His treachery knows no bounds, as he kills, lies, and steals his way around the country. This also leads to a seriously ridiculous interrogation, and a very unusual court outfit, that seems to do more to inspire terror, than put people at ease! This week, in Imlay, Nevada, a surprising, and absolutely horrible scene is discovered, and there are few clues to go on. And he just might be a serial killer, with a trail of unexplained bodies, that have one thing in common this guy! Along the way, we find out how the town of "Lynchburg" may have gotten its name, whether jealously is a justifiable cause for murder, and how long someone will wait in the car, while you murder four people!! Or is he? With seemingly no remorse, or end in sight, he did the unspeakable to just about anyone he encountered. Their first try at mixing the two was Crime in Sports. One of them is found, and police suspect that person in the other's disappearance, after some digging into their background. Brutal crimes from a terrible person. What is Eddie Jordan's net worth? Satan, a black witch, nefarious plots, and rune stone instructions are what follows, turning this into one of the oddest, craziest cases we've covered! Turns out, jealously, anger, threesomes, throuples, and sexually explicit graffiti caused it. What a wild one! Angry drug dealers? This week, in Newville, Pennsylvania, local Wal-Mart employees find love, but things don't go as planned, when a new woman starts work in the photo department. This story has it all, sex, lies, murder and a pig, named Arthur. Here are some of the best highlights of Impractical Jokers career: For us, I think the hard thing was finding the right format for what we do. It's a crazy tale, in a tiny town!! This week, in Woodstock, Illinois, a seemingly perfect young, small town couple, both from seemingly perfect families, who are good friends, and all from a seemingly perfect little town. Does this person escape their fate? Will Zoloft be the culprit, or the person who did the actual killing? Along the way, we find out where watermelons come from, what happens when the school can no longer afford to employ the lunch lady, and if there is anything worse than a haunted prison. They have their problems, like any other family, but nothing that could possibly hint at the wholesale slaughter that would take place within the walls of the home that they built with their own hands. What is Jeff Bezos' net worth? It's a double serving of crazy!! Will they execute a man, who is so clearly nuts? You can follow this profile to get notifications of James Pietragallo's new podcast credits. Along the way, we find out that some people have it in for ladies named "Sandy", that your eyebrows probably aren't blocking oxygen to your brain, and once you're stark raving barking mad, there really is no "getting sane"!! One of our craziest yet!! Along the way, we find out we know nothing about horse shows, that it's really hard to have a fist fight in the back seat of a car, and that you can't keep changing your murder story, if you want to be taken seriously! Along the way, we find out that a lot of these small town festivals have similar themes, that you can't trust murderers to self report, and that you can't unring a confession! Someone else? Well, let's just say it's two things that no man wants to live without! One of our episodes was about a woman in Marydel, Maryland. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! Evidence doesn't quite back that up, with out of place blood spatter, and even more out of place gravel. Unkind Words? The married couple, who just got a job as ranch hands at the property next door? Not exactly bustling metropolises with extensive online archives, thats for sure. We are organically best friends, you know. A large home, with blood on the walls, and bodies in different areas. Plus, a new edition of The Prisoner Dating Game!! For the small towns, the ones that stand out (and are the hardest to get through) are, perhaps obviously, the most depraved. Maybe she took off with a trucker, maybe she just needed a break, maybe she's dead, and was killed in a horrific way. This week, in Mooresville, Missouri, where several people go missing, without anyone even noticing. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. A person as deranged as anyone we've ever talked about, turns out to have their own twisted belief system that causes delusions of epic proportions. This is a wild one! This week, in Section, Alabama, way up in the hills, a mountain man feels tragedy after his wife is brutally killed, being found buried on a hillside, leaving him with a young son. He has won numerous championships and awards in both the United States and abroad, and is well-known for his success in the Busch Grand National Series and the ARCA Racing Series. This week, in Barrington, Rhode Island, a very educated & upright couple become friends with their financial advisor, until red flags start to appear. Along the way, we find out that this town produced at least 2 jerks, that when a relationship is over, you get your air mattress & move on, and the devil will never be your codefendant!! Wall to wall crazy!! It's as crazy as it gets!! This week, in Hillsdale, Wyoming, a sizable group of pretty terrible people, all with nicknames like "Chainsaw", "Bulldog", and "Stash", to name a few, are living life on the edge, in the middle of nowhere. Im proud of the hard work that this team has put in to create something different not just for our audience, but also for creatively unique podcasters., Pietragallo added, We believe in putting out shows that we want to