Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars. The mission of this website is not only to tell truth, but also to give hope, to give the solutions for the terrifying problems that are on our doorstep. Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace. If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world. The Jewish Agenda for Genociding the White Race, So, What IS the Great Legacy of Queen Elizabeth. All rights reserved by and protected by. Dr. Day will teach us about The Plan and the Good News About God! Orthodox: Traditionalists who observe most of the traditional dietary and ceremonial laws of Judaism. The roster of the 2,900 CFR members reads like a whos who of the elite politicians, media, financiers, businessmen, military and educators. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider web of elite conspirators, including the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Committee of 300, to name a few. Without the belief in the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust by the average Jews, and everyone else as well, NONE of these things could occur! Formed primarily to destroy the Protestant Reformation AND the Protestants, the Jesuits are led by their Jesuit General, often referred to as the Black Pope, who rules from behind the scenes. This is a Satanic Ritual Initiation into the New World Order. 4. But as noted above, the leaders of the coming One World Government KNOW that humanity has a need to worship. What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan? He will save them FROM their sins, NOT IN their sins. That did NOT make his sons Jewish. Then the whole family moved down to Egypt which certainly did NOT make them Jewish. The whole group stayed in Egypt for 400 years while their numbers grew, but there is no evidence that they mystically became Jewish while living in Egypt! And they will appear to succeed for a while, bringing the worst carnage that has ever been on the earth - to America, and to the rest of the world. But as The BIG Jew, Bertrand Russell, wrote in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially the suffering of others.. After the group multiplied, God, through Moses, brought them OUT OF Egypt and into the desert wilderness where they stayed for forty years. And it is possible that Annan, himself, is a Jew. Crown is the City of London ruled by the Jew Rothschilds. When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! The United States is a colony of Israel. In the Bible, these terms have nothing to do with ethnicity. and Communist New World Order. They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. The terms Judeans (incorrectly translated Jews) and Gentiles (nations) used in the Bible, are not terms of ethnicity, they referred respectively to those who were either believers in the true God, or unbelievers.. Unfortunately, this type of torture is now becoming common in U.S. prisons on U.S. soil, many of which are owned by a company called Wackenhut, a company owned and run by former CIA personnel. But Mr. Icke, those words are Right Out of Ambassador to the U. N., John Bolton, is a Zionist Jew. One who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one who exhibits the character and disposition of Jesus Christ. The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY Only at the 33rd degree do the members learn that the God the Masons worship is Lucifer! Jesuits: The Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. Threats and intimidation against Truth-tellers Their group includes a) Richard Perle, Advisor to the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, present President of the World Bank and former Undersecretary of Defense, under Donald Rumsfeld, who Wolfowitz controlled, b) Richard Perle, Advisor to the Pentagon, c) Douglas Feith, former Undersecretary of State, under Wolfowitz, c) William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, and a seemingly favorite TV guest on political matters, and others. An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and Communism, Jewish Lies and How They Plan to Kill us, To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are NOT So, finally, the One World Religion will be transformed into Luciferianism, the religion of Freemasonry the worship of Lucifer Satan! (See What Happens at the Judgment?). Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. But this assimilation into the land of their residence must be stopped, according to the Zionist Jews, who need more Jews to inhabit the lands they are planning to take over for themselves, such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other oil-rich countries. Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You 10. Truth empowers and uplifts. Eventually, God will save everyone He has created, not IN their sins, but FROM their sins. Living in the desert did NOT make them Jewish.. Arabs are of Semitic origin and the majority of Jews appear to hate the Arabs, at least in Israel. They WORSHIP him! with Dr. Lorraine Day, Learn How to Understand God's Word Are Doctors a Gift from God? United States copyright law. discusses. Their plan is to eliminate 5.5 billion of the worlds population by forced birth control, abortion, manufactured famines, manufactured pandemic diseases, war, executions, and other ways as revealed on this website. The majority of Israelis are atheists, and therefore do not qualify as Israelites - worshipers of the true God. A personal message from Dr. Lorraine Day: Above all things, I want you to be well, both physically and spiritually. CoronaVirus "Pandemic". Their plans would be foiled! Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. It uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life. Kabbalah: A system of Jewish mysticism, essentially witchcraft, that has recently become popular especially with many actors in Hollywood, the majority of whom are Jewish, including Madonna, Demi Moore, Roseanne Barr, and many others. