In 1991, he founded Man in the Mirror, which consults with churches in all 50 states to help them more effectively disciple their men. In January of 1827 on a cold Sunday morning in Washington, DC, more than a thousand people assembled in the Capitol to witness one of the most remarkable events ever to take place in the Hall of Representatives. He acknowledged that it was an exceptionally good sermon. You probably know Kent Hovind because hes the man behind the curtain of Creation Science Evangelism and Dinosaur Adventure Land. This brought back the name of Luther to the mouth of every folk. Dollar, Jr. is best known as one of Americas leading evangelists and famous preachers of the 20th century. Luther was a man of great devotion, passion, humor. Below are considered to be the Top 20 Famous Evangelists who Preached Christianity to Masses. Walter J. Burghardt S.J., is senior fellow of the Woodstock Theological Center in Washington, D.C. What a challenge. He has six children and four grandchildren with his wife, Serita Jakes. The church she attended had wanted to send her to the Pacific Islands to do missionary work, but she insisted that they send her to L.A. instead, so they did. Aimee Semple McPherson was one of the earliest evangelists to discover the power of radio. Remembering Evangelical Women. He wrote many books and articles, and twice delivered the prestigious Lyman Beecher Lectures on Preaching at Yale. Many support Franklin Grahams position, but others strongly disagree with him, stating that Christians should not support a non-Christian candidate to become president. He served as Pastor of three Church of Scotland congregations, and then joined the faculty of New College, the divinity school of the University of Edinburgh. An English-born Congregational preacher who served nearly thirty years as pastor of New Yorks Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, Buttrick succeeded Henry Sloane Coffin. (1988), an entropic theory of "imperial overstretch", and of Preparing for the 21st Century (1995 . ' (Gregory Alan Thornbury, Instructor in Christian Studies, Union University, Jackson, TN), Clarence Macartney was a lifelong bachelor, avid student of scripture, and champion of theological orthodoxy who stood in opposition to Fosdicks liberalizing influence. He is an author of several books and articles which are all centered around Christ and the holy gospel. On one particular Wednesday morning, I was arrested out of my boredom during chapel by a particularly stimulating sermon brought to us by one of the leading Fundamentalists in our area. That was back in the days when chapel was required of students. But he commented to me that it was unusual to hear that sermon coming from that preacher because the preacher had spent a great deal of his ministery fighting modernism. Then he went on to tell me the other reason the sermon was so unusual; it was one of Harry Emerson Fosdicks sermons, and Fosdick was the leading modernist of the time. Buttrick is one of the famous preachers of the 20th century who taught the gospel with determination and passion. This sermon was thoughtful, incisive, communicated quite well, and used scripture in an unusually intelligent way. Macartney was highly loved and appreciated by his followers who couldnt afford to miss his deep insight sermons. There was this: "'I, yet not I, but Christ.' A strongly evangelical Methodist preacher, he served for sixteen years as pastor of Londons Westminster Central Hall, where he preached weekly to 3,000 souls. Francis, the patron saint of ecology, was a nature-loving monk, and his followers have founded dozens of hospitals and universities. However, while he could greatly amuse a select group of friends in private, it was his passion and devotion that caught the international spotlight. Although a few found in him things worth criticizing, he was generally loved by the majority of his listeners. Pastor Mike Todd in Tulsa is a young black pastor with a super engaging preaching style and cross-over appeal. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley was born on April 6, 1926, in Armagh, Northern Ireland. George Whitefield was the greatest evangelical preacher to the masses. Such was the influence of bachelor preacher, Clarence Edward Macartney. Michelle Williams: Actress, Age, Husband, Relationships, Net Worth ! Criswell Stewart was committed to expository preaching, and preached with an earnestness and energy that was warmly received by his listeners. Born in 1893, the son of a popular Bible teacher in the YMCA movement, James Stewart was an acclaimed preacher both in his native Scotland and also in America. His preaching was thoroughly biblical, passionate, rational, and theological. His prophetic words and actions resulted in his recognition as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The gifted Scottish preacher taught New Testament at the University of Edinburgh, was Chaplain to the Queen in Scotland, and served in 1963-64 as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. A diligent worker and able student, Macartney preached five times weekly yet maintained an active schedule visiting in homes and hospitals three days a week. He is the author of over 40 books, including Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ. Bible scholars, philosophers, and theologians, Williams D.K. Among the outstanding preachers who were nominated were names like F.W. The numbers speak of greatness and complexity. He had served several churches before his appointment to Westminster Central Hall in 1939. Almost 3 million of those people have responded to his famous invitations. But when all is said and done, Billy Graham is just a simple man with a simple message. Mansfield in Vermont. In the mid-fifties he began his teaching career, first at Union Theological Seminary and later Harvard. Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN). What a challenge. Thank God for a preacher who takes Jesus at His Word. He was perhaps the most famous Evangelist of the early 20th century. Most members of the Christian clergy and many lay people have been a preacher to the unconverted. Unfortunately, this great man of God was tragically assassinated in 1968. Ian Richard Kyle Paisley, Baron Bannside PC, was a Northern Irish loyalist politician and Protestant religious leader. 