And quite literally, Sarah, there is no amount of right wing credentials that can allow you standing to tell folks that Trump has lied terribly or that Tucker Carlson is spouting falsehoods Because the instant you do, then the question isnt what happened to Tucker Mhmm. And thats enough in close states to really make all the difference. This is a guy whos a slave owner. There are forces that are stretching us and pulling us. How did they differ? Youre literally not gonna know about one of the most consequential media scandals of my lifetime. But then I do try to do my research on other areas because. Once the operative word starts to be majority and not exhausted, then weve got a chance to to work our way through this. This coincides with James Otiss phrase, taxation without representation is tyranny, which led to, no taxation without representation. Enlightened thinkers such as Locke gave the ideas that it was the government's job to protect the people life, liberty, and property.These enlightened thinkers. because a lot of right wing media is an audition for Fox News. Intentionally lying. Yeah. Like, this this is absolutely what would happen. It is a through line in the group. The white population were themselves sharply divided between wealthy plantation owners, known as. This is such a key point. I guarantee you as soon as Trump. Few acts by the crown roused so much antagonism in America as that use of foreign mercenaries. For the vast, vast, vast, vast majority of Republicans. Yeah. I mean, which okay? We make this sphere of liberty bigger. Both governments attempted to pay off their loans by taxing subjects who had little say in the matter. And so if thats your news environment. Fire the picture, who just called this right. its not an insignificant part of the party. So long as their politicians remain Republican compared to the Democratic Party, which is just not an for them, period end discussion, no further conversation necessary. This is all political. They were swimming along with the course quite merrily. So they finally recognized the independence of the 13 North American colonies in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Divisions along racial, class, and ideological lines frequently led to violence. This cross-curricular compare and contrast activity is perfect for the social studies or English classroom and takes about one hour.It includes the following:-A 3-page article about the causes, events, and outcomes American and French Revolutions . If that social compact gets threatened, then we face real problems. And if you listen to right wing media, if your entire diet is right wing media, youre going to hear wild things all the time, and it was reflected in what they just said about voting, for example. And thats one of the burdens of leadership as you have to set that cultural course in the right direction. But I guarantee you one thing. Why are we talking about it so much? A cause of the American revolution was taxation without representation. We can make this happen. But how interested are Americans really and breaking up? Meanwhile French clergy and nobles were exempt from taxation. Several. And with them, one of the guys in there when hes saying, you hear him say, Id only trust them because I saw it with my own eyes. No. In the 18th Century the main problem the Army had was manpower. We know that the media feeds it. After twenty twenty two, where every one of the hypermagazine candidates in the statewide swing state election lost, every one of them. If the right wing media is your universe. You and I are frequently on the same page about this. Yeah. And they do these great studies sometimes around how we perceive our ideological opposition and we often impute much deeper things onto them than is true in terms of what they really believe. In May of 1789, the opening session of the Estates General was deadlocked. At that time the remedy for this problem was drafting the poor, uneducated and less fortunate members of society. Right? And Ive had the same conversation with folks who say, well, I go first to fox, and then I also look at CNN. Look, thats an unhealthy instinct in a democratic policy. Like, people you would want as neighbors. But Im not sure other people would vote for a gay guy. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. Composed of seven states from the South, this new government looked to separate from a union that they felt was tipping in power towards those who wanted to threaten the rights of the South, especially slavery. But, like, we get out, man. Two revolutions, both taking place in the 18th Century, both world-changing. The votes were all skewed in strange ways. And thats a classic example of how the old instincts meet the new coalition. And if you look across the world, youll see, for example, the United Kingdom, came very close to its own separation with the Scottish referendum. The American Revolution emphasized the idea of Montesquieu. The new government seized and sold church lands. The National Assembly ended the privileges of the nobles and ended feudalism in France. Theyre gonna go to Tucker, to Laryngrom, to Sean Hannity. It's not as if all revolutions challenged every issue. Make a prediction: How important were the Atlantic Revolutions in creating the modern world. The Enlightenment and American Revolution resulted in the people believing that their government, or ruler, should protect the peoples rights, including the right to overthrow a government that fails to do so. The American Revolution led to the creation of a democratic republic. know there are a lot of people who take this seriously, and theyre part of the family. And thats a thats a Dominion voting system. Shes there to fire up the the far right wingers. When did the most disturbing pieces of data I have seen in the last really since Trump came down the escalator, which is I mean, Sarah, think about it. Fire the guy who called this race. Is the role that leadership can play. The French, Haitian, and American Revolutions were all sparked from the minds of the colonists, slaves, or lower classes who were treated with inequality by their own governments. And heres the other thing. Although the Civil War and American Revolution shared many similarities, the Civil War differed in the fact that it was more of a