hear; and it is our hope that other people think theyre as interesting as we do. Along the way, we find out that a town with nothing in it isn't much of a town, that when a woman tells you that sex was consensual, it probably was, and that your son might not be the best person to take on a killing spree!! Hosted by James Pietragallo and @whismansucks. More layers than a gigantic onion in this one!! Need a hand? We want to hear from you! Along the way, we find out moonshine & chili are probably bad to eat & drink, with no bathrooms around, that you can absolutely be too nice, and that some people seem to have zero moral compass!! Along the way, we find out that some people can't get enough of watching goats race, exactly what constitutes a real doctor, and how not to use the internet while researching murder techniques! This week, in Bernardo, New Mexico, a strange trio, including a married teenage girl set out to have some fun, and decide that the best way to do that would be to find someone, walking, and "scare the hell out of them" with an array of weapons. This leads investigators to one of the strangest arrests in the history of murder. Life After Happy Face is led by Melissa Moore, the daughter of the infamous Happy Face serial killer, and leading female Forensic Criminologist, Dr. Laura Pettler. This week, in Clinton, North Carolina, where a storybook small town couple make a nice little life for themselves or so it seemed. Brain surgery? Introduction This week, in Gresham, Oregon, horrified bystanders watch as a dead & naked body is tossed off a 75 foot cliff, and into the river below. A crazy tale, from start to finish!! Subscribe now! But that doesn't stop their passion, as their affair eventually leads to a son, the divorce, in both marriages, and a chance to finally marry each other. That is until it all comes together, in an absolutely brutal & bloody fashion, resulting in plenty of finger pointing, and not a lot of honesty!! Then we chose sports because, well, we both love sports. The Ex? This week, in Nashville, Michigan, when a body is found in a ditch, on the side of a country road, police have no clues, until a used motorcycle leads to a witness that unveils a plot that no one could have predicted. This leads to two of the most ridiculous, and moronic murders, that somehow leave dead bodies, in history. Along the way, we find out that every "mushroom festival" might not be what you think it is, that maybe there should be a maturity test before marriage, and that when you leave every piece of evidence possible for the cops to find, you probably have to plead guilty!! Along the way, we find out that witches are psychic, that just having a boat won't necessarily get women to like you, and that sometimes you actually get what you want!! This week, in Tijeras, New Mexico, when a murder suspect leads detectives to the scene of the crime, even hardened investigators are shocked at what they find there. This week, we look at the tiny, coal town of Fleming-Neon, Kentucky, where horrible people planned out, and executed a seriously cold blooded plot. Along the way, we find out that there are actually places south of New Orleans, that you shouldn't date people that you meet in rehab, and maybe you shouldn't tell everyone you know about how no one knows you committed a murder!! This story is a crazy, wild ride, from start to finish! Podcasts in development include Game of Crimes and Life After Happy Face. Four of the five family members are found, deep in a National Forest area, but police & FBI don't know if Dad is a victim, or a terribly cold blooded murderer! Revenge? How could this happen? . The scene is horrific, with the walls, bathed in blood, but the crime scene, and everything else in this case, are handled terribly, possibly because it was literally the Sheriff's first day on the job! Along the way, we find out what a Swamp Yankee is, how many thousand people can miss something incredibly obvious, and just how horrible a person do you have to be for people to want vigilante retribution against you!! This week, in Elizabeth, West Virginia, a series of events, that can only be described as pure madness, takes place in the back woods. Along the way, we find out that Nebraska loves their testicles, that the devil generally doesn't leave babies for you, inside of host bodies that he has possessed, and when you murder someone, they don't want you to have any of their body parts!! When he is finally discovered, his tale of what actually happened is one for record books. Buckle up! As the layers of this onion are peeled away, every detail is more shocking, horrifying, and somehow hilarious than the last. This week, in Hammond, Indiana, a whole family agrees that Dad is a problem,, and they need to do something about it. This week, we look at the old logging town of Raymond, Washington, where a seemingly sweet couple lived in a post card environment, complete with red farmhouse, and white picket fence, where they even let people in need stay with them. This week, in Bloomingdale, Illinois, a man blows into town, charming some of the local women, but he turns out to have a shady past that very accurately predicts his murderous behavior in the future. Murray explained how the hidden camera format made sense based on the jokesters skills. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This week, in Newry, Maine, a picturesque bed & breakfast in the hills of ski country is the setting of unbelievable horrors, as more bodies keep being revealed. This week, in Tellico Plains, Tennessee, when a teenage girl goes missing, the search take investigators deep into the backwoods. In almost the exact same place. Will justice be found, or will it slip away? The characters that come out of the woodwork are remarkable, with a web of suspects, and members of what is believed to be a conspiracy. Luckily for him, his new friend has some acquaintances that just might be able to help him out. That may be because the murderer may just believe the house is possessed, and that the devil speaks to them, softly. This week, in Forest City, Iowa, a young, aspiring school teacher is brutally murdered in her own bed, in a rural farm house. The even crazier part is that the killer forced a large group of people to helplessly watch as he stabbed, beheaded, and began to eat the victim. This week, in Peru, Indiana, an unlikely couple from different sides of the tracks have what appears to be a story book romance until you dig a little deeper, and find some very interesting tales from the past. Investigators have nowhere to look, but luckily for them, the murderers tell plenty of people about what they did. This week, in Lucedale, Mississippi, a most gruesome discovery is made in a rural motel room, leaving investigators many questions. Soon, financial problems start to spring up, and tensions rise, but the result is something that no one expected, as police have to follow a series of cryptic hand written notes, leading them to a horrible scene. This week, in Oakley, Utah, a large family takes the perfect holiday vacation of a lifetime, in a beautiful cabin, in the snowy mountains. Along the way, we find out that fowl calling is an international sport, that DNA should probably be introduced at trial, not after the trial, and that there just aren't answers to every question!! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts! Along the way, we find out why dead piglets make a lousy gift, how it was possible to inherit money from people you've killed, and what recourse you may have, if a known killer is stalking you! Along the way, we find out that Burning Man sounds super weird, that unless you're mining for gold, there's no reason to be up in those mountains, and that you can't just tell people that you're the Emperor of North America, and get away with murder!! When a teenage girl is found dead, in the woods, police think they may have another one of The Green River Killer's victims on their hands, but figure out quickly that it's something completely different. In the end, the case is solved like no other before, with doggy DNA! This all leads to a feud, which seemingly must be settled, today! The fear only gets worse when it happens to another woman Then another one. Home of Crime in Sports and Small Town Murder podcasts! This maze eventually gets sorted out in such a strange way, that it definitely needs to be heard to be believed! This week, in Wittmann, Arizona, a minor, but trashy incident leads to a case of revenge, turned bloodthirsty, horrific murder. If we wouldnt want to listen, how could we expect anyone else to? Like helping find someone to kill a former deputy's wife, at that deputy's request. Have you ever heard of a bloody man, snowmobiling with no shoes, in negative 20 degree weather? This week, in Canton Township, Michigan, we encounter maybe the strangest & creepiest relationship origin stories of all time. Small Town Murder,Crime in Sports, Pietragallo and Whisman and the Upside Down Digital Network are represented by UTA. EXCLUSIVE: True crime remains one of the bedrocks of the podcasting world.. James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, hosts of popular audio series Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports, are doubling down on the genre and extending into new areas with the launch of Upside Down Digital Network.. Once that one started to pop, we wanted to cover the most unknown that we could find. Along the way, we find out that Buffalo Bill is considered "culture" in some places, that helping people is nice, but helping the wrong people can kill you, and that even if a person is dead, there are certain things that you shouldn't do to them! Not only dead, but murdered in an unthinkably brutal way, and that's only the start. Along the way, we find out that Maine people get drunker in the spring, that you must respect someone when they say they'll only tell a story one time, and that maybe you just shouldn't follow trails of blood that lead into the woods!! As crazy as it gets!! The investigation of the legs uncovers more than everyone bargained for, when we find out where, and how the deceased spent their last moments. One young man's desire to live was the only thing that kept a potential serial killer from achieving his goals.Along the way, we find out just who you call when there's an escaped elephant in your yard, what goes on inside of a circus museum, and exactly how to get down stairs with two broken legs!! Along the way, we find out what Burgoo is, if meth sweat can eat the varnish off of wood, and exactly how many times you can shoot someone in the face & still blame the doctor for not saving them!! Jealousy? This week, we check out the town of Kittery, Maine, where a man was on the run for the most unspeakable crimes imaginable, only to come across another potential victim. Along the way, we find out that redheads need a festival, too, that hitchhiking in the hills of West Virginia is never a good idea, and that sometimes bad people police themselves brutally! Send us a tip using our annonymous form. This week, in Fishkill, New York, we look at a murder from James' hometown, where a longtime friendship seemingly falls apart rapidly, leading to one of the worst scenes