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?, The well known rabbi, Isaac Wise, was emphatic when he concluded: Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.. I do not believe in violence, I don't believe in war of any kind and I don't believe in guns for self-defense even though I uphold every U.S. citizen's right to bear arms according to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! The original medieval Order of Knights Templar was established after the First Crusade, and existed from approximately 1118 to 1312. On almost every corner, in every city in America, a Holocaust museum is rising, paid for by U.S. taxpayers. And there is much evidence to support this. So instead, they viciously attack the messenger. In the early 1990's, she was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects. Subsequently, they moved to the pagan area of Canaan. (Mark 7:1-13). 5.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust and the fear instilled in the rank and file Jews against non-Jews, there would be more intermarrying between Jews and non-Jews. While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. The neo-conservatives are primarily Zionist Jews who have allegiance to Israel, and many of the most prominent neo-cons have dual citizenship: Israel and the U.S. William Kristol, whose father, Irving Kristol is a Trotskyite Communist is the Chairman. See The Thirteenth Tribe, by Jewish author, Arthur Koestler. Anthrax At one point she was not expected to live through the night. 9. A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. Actually, it better describes the Post-World War II treatment of the German citizens by the Allies (the U.S., U.K and USSR), who were taking their orders from International Jewry, including then-U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, a Swedish Jew, according to his West Point graduation yearbook. Food is Power. There are many people who consider themselves Jewish who are wonderful, honest people. Promote interdependence. Another ONS report also reveales that unvaccinated children aged 10 to 14 had a Covid-19 mortality rate of 0.31 per 100,000 person-years between January 2021 and May 2022. As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited Title: Dr. Lorraine Day Tells What's It becomes whatever is necessary in order to deceive and trick non-Jews. Documentation for Physician Credentials for Lorraine Day, M.D. They are One and the Same! During the Spanish Inquisition, the Jews were threatened by the Catholic Church, Convert or be killed. So the leaders of International Jewry advised the Jews to appear to convert, but in reality, join infiltrate - and take over from the inside, the structure of the Catholic Church. Nobel Prize Winner who INVENTED the test!! They will manage the money, the land, the food, and the guns - - - of everyone in the world! For more information on this subject, see Judaisms Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II. But the elite are special and have the right to plunder those who are less fortunate. Through her long and difficult struggle to get well, she was shocked to learn of the enormous cover-up, by Organized Medicine and the pharmaceutical companies, of natural, inexpensive cancer therapies. Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. Those who refuse to go along with this scheme will be subject to great persecution, and many will be martyred. Germs Don't Cause Disease If one worshiped the true God of heaven, he was termed a Judean a Believer since most of the Believers (in the true God) lived in the area of Judea at that time. Lorraine Day, M.D. Then Jacob had 12 sons by four different wives. Holocaust Revisionist: Revisionists, in general, spend their time in research, attempting to find the truth in history, and then Revise back to truth, the myths that have so often been written into the textbooks and the history books by hired agents of the elitists for their propaganda purposes. YOUR Government is using YOUR money to BUY, If you Dont Think We Have Been Taken Over by, Occasionally Humorous but Always Important to, YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the, Harvest of Despair: MUST WATCH - Communist Famines in, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the, How Should We Respond to this ILLEGAL, The Democratic National Convention Logo is, THIS is What The Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic, The Jewish Illuminati are Completely Deceived, Title: Dr. Lorraine Day's interview on the Coming, Dr. Lorraine Day gives Update on Covid 19 on, An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and. It doesnt matter! Dont worry about the CoronaVirus! When she developed breast cancer she had to decide between orthodox treatments and alternative treatments. On the other hand, there are some Jews who believe they are better than other ethnic groups, just as some whites, Asians, and others may believe they are superior. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the There are various levels of witchcraft, from the festivals and seasonal days of celebration - to outright Satanism, the worship of Satan. All rights reserved by and protected by . But, no, their figures never change! Unfortunately, the CDC is primarily a propaganda tool for the emerging One World Government, to promote vaccinations and other harmful drugs, to protect political correctness rather than the health of the public (such as in the AIDS epidemic), to spread disinformation and frighten the public into taking harmful and ineffective vaccinations for NON-epidemics, to suppress the true methods of natural healing and instead promote drug medicine, and to cover up REAL health issues such as; Mad Cow disease, Aspartame (Nutra-sweet), and the deadly hazards of chemotherapy and radiation, etc. When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80s and early 90s, on the governments cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. Anti-Christianity: A term that is all but absent from the vocabulary of the population even though it is being practiced daily all over the world, including in America. Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that The Democratic National Convention Logo is The rank and file Jews should take note that NONE of the really BIG Jews live in Israel. The Jews are Destroyers! More Evidence the Uvalde Shooting was a FALSE FLAG! A dense darkness is falling over America and the World. Copyright 2006 Spencer Publishing. Copyright 2006 Spencer Publishing. Dr. Day has studied God's word for over 30 years and is truly a scholar! They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil. I just write and speak Truth. They believe, as they are taught, that Zionism is an international movement to secure a homeland for Jews in Palestine. