Jerry O'Connell Vern Tessio. Vern: That's so funny, I forgot to laugh. I'LL KILL YOU! Hands behind your backs, gentlemen! Teddy knew I took it. , [as Lardass walks across the stage to his seat the Benevolent Order of Antelopes mock him in rhythm with his steps]. I cherish these moments. Gordie: Maybe it shouldn't be a good time. : They all got totaled! In a small woodsy Oregon town, a group of friendssensitive Gordie, tough guy Chris, flamboyant Teddy, and scaredy-cat Vern-are in search of a missing teenager's body. The Writer: [voiceover] As time went on we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern until eventually they became just two more faces in the halls. [Finishing the song alone] : Boy, you don't know nothin', Mighty Mouse is a cartoon, Superman is a real guy, no way a cartoon could beat up a real guy. You don't even have any hair! [In unison] Chris: It's spooky sleeping out at night in the woods. She weighs over three hundred pounds. Superman's a real guy. Damn it! You're Teddy Duchamp. This is your last chance. [the boys get dressed and Gordie is recovering from fainting] You die, Chambers! Renaissance Fair. : Chris: We could go down to the Route 136 bridge. list. : Vern Tessio: If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? Let's go again. Vern: I wasn't that scared. Gordie : : [after dropping his hamburger in the campfire by accident], [the boys get dressed and Gordie is recovering from fainting], [Fighting Teddy and punching him over and over], [singing the ending song to their western], [after the Milo Pressman incident, Vern tries to light up the mood by singing while Teddy cries]. "How could you have possibly known? : Kiefer Sutherland. He weighs close to one-eighty. Come on, man! "I don't feel guilt, but I just want to say, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you more." "You were 11," Wheaton replied. Lardass! Chris: Yeah, I took it! I know how your dad feels about you, he doesn't give a sh*t about you. Teddy: Vern-o, nobody believes that crap about moons and goochers. What do you say, kid? The names of the actors who played each character are listed below as well, so use this Stand by Me character list to find out who portrayed your favorite role. Vern Tessio was born in Castle Rock, Vern is the goofy and scariest and fat kid of the group. Oh, Jesus, man, that's a goocher. Why not? | Gordie: Um [checks his watch] It's 1:15. Real good. You're just a kid, Gordie Chris: I wish the hell I was your dad. It's 1960 in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. : Did anybody bring anything? There's no way a cartoon could beat up a real guy. Cherry-flavoured Pez. He also has horrible friends. Alright, are you ready? Teddy He meant those things, but it seems to me now it was more and that we all knew it. The train had knocked him out of his shoes. How did the boys describe seeing a dead body for the first time. Vern Tessio from Stand By Me So let's just say that I stole the milk money, but Old Lady Simmons stole it back from me. Oh guys, I better get home before my mom puts me out on the "ten most wanted." : : I don't like this, man, sincerely. Gordie: Do you use your left hand or your right hand for that? [They point at each other's open mouths making gagging sounds]. Chris Teddy Quotes "It's like God gave you something, man - all those stories you can come up with." "You're just a kid, Gordie." "If your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should." "Not if I see you first." "Bull-true." "Do you wanna be the Lone Ranger or the Cisco Kid?" "You're gonna have to kill me Ace." "Skin it." Chris: Bulltrue! And all your fathers are gonna get a call from me, except for the loony up in Togus. Vern Tessio is a main character in Stand By Me. [Angrily] Vern I just got a three day vacation. [singing and walking] [the boys toss their bags over the fence, then begin scaling it]. : : Corey Feldman. Gordie: Sure, you only outweigh him by 500 pounds, fat ass! This is Vern Tessio, he is twelve years of age and lives in Brownsville, Oregon. Teddy But Ow, get Vern It's a stupid wasted time! : --Jeff Shannon,, Vern: I'm not going alone. : He drew a treasure map so he could find them again. Now, you're turning pussy too! Break it up. Eyeball: So what's with you and this Connie Palermo chick? Gordie: RUN, VERN! Gordie: No. A long time ago. Rounding off the quartet is Corey Feldman who stars as Teddy Duchamp, a rather screwed-up kid whose father is taking residence in a mental hospital. Teddy: Goofy's a dog. Vern Tessio: If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? You walk five miles down the river, you gotta walk five miles back. GET UP! Come on, guys. He and his friends went on an adventure on February 11th, 2019, during the attacks of Donald Trump. Vern: You think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? You ain't got the sack to shoot a woodchuck. 