that we've talked about. Her mild mannered husband doesn't get mad, but instead asks all parties concerned to please stop their behavior. This leads to crazy, underwear clad arguments, and someone going missing for 3 and a half years, causing a huge regional mystery, and the eventual grisly discovery of the body, in a most unlikely place! Will he succeed? The murders are mind boggling, and the defense is even crazier!Along the way, we find out just how rich you can get off of corn, if having no memory is the legal equivalent to being insane, and just how much of a discount you can get on a house where a massacre took place!! This week, in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, an unpredictable, and unbelievable scene happens, seemingly out of nowhere, leaving someone without a head, and some other body parts. Was he right? It's crazy time!! A brutal murder takes place, only to raise suspicions. Episode 270! None of this matters as he follows a path of violence, prison, escape, and even more violence, finally finding out that he's not the first in his gene pool to end up in the same situation that he finds himself. EXCLUSIVE: True crime remains one of the bedrocks of the podcasting world. From there, we learn that some people never learn!! The pair will discuss some of the most notorious cases from those who broke the law and those who were sworn to enforce it. It all ends in a courtroom showdown with the death penalty in the balance. Absolute brutality for what seems like very little motive, followed by an attempted cover up that just made it even worse. The problem is, the other person isn't quite ready to give up on the relationship. Now, as we look back on his career to date, it's easy to see the throughlines between each of his projects. True Crime Team James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Launch Podcast Network Upside Down, Set Inaugural Slate. But when the ex-girlfriend turns her affections toward the wrong cousin, the two men take a ride, to discuss their issue. Along the way, we find out that turkey cooking is very competitive, that anyone who owns a nightclub is probably a dirtbag, and that when two bodies are buried in your yard you are more than likely a murderer!! At Upside Down Digital Network, well foster creativity and showcase the most riveting people and stories as we bring the highest quality shows to this ever-expanding medium, said Whisman. But it is, and this person is ver guilty. This is a mess! Along the way, we find out that even suburban Miami was nothing but horse farms, just a few short years ago, that some people just want to watch the world burn, and that sometimes, you CAN judge a book by its cover!! The investigation that follows is the definition of inept, and the conclusion will leave you shocked and laughing!! Along the way, we find out Texans love to move whole towns, that your past relationships are a very good predictor of future ones, and that you should never threaten suicide while wearing a child's karate outfit!! Was he a person, with a simple motive for murder, or was he a deranged man, on a mission from God, who believes that he is simultaneously King Arthur, Jesus, Robin Hood, Merlin The Wizard, a ninja, and The Bear King? Find out How Amazingly You can Use the Extra Reusable Bags, How to use the Linux control panel for your website, What you need to know about furniture covers. This week, in Apache Junction, Arizona, a battered, and barefoot young woman wanders out of some rugged desert terrain with a story of nearly unmatched brutality, and as harrowing a previous two days as any human has ever endured. Add or change photo on IMDbPro Add to list More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Known for No Room for Groceries 8.0 Producer 2006 Crime in Sports Podcast Series Self - Host What follows is pure insanity, including a show down with an angry mob at a Wal-Mart parking lot. The thing is, she might just get away with it. to se odrao 14.-22. kolovoza u Austrijskom gradiu Feistritz na Dravi. A: Kenny Koretsky is an American professional drag racer who competed in the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA). Along the way, we find out that Slambodovia isn't a real country, that Merlin apparently had a forehead tattoo, and that when you're on a mission from God, you don't need an attorney! But the real kicker comes when the killer decides to clear his conscience, and confess to over a dozen more murders, over a 20 year period!! Jealousy, revenge, and stupidity form an incredible tale of murder. If you're searching for the best way to watch UFC live streams, you're in the right place. Another act of violence, committed by the dead woman's husband. Will anyone ever pay for this terrible murder?? This week, in American Fork, Utah, when two brothers from a very interesting background get excommunicated from the local church, they form their own belief system. The events, and aftermath have left this town in shock, and disbelief at one of the most heartless acts possible. This week, in Bonaparte, Iowa, a beloved, and affluent family is suddenly murdered in the night, leaving the entire town going crazy, and locking their doors. This week, in Bridgeville, Delaware, a complex web of relationships emerge, causing a ton of strife. This week, in Marion, Virginia, the unthinkably terrible murder of a local woman, leads to a man, who has done this kind of thing before. It's a terrible of death, complete with a dismembered body, stored in a dirt basement, severed arms, used as a threat, and a mess of a court situation, including the Sheriff, living next door to the