missouri river. Black Elks first wife, Katie, was a convert, and their three children were baptized Catholic despite Black Elks upbringing in pagan religiosity and his own standing as a heyoka who had experienced visions of mythical creatures known in various tribes as thunderbirds.. Paha Sapa [the Black Hills] This was passed on by Chief Joe Chasing Horse, a relative of the great Lakota warrior Crazy Horse. Who can tell us what will happen? I understand that we cant take away the injustice, but Im aware that if we face the injustices that occurred to our Native brothers and sisters, we can begin the healing process.. Bitchute Little did my brother know his veterans experience and Marine Corps training would be called into action that day. 2. So that the pristine sky, field and mountains in this photo will still be here for them to enjoy. In his vision, he saw a great tree that symbolized all life on earth. Formal recognition by all governmental institutions that every United States-Indian Nation treaty is valid and in force, including reparations. But a plane circles the camp low, with lights off (an FAA violation) all night long, providing a near-constant droning buzz. The seven fires of the prophecy represent key spiritual teachings for North America, and suggest that the different colors and traditions of the human beings can come together on a basis of respect. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. The film is to help the public understand the hardships felt by Indian Country since those times, what really happened in the boarding school era, the historical trauma that tribal members still deal with today, what Mt. Now, well-educated young Indians have a venue for service and leadership. The greatest power in the universe messaging. The film continues to create meaningful dialogue and has generated many requests for information. Jim Warne of the Oglala Lakota Nation is a believer in the 7th Generation philosophy. Only through education can we counter the ignorance, Warne said. Black Elk, the Lakota holy man, predicted long ago that his people would find new hope in the seventh generation. I weighed obligations, such as bills and work, and considered travelling expenses. The film treats a very sad and sometimes forgotten piece of history with compassion and respect. But as they proved their worth and thanks, obviously, to federal dollars the schools have constructed innovative and inspiring buildings that would be the envy of any college president. A genuine compassionate and caring society among all ethnicities based on love and respect The chosen one receiving the message a respected and caring Lakota elder, leader, chief and medicine man filled with indigenous wisdom, love, and the Warrior Spirit for the people. After seven generations of darkness had passed, there would be a reuniting of not only the Lakota but all peoples, he prophesied, creating a "Sacred Hoop" the world over. But I fully believe all of this now, and she also almost uncannily predicted so very much of what has happened since her death so bang on, she saw much of what was to come decades ago.