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) . Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every Occult order appears to have Masonic roots. Instead of countering this forensic evidence that refutes the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust with hard evidence supporting their views, the Zionist Jews respond with insults, smears, more arrests, assassinations, non-stop propaganda campaigns, and rapidly multiplying Holocaust museums. Read the More than 20 things they're doing to CRUSH America and form a Jewish, Communist, Bolshevik Global Government! View his picture and you decide. In its current form, Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States), and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the US (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social well-being not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands. the SILENCE of Hospitals, Doctors and Nurses, How the Jews are MURDERING the Elderly Gentiles. Such is The Nature of Deception, a mixture that appears true to those who do not have THE Truth, Jesus Christ. tortured and persecuted even BEFORE World War II. Even the internet spokespersons are being compromised because of threats of violence and pressure on their advertisers by these same groups. Neo-Conservative (Neo-Con): Neo-Conservatives are neither New (Neo) nor Conservative. The present Order of the Knights Templar is a part of Freemasonry and the other numerous Secret Societies that are working towards control of the world, setting up a One World Government, and eventual enslavement of the population of the world. But Zionism means something very different to the leaders of International Jewry. (See Talmud below). Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. If there is so much anti-Semitism, oppression, and persecution of Jews in all these countries, why do the BIG Jews live there? She warns against trusting the medical profession and claims that all drugs can cause cancer. Good News About God with Dr. Lorraine Day - - All The Honest News Fit To Publish Articles Banking Black Projects Censorship Deep State DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Lorraine Day Globalists Government Health History Israel Jews Medical Political Religion / Spirituality Wall Street Corruption Websites There is mounting evidence that the three major recent leaders of the Catholic church are ALL Jewish. The rank and file Jews must be made to believe that non-Jews want them dead, and that millions of Jews were killed because Hitler, apparently for NO REASON except blatant bigotry, ordered their death. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. Israel, through the neo-cons, controls the U.S. Presidency, and the entire U.S. government. It is a Totally FAKE Concept! Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. The more one becomes involved at any level of wicca or witchcraft, the more he or she will come under the control of Satan. In 70 A.D. (See Talmud below.). Keep in mind that they have a sanitized version available for non-Jews. Dr. Day is an author, renowned trauma surgeon, medical professor, and AIDS expert. Anti-Semite! He Loves Me. Illuminati: The Order of the Illuminati was started, on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a Jew who was also in the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, thus making him a Jewish Jesuit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: * Christian Zionism is the Second Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. Although in the past, I have lead a Bible study, I have never read The Book of Revelation. To be blunt, they are nothing more than Trotskyite Communists dressed up in Republican clothes. They are NOT New or neo, because they are communists and communism has been around for hundreds of years. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. Ariel Sharon, Oct 3, 2001. the FAKE Pandemic is Real! Jacob was NOT Jewish. He was just the grandson of two Babylonians who were living in the pagan country of Canaan. God has promised in His Word that all things ultimately will be made right, that there will be peace in His kingdom, and that all people are equal. We discussed: the four books Dr. Day has written in less than two years; why artificial intelligence cannot make people smarter; how the human body is designed by God to heal itself . The Communist goals: the elitists will own everything, the middle class will be eliminated either by murdering them or confiscating all their property and possessions, thus allowing only two classes to remain - the elitists and the slaves! If one is not worshiping God, the Creator, then he is worshiping Satan, while holding the illusion that he is worshiping the earth and nature. WHO supposedly concentrates on preventive rather than curative programs, including efforts to eradicate endemic and other widespread diseases, stabilize population growth, improve nutrition, sanitation, and maternal and child care. 2. They also were invited to the recent Iranian Holocaust Revisionist Conference, thereby revealing that they also have deceived the President of Iran. What is the reason behind this incessant indoctrination? However, Holocaust Revisionists do not agree that there was any German plan to exterminate Jews, nor were there any homicidal gas chambers in any concentration camps. Is There Any Way to Heal After the Covid Injection? Some Jews claim to be Anti-Zionism, including a group of Orthodox Jews known as the Neturei Karta. * Jewish Zionism is the First Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. THIS is what is coming to America! ALL spells are evil because they attempt to control another persons life. Read how MUCH they want to KILL US! Conservative: Do not hold to the importance of a Jewish state, but put more emphasis on the historic and religious aspects of Judaism, doctrinally somewhere between Orthodox and Reform. *Boutros-Boutros Ghali, the former Secretary General of the United Nations was married to an openly Jewish woman named Leah Nadler. That same spirit that is being manifested by the Jews treatment of the Palestinians, AND by the American governments treatment of Iraqi and Afghanistani prisoners in Abu Ghraib and other torture prisons on foreign soil run by the U.S. government.