15. In this light, many were convicted of their sins and turned to God for mercy and salvation. He is a pastor of The Potters House in Dallas, Texas, USA. Richard John Neuhaus Missions and Ecumenism: John R. Mott Evangelist and ecumenist. He be-lieved that a sermons architecture should render the sermon pleasing, beautiful, orderly and useful. Everything on his preaching, he focused on uplifting Christ and his power to redeem the world through his death on the cross. Their rankings were then tallied according to the rankings made by the contributing editors (giving increased weight based on the higher rankings) and the number of times a person was listed in each editors top ten. The result is in the list provided below. The church elders asked that he preach it each year thereafter, which he did. Buttrick exerted a profound influence on a generation of American preachers. In his own preaching he did not hesitate to call men and women to personal faith in Christ, and he challenged his students and others to do the work of the evangelist. In response, I suggested that he remedy the situation! When Fosdick preached his famous sermon, Will the Fundamentalists Win? Macartney countered with his own powerful sermon, Will Unbelief Win?. Here were delightful subjects, well researched, magnificently focused and artistically presented, from an obvious preacher who was profoundly committed to the Christian gospel and to the church of Jesus Christ. Buttrick is one of the famous preachers of the 20th century who taught the gospel with determination and passion. God was with him and blessed his activities. As a way to celebrate the end of a century and the start of a new millennium and to celebrate the committed Christian preachers who have so influenced our calling and our faith communities Preaching magazine undertook an effort to identify the great preachers of our century and of the past thousand years. In his book Preaching and Preachers, Lloyd-Jones defined preaching as logic on fire. That definition accurately describes his own approach. From the 100 most important events of the century to the 50 best entertainers to the 25 best athletes, it seems that there is a list for every interest. He was noted for his imaginative illustrations and his keen insights into the human heart. In 1926, McPherson disappeared while swimming near Venice Beach. To such questions Lloyd-Jones would admonish us to take ourselves in hand and assess our faithfulness to the Scriptures and the high calling to be stewards of the mysteries of God. By David Van Biema, Cathy Booth-Thomas / Dallas, Massimo Calabresi and John F. Dickerson / Washington, John Cloud and Rebecca Winters / New York and Sonja Steptoe / Los Angeles. 14. He built a reputation because of his ability to reach and touch many people despite different backgrounds and beliefs. His sermons abounded with literary quotations. Here, then, are the 25 most influential preachers of the past 25 years: #1 Billy Graham He just as easily could be at the top of any list of the most influential preachers of the past half-century; when Preaching cited the most influential preachers of the 20th century (in our first issue of the 21st), Billy Graham came in at number two. In addition, James served as a pastor of three Church of Scotland congregations. Its almost impossible for us to talk about the pillars of the gospel in America without mentioning Harry Emerson. Grahams preaching is simple and straightforward, filled with illustrations drawn from the days headlines. With dramatic titles designed to catch attention and bring the Bible to life, he carefully crafted each sermon so that Gods word spoke for itself. His ministry took Him to America twice, where He preached on The Way of Peace and the revival that followed. His strong ties to the John F. Kennedy High School have inspired him to open his first church in a garage right across the schools campus. Worth noting is that he served in the army during World War I. His teachings were centered around winning more souls for the kingdom of God and helping Christians to live as God wants. He influenced people all over the world. His prophetic words and actions resulted in his recognition as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in 1949. Yet his message has remained incredibly simple: every person is sinful before God, a predicament that can turn to forgiveness only through faith in Jesus Christ. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of great passion, devotion, and humor. Mark Galli Martin Luther King, Jr. We cannot overlook Paul just because He was the most prolific of writers in the New Testament or that he planted churches throughout the Roman . Yet, both men lived very different lives on their road to fame, and not much is known about the early part of Dwight L. Moodys life. False Teachers List & False Prophets Exposed / Problematic Preachers | List of False Teachers of the Prosperity Gospel & NAR: Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Rob Bell, Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Over a ministry about to enter its seventh decade, God has blessed Grahams preaching and has used his faithfulness and integrity to draw hundreds of thousands to respond to the call of Christ. He did this through his amazing sermons and writings. Through their passion for Christ, many were martyred for their faith. He saw no incompatibility between biblical preaching and preaching on relevant social issues. During his lifetime, three generations of seminarians sought Buttrick out not only as a man who knew homiletics, but more than that one who could really preach. He has converted millions of atheists, adults, and children to Christ, using his wit and humor. He began preaching at revivals he called "crusades" in the years following WWII. Ill admit it, but so has every other preacher, whatever his theological stripe may be. In this light, he taught of the rewards that were reserved for those who will obey and follow Gods instructions. Records hold that he served about 30 years as a pastor of New Yorks Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. ." Grahams work did draw hundreds of thousands to the true teachings of Christ. And each sermon is focused intently on a single purpose: to draw men and women to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Lonnie Frisbee is a natural-born evangelist who spends most of his time trying to spread Gods word. For each of them, their faith played a major role in their outlook . We dont know how many times weve seen some anti-Christian poke fun at Hovind, even though if you were to take all the evangelists in a room and compare them to Kent, youd see that he is an evangelical Christian. Records hold that he taught the New Testament at the University of Edinburgh. Graham's preaching is simple and straightforward, filled with illustrations drawn from the day's headlines. (Robert Smith, Professor of Preaching, Beeson Divinity School Birmingham, AL). Based on those nominations, a list of 27 names was prepared and sent to Preaching's Board of Contributing Editors. Preachers from around the area were invited to speak. As Stewart challenged in A Faith to Proclaim: I, yet not I, but Christ. To be thus taken command of, so that our testimony, when we go out to speak of Christ, is not ours at all, but Christs self-testimony this is our vocation and the hope of our ministry.