1980s Films. I'LL SIC MY DOG ON YOU! We should all go. Teddy: YOU SON OF A B*TCH! : They are afflicted with a bad name, Vern being the brother of a member of Ace Merrill's gang and Teddy being the son of a "loony", but neither of them actually struggle to break free from those prejudices. She looks like a Thanksgiving turkey. The Writer: The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds the same way it had knocked the life out of his body. [to Lardass] Vern: Four tails! : From main characters to cameos and minor roles, these characters are a huge part of what made the movie so great. 1998-2023 | All rights reserved, directed this movie Teddy Milo: HEY! : Yeah, yeah, right. Gordie: F*** writing, I don't want to be a writer. We'll flip for it. You brought the comb! The town folk view his family as stupid, and he has an older brother as well who is a part of a group of teens that aren't the nicest, or in other words, bullies. Chris Chambers *~ You two are walking down with the other boys to the diner. A knight without armor in a savage land . It's about four boys ages 12 and 13 (Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell) who take an overnight hike through the woods near their Oregon town to find the body of a boy who's been missing for days. [to himself, quietly] [They start crossing the bridge; Gordie feels the tracks for any vibrations given off by trains; Vern cautiously crawls along the tracks with Gordie walking behind him and the comb falls out of his shirt pocket into the river], Gordie: Forget it, Vern. Do you think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? Gordie Crowd That happens sometimes. [the train gets closer to Gordie and Vern]. Friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant. When businessman Vern Tessio received an order for one of his products from the USA, he knew it could take weeks to arrive. You gonna meet a lot of new guys. Vern Tessio and Teddy Duchamps on the other hand contrast this development. Gordie, go get the food, you morphodite. The women in the audience screamed. [Lardass finishes his third pie] Child Actors. Milo: You come on and try it, you slimy bastard. If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? BBC News. Gordie, to a lesser extent. Each boy Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Chris Chambers (River Phoenix), Teddy Duchamp (Corey Feldman), and Vern Tessio (Jerry O'Connell) has their own reason for going on this search . Why couldn't you have gotten breakfast stuff? : I brought the comb! Okay. The Writer: [voiceover] I was twelve going on thirteen first time I saw a dead human being. : Vern Not if Chopper's there. Teddy What the audience didn't know was that Lardass wasn't really interested in winning. If either of you a**holes had a$1000, I'd kill you both. On the way, Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton), Vern Tessio . : Chris Chambers/Teddy Duchamp/Gordie LaChance/Vern Tessio (1) Exclude Additional Tags Comfort (1) Polyamory (1) Abuse (1) Monogamy (1) Feelings Realization (1) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. : Gordie We'll flip for it. [Furious] Teddy: I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everybody's good time. Junkyard opens at 3:00. Teddy : Oh, great! To them, Gordie does nothing important. No way man. Vern. : One night while entering the line at a fast food restaurant, two men got into a fight. Well this kid is our age but he's fat. What time is it, Gordie? What am I supposed to eat? You can pick us up on the way back. Shut up. [Chopper starts biting Teddy's shirt] Bite sh*t! Gordie: [to Chris] Flip or eat lead. They ain't never gonna find him. He stormed the beach, you f*ggot! Gordie : He has a brother, Billy in the opposing group. His writing does not mean anything. Teddy: No but this is. And if your parents are too f***ed up to do it, then maybe I should. Teddy: Have you guys been watching The Mickey Mouse Club lately? Teddy What are you doing there?! "Stand by Me Quotes." , We go across here, we could get to the same place in ten minutes. Except for the looney up in Togus. Chris: He wants you to come over there so he can beat the piss out of you and take you to the cops. Gordie: Come on, Choppy! : Why don't you guys just go for some long branches, okay? Gordie And Lardass just sat back and enjoyed what he'd created-a complete and total barf-o-rama! Sincerely. : Kiefer Sutherland makes a memorable teenage villain, and look closely for John Cusack in a flashback scene as Wheaton's now-deceased and dearly missed brother. Two for flinching! Like many other ESFJs or Consuls, Vern desperately wants to be loved by his social group. : Billy Tessio: Hey, Eyeball's right, Charlie. Mighty Mouse is a cartoon. Teddy , (Billy is also a member of the teenage gang that plagues the boys later.) Ace: She's a Catholic, Man. Boy, you don't know nothing! Teddy: Yeah, by the time we get there, the kid won't even be dead anymore. He took your ear and he put it to a stove and he burnt it off. Vern: No, man, a goocher. : End of Scene 6 'Through the Fence' Scenes 8-12 'Boys Get Ready to Leave'Scene 40 'Am I Weird?'Scene 40 'Chris' Final Speech'Scene 45 