defendant, lie detectors, and the legal/medical term "grossly insane"! But when investigators finally think they have the whole thing cracked, they wonder if they even have the right person. This week, we look at Waynesville, Ohio, where an escalating life of crime, prison, and more crime, finally explodes in one brutal confrontation that shocked the whole town. Once the research is done, its time to form it into a cohesive podcast that both informs and entertains. Oftentimes these crimes are under-reported another reason Pietragallo and Whisman want to cover them. An absolutely horrific attempt at the disposal of the body leaves very little room for benefit go the doubt! It's a strange tale of dumbness, violence, odd weapons, and conspiracy! Will he gets executed, like he wants to be?? Then again, there are some people that make it awfully hard to feel sorry for. James Pietragallo Physical Information James Pietragallo heightis 5 feet 10 inches / 178 cm. But who end up dead? I can tell you I enjoy being here, and I can't wait to see where this all takes me. It's a wild case, with a big ending!! Along the way, we find out that men don't age peacefully in the same house, that it's hard to claim self defense when the other party is reclining, and that if you want a lawyer, you should ask for a lawyer!! It's a crazy!! Was he a violent, drug addicted, and lazy person, who abused his sick, elderly mother, or was he a nice person, with a penchant for a clean good time? Includes Address (5) Phone (2) Email (2) See Results. He says that he is, in fact, an international assassin, hired out by both the government, and a mysterious operation called "The Company". It's absolutely mind boggling!! Complete with training sessions for the kids, and a plan to survive the inescapable mortal zombie combat, that is sure to come. One of our craziest episodes ever!! Eventually, this man figures that the only way he can get back at his boss, is by killing his entire family. Turns out, he's not as great a guy as she thought he was, which is proven by the opinion of just about everyone who ever met the man. james pietragallo grandmothermary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av This a truly crazy episode!! Along the way, we find out how a grown man gets picked on in the bathroom, if there's anything more disgusting than peepholes into a dressing room, and that if a murder suspect is wearing heavy makeup, he should definitely have to wash it off!! There are many suspects, including the current boyfriend, the ex-boyfriend, and the ex-husband. A woman found, in her own kitchen, bludgeoned & stabbed, with two knives still protruding from her back, and her family's story just isn't quite adding up. This week, we look at the quiet mountain community of St. Johns, Arizona, where one of the youngest serial killers in history was just getting started, when an unexpected event, derails his plans for more murder. You know what that means more murder! Along the way, we find out that drinking is something to do when it's cold out, that brains are a tough fit for the garbage disposal, and that if you plan to murder, you'd better get rid of your porn, first!! Plus, you'll never look at George Washington the same again!! But what those people don't realize is there is something under the surface that they can't see. Along the way, we find out what's up with Amish funerals, how many floods is too many, and exactly how difficult it is to drive a tractor while drunk & covered in blood!! His actions would shock everyone, and leave nothing the same in this beach community.Along the way, we see why it's so dangerous to grow apples, how much cocaine can be bought with enough money for a trip to England, and how many flags you have to sell to be able to send a child to college!! Head to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder! Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Read more . Along the way, we find out that you didn't have to be tough to command a red coat army, that "very sophisticated" is a very subjective term, and that even forensics are only as good as the people performing the tests!! Either way, it's worth the ride to hear this wild story! You definitely want to hear this one all the way to the end!! Given that legacy, it can be easy to mock what Cameron does because it's so overtly populist. This one has all kinds of mystery, and brutality!! It turns out even worse than the plan, but the big problem is that this definitely not the first time. Things become a bit more clear when we find out that the terrible, and seemingly accidental death has actually happened before. From there, a twisted story emerges, leaving everyone in disbelief!! As of , John is a professional accountant with a passion for writing. The narrow genres helped them define who they were and also avoid the stories that the other podcasts were all already doing. This week, we take a look at the old timey beach town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey, where a young man thought he could get away with 2 horrific murders. Crime in Sports started in early 2016, and the guys worked their way into the ears and hearts of listeners around the world - in early 2017, Small Town Murder hit the iTunes charts.and let's just hope this isn't grace. What is the Impractical Jokers' net worth? Luckily for us, he is as stupid as his is brutal! Along the way, we find out that soldiers really want quilts, that FBI profiles are sometimes insanely accurate, and that DNA doesn't lie!! This week, in Ham Lake, Minnesota, a teenage romance takes a strange turn, when both parties marry other people.