'Train Trestle'Scene 49 . Stop it! the main guy of the story is a fat kid that nobody likes named Davie Hogan. Jeremiah O'Connell (born February 17, 1974) is an American actor, director and talk show host, known for his roles as Quinn Mallory in the television series Sliders, Andrew Clements in My Secret Identity, Vern Tessio in the film Stand by Me (1986), Joe in Joe's Apartment (1996), Frank Cushman in Jerry Maguire (1996), Derek in Scream 2 (1997), Charlie Carbone in Kangaroo Jack (2003), and . Teddy Chris Vern Vern has short black hair and is large in shape. Stop it stop it. Jerry O' Connell is Vern Tessio, an overly-enthusiastic youngster who is often the butt of the other boys' jokes. Vern I'm not going back. Just like the woods, death can be a scary thing. Gordie: Suck my fat one, you cheap dime store hood. During the Media Crackdown, he and his friends went to Antelope, Oregon, and met Reverendburn. Jesus, does anybody? The 12 Best Vern Tessio Quotes #2: Vern: You think Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? [gets Vern on his feet as the train starts to come onto the bridge] MOVE IT! Crowd "Hey, hey, hey! Spit at the fat kid. Teddy: Did your mother have any kids that lived? , A sleeper hit when released in 1986, Stand by Me is based on Stephen King's novella "The Body" (from the book Different Seasons); but it's more about the joys and pains of boyhood friendship than a morbid fascination with corpses. You wish. If he had one. ", [Gordie keeps running and starts screaming as Chopper goes after him. Teddy : Vern Chris: Maybe. That's easy-Pez. Everything was there and around us. B-but you flinched! Milo: You little foul-mouthed whoremaster! Teddy: Oh, sh*t! : What a wet end you are, Lachance! Vern I suppose this is fun for you? Teddy [Cut to flashback scene showing Lardass drinking a quart bottle of Castor Oil and eating a raw egg just before the start of the contest; cut back to the contest in progress]. I brought the comb! Go screw. I'm crossing here. He says complains to Teddy when he spat water at his face: ". Jesus, does anyone? [the two run as fast as they can], Gordie: Go! I grow up. Teddy: How far do you think it's gonna be? [cries]. Donelley Twin The Craft. Good Vern. Chris Vern: What am I supposed to do, think of everything?! Vern Tessio is the friendliest one out of the bunch, a bit nave and very trusting. Yeah, maybe you're right would be a good fight though! Gordie: And then your mother goes around the corner and she licks it up. Kid brother to Eyeball Chambers. Gordie We should all go. But you know it's not his fault it's his glands. Teddy, it's 100 feet. Jerry O'Connell (Vern Tessio) Vern Tessio (Jerry O'Connell) rounds out the group of four boys featured in Stand by Me. Their journey includes a variety of scary adventures (including a ferocious junkyard dog, a swamp full of leeches, and a treacherous leap from a train trestle), but it's also a time for personal revelations, quiet interludes, and the raucous comradeship of best friends. Vern Tessio. Vern Tessio is one of the four boys from the short story The Body and the film based on it, Stand By Me . : Filming & Production : [laughs] Eyeball: Bet you two thousands bucks, they don't. Whoever told you that you had a fat one, Lachance? Mayor Grundy Teddy: What are you, crazy? Let's get moving. Chris: You're gonna be a great writer someday, Gordie. Gordie Teddy: Boy, you don't know nothin', Mighty Mouse is a cartoon, Superman is a real guy, no way a cartoon could beat up a real guy. Just maybe. Your. Unfortunately, Teddy tends to get himself into danger since he lives in the moment and doesn't think about consequences. I'm not goin' all the way out there. Chris: I'm never gonna get out of this town am I, Gordie? I guess a more experienced shopper could have gotten more for your seven cents. : While nine months of trying to find a quart jar of pennies that he apparently buried under his house at the beginning of a school year, he heard his brother talking to a fellow gang . And lastly we have Teddy. An' nobody is taking him. Chris 4 Mar. Done! Mighty Mouse is a cartoon. I saw the other day. Charlie Hogan: I bet you a thousand bucks, they'll find him before then. The Body is a novella by American writer Stephen King. Vern Tessio is the quaternary character of the 1986 drama Stand by Me. STOP TEASING THAT DOG! Vern Drum roll! : : Milo: You watch your mouth, smart guy! Vern Tessio: This is the way I like to do it. , Vern Teddy Currently you are able to watch "Stand by Me" streaming on fuboTV, Showtime Apple TV Channel, Showtime Amazon Channel, Showtime Roku Premium Channel, Showtime, DIRECTV, Sling TV Orange and Blue, Paramount+ Showtime. Sic balls, Choppy! You brought the comb! Chris: Yeah. [laughs]. : Did your mother have any kids that lived? 21. Milo: Come back here! [Also furious] You don't even have any hair!" Jerry O'Connell - Vern Tessio Corey Feldman - Teddy Duchamp [Tag: hair ] more on this quote "- Teddy: This is my age! , STANDS4 LLC, 2023. : Teddy: Oh, great! What he wanted was revenge, and right before he was introduced he'd gotten ready for it. There were only 1281 people, but to me it was the whole world. Vern: I'm not going alone. He charges at Teddy, takes him down. As time went on, we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern until, eventually, they became just two more faces in the halls. Chris Shoot us all? Done! : : Lardass Hogan Boom-baba-boom-baba [They fall silent as Lardass glares at them, but then they resume their mockery as soon as he starts moving again]. Nobody ranks on my old man. The Writer: [voiceover] Chopper was my first lesson in the vast difference between myth and reality. Vern: Like Charlie Hogan's brother. [after they had dinner] Vern : Nothing like a smoke after a meal. : I'm in the prime of my youth and I'll only be young once! Teddy 29 January 2023. He fought on the beaches of Normandy. [Teddy spits water at Vern; Gordie and Chris laugh]. : Teddy: Look, you guys can go around if you want to. Why did Denny have to die? | , I don't wanna be a writer. [Cheering and laughing] [punches Vern in the arm twice], [The boys stop and stare into the distance]. He has been hit by a train and likely killed instantly . Chris Teddy Paratroops, over the side! Gordie Maybe, we should take Gordie back. Teddy: That's you, Gordie, odd as a cod. Oh! he is my world. : That's not the secret knock. Gordie: Yeah, I've been noticing lately that the "A"and the "E" are starting to bend around the sides. [Gordie starts running] You! Vern: Hey, I'm kinda hungry. Vern The story takes place during the summer of 1960 in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine.After a boy disappears and is presumed dead, twelve-year-old Gordie LaChance and his three friends set out to find his body along . Oh, God. Girlfriends barfed on boyfriends. : You use your left hand or your right hand for that? Chris Set in the 1950s, the movie indulges an overabundance of anachronistic profanity and a kind of idealistic, golden-toned nostalgia (it's told in flashback as a story written by Wheaton's character as an adult, played by Richard Dreyfuss). We go across here we can get to the same place in 10 minutes. The Grandmother stood in front of the woods reminding us that death is always near and behind us. Milo: You come on and try it, you little slimy bastard! Vern Then you won't mind if we check the seat of your jockies for Hershey squirts, will you? I guess I'm just a p*ssy, huh? Teddy Like Twinkies and Pez and Root Beer? : Gordie: Hey, Vern, looks like your mom's been out driving again. The Writer: [voiceover] "No trespassing" was enforced by Milo Pressman, the junkman, and his dog, Chopper, the most feared and least seen dog in Castle Rock. Mayor Grundy barfed on his wife's tits! I brought the comb! Gordie: I'm no good. The Writer: I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Vern Tessio: If I could only have one food for the rest of my life? Alright, alright, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. Vern I brought the comb! Vern What am I supposed to do, think of everything? Gordie: Guess I'd have to be really hard up, huh? - Chris: "Suck my fat one"? [Chris and Teddy watch with horror; Gordie, thinking quickly, grabs Vern, and the two jump off the side of the bridge just as the train is about to hit them; as the train passes, Chris and Teddy run over to the end of the bridge and see Gordie and Vern disheveled but unharmed]. Vern is overweight, emotionally sensitive, not very bright, and rather easily scared. But when the smell hit the crowd, that's when Lardass' plan really started to work. Have Gun Will Travel reads the card of a man. Iiiiiiit's Gordie: But you didn't miss him. [to Vern] You gonna flip, or not? Vern, Chris, and Teddy: RUN, GORDIE, RUN! [The boys have come across a train trestle, and are contemplating crossing it.]. I saw the other day, he was carrying 5 elephants in one hand. + "Aw, he's cute!" Chris: I mean, you could be a real writer someday, Gordie. : No, Vern. I'm crossing here. Who told you you had a fat one, Lachance? Don't call me any of your mother's pet names. Chris: He can't be a dog. Mayor Grundy , Any of you guys know when the next train is due? Chris You little f*ggot! twin brother to be exact. Gordie Teddy Great, spit at the fat kid", this proves that . He is likely the least troubled of the boys though he is frequently teased by the rest of the group. Gordie: Mickey is a mouse, Donald is a duck, Pluto is a dog. Gordie: [to Vern] Why didn't you bring something?! That's five miles down the river! : It'd be a good fight though. : - Chris: How do you know if a Frenchman has been in your backyard? Teddy 4/2/2014 0 Comments Vern Tessio Age: 12 - 13. You like it, Teddy? What did you bring a comb for? And while you guys are dragging your candy asses halfway across the state and back, I'll be waiting for you on the other side, relaxing with my thoughts. - Teddy: Oh, great! Gordie Teddy: Look, you guys can go around if you want to. Teddy
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