confrontation of two opposing, In the first place, both the American and French Revolution had their causes that would change history. Theres theres pushback that says, well, voters craved this. How did the French Revolution impact Saint Domingue? So it was a better system than Id seen before. The American and French Revolutions differ more than just location and language. Always what about. We know trust is the problem. People have asked me a million times, why did so many evangelicals vote for the Trump? In the instant they stand up, its what happened to so and so. So I wanna talk to all about one of the core causes. Alright. Although you may possibly get away with it. And its so hard to know where the truth is. Yeah. The pheasants were being taxed for everything and it was getting to the point where they couldnt make a living and were losing their land. They both had a time when both sides oppressed the French and British government. The late 18th and 19th century brought about the French and Haitian Revolutions. The Haitian Revolution established the second independent republic in the Americas and the first independent nation-state ruled by people of African descent. Quebec and Canada has had various referendum about secession and leaving. In Haiti, slaves brought over by the French who captured the island, and forced them into brutal labor in what was the most valuable and wealthy are at the time. happened? In the 18th Century the main problem the Army had was manpower. This is this is right. The goal of the American Revolution was to get away from the British government and be free. Were like, well, in the beginning, I was for it. Theres no way all of this would happen or just a little too pollyanna ish, in my view, because if you go back to secession in eighteen sixty one, if you go back to the American revolution in seventeen seventy five, moving into seventeen seventy six, Much of the same stuff was true. So theyre like, this is stupid. The American Revolution hoped to achieve Independence . Right? its what happened to you. Also the French Revolution consisted of a lot more violence than the American Revolution. Do you feel good about the fact that I said national divorce? The despot they had as a king was not treating everyone he ruled with fairness. The colonists protested these heavy-handed taxes and rioted in the streets. But the point is that I would love to live in a bread state. The colony made these profits through enslaved labor. In each location, there was a noticeable trend of mistreatment between government and people. In 1777, French volunteers began arriving in support of the revolution, and in 1778 the French government officially allied itself with the new American country against the British. John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, and Baron de Montesquieu were all part of the Enlightenment. Success is one thing all of these revolutions have in common. Back across the Atlantic Ocean, the people of the French colony of Saint Domingue (now Haiti) on the island of Hispaniola were watching the French Revolution very closely. Is the way that they perceive Marjorie De La Grida is having sort of like a legitimate role in the coalition. They just go to Fox. Second, each revolution rejected rule without representation. It tells you an awful lot. But, you know, I tend to really appreciate the epic times. But right now, Sarah, were still in the world where anybody who stands up. We will all continue the work of trying to better understand our fellow citizens, but doing these focus groups, listening to podcasts, grappling in a real way with what theyre telling us. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). And so I do think there is no American institution that you just sort of say, well, whatever they say I take it, face value, for granted, theyre absolutely trustworthy. I used to respect you. So slavery, for example, violates that social compact in the most dramatic of ways. So I always say, like, yes, it was a recessive gene that became a dominant gene in part because Donald Trump had a genuine impact and changed a cohort of voters within the Conservative Coalition that, like, actually cared a little bit, maybe about some free market stuff or limited government or like all the normie conservatives, which is I dont know why because I need some broad terms to describe people. The French Revolution was not successful in forming a democratic government due to Frances history of a monarchy, economic issues and divison among its people. Im so tough that I would watch Texas to secede or Tennessee or Georgia just a seed. The years 1750-1900 are better known as the Revolution Era. I mean, its ridiculous the way its run right now. For a national divorce or a civil war. Right. And, you know, one of the powers you wanna go back to our founding documents, for example, the statement that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights among them, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, was setting a cultural course for the United States that we were often contrary to, but had enormous power over the course of the next two centuries plus to where eventually we started to get more and more and more in conformity with that vision. These are folks that if you met them in any other context, and were talking about any other topic, youd find them to be some of the best, most down to earth people that youd meet often. They both got their idea from Enlightenment thinkers. The American and French revolutions are similar in some ways but different in others. Were clustering culturally. I mean, being hawkish on Russia is a core right identity for a long, long time. The main difference between the American and French Revoultion was that one successfully converted to a democratic government and one did not. Ive never seen it like this. France was defeated, humiliated, and in even more debt than the British. The similarity between them is that the citizens in both countries, both faced the block of common economical development of the government. it is. And Part of the reason is, like, so many people in this group, their moral compass was not horrible. Posted 2 years ago. So prior to the election, Fox and Trump, both of them, and you can go back and you can see the clips and read the reports. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Although, can I just ask, what every time somebody brings up the national divorce, I know in your book, you kinda lay out two scenarios, one where Texas secedes, one where California secedes, but, like, national divorce doesnt make any sense? You know what? So it is scary to think about, like, I I dont hope for it and would never wish on it, but its scary and I think that is a possibility just with such polarized ideologies and people seeing that, you know, these things are possible. Right? I mean, its the hot air, you know, its coming. Right? What were the major causes of the American Revolution? Do you agree with this? My favorite example of that, Sarah, I was volunteering for Samaritans person Mayfield, Kentucky after these terrible tornadoes. A lot of people think this country has headed for a revolution. Now weve seen from twenty twenty two, for example, that there might be a two percent or a three percent or a four percent who are not gonna go that far that will not vote for, say, a Hershel Walker or a whatever. Beginning with the Stamp Act of 1765, Great Britain tried and failed to raise revenue from their subjects in the American colonies. Sort of laughing at the excesses and not taking it incredibly seriously. The politicians feed it. Between 1775 and 1825, revolutions across the Americas and Europe changed the maps and governments of the Atlantic world. Americans were at first enthusiastic in support of the revolution. Finally, they were connected by economic and political networks. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesn't. And then now, what what do you think? But before I do that since you brought it up, I wanna hit this set. The third estate created the Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen to express these goals. that is exactly how this group was. Using the language of the Enlightenment, they initially tried to promote harmony between France's social classes and establish a constitutional monarchy with King Louis still on a throne. Meanwhile, the Netherlands, which provided both official recognition of the United States and financial support for it, was engaged in its own war against Britain. But a unified Latin America remained a dream only. Dont trust the FBI, but I wouldnt trust my own eyes. You know, like, I got preferences within the group, but, like, as long as they got that r, theyre gonna be better than what weve gotten. To people who do not agree with you without getting offensive or activating their defenses. Sarah, one of them one. In general, the American Revolution was more successful than the French revolution. When American colonists won independence from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, the French, who participated in the war themselves, were both close allies and key participants. We don't, but we asked our focus groups about it anyway. And so And Federalist Ten, what James Madison does is he talks about expanding the sphere of the American Republic. 4.6. We are all no longer conservatives were all rhinos. And I dont know enough about them to know if theyre trustworthy or not either. I honestly could see that in our cards in the near future because I dont see what else aside from some huge radical change like that is going to do. We dont, but we asked our focus groups about it anyway. The thesis of the book is really stated in the first sentence of the book, which is that there isnt any truly national, cultural, religious, social, political trend that is pulling us together more than its pushing us apart. So for example, going back several years, single payer healthcare would be an incredibly low support for Republicans. The French justified their revolution by following the same principles as the colonists did. And And I said, well, how was your voting experience? We are not united. Dont take that seriously. This is never gonna happen. And if the hypermagoworld keeps losing, then there can be a hope for a reassessment. And so theres this absolute unwillingness to sort of say this is so far beyond the pale that Im gonna break with this kind of core sense of identity that I have. In contrast to the American symbol of liberty, the Liberty Bell, we have the French symbol of liberty, the guillotine. All the peasants wanted to be free of the unfair taxation on items such as tea and stamps considering they had no say. No, its more secure. And the thing that I noticed I hear this a lot, actually, where people say, shes like, AOC. Oh, god. It demolished traditional power structures and transformed how the country was organized and ruled. But to me, actually, it was part of what was funny. And so I just felt like I was watching a rerun of all kinds conversations Ive had from everything around dinners and restaurants locally to conversations with old friends. Maybe somebody could explain it to me a divorce from what? At that time the remedy for this problem was drafting the poor, uneducated and less fortunate members of society. Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall is Professor of History at California State University - San Marcos and a specialist in French and Haitian history.In addition to The Abb Grgoire and the French Revolution, her books include Haitian History: New Perspectives (Routledge, 2012) and Slave Revolt on Screen: The Haitian Revolution in Film and Video Games (University Press of Mississippi, 2021). These revolutions did not lead to long-lasting constitutional republics and were soon replaced by rulers who cared more about power than the liberal ideas that allowed them to rule in the first place and who ruled on the basis of populist politics, family networks, and military strength. No, I dont. No. And so there is some social signaling here. And the best federalist paper. Right. In Haiti, slaves brought over by the French who captured the island, and forced them into brutal labor in what was the most valuable and wealthy are at the time. Maybe its both. Corrections? And so what I would say And youve said this interesting thing right before those clips about keyboard warriors. Actually, just to back up your point, were calling it the anti anti national divorce sentiment, which is exactly what youre just describing. And Ive said this to a million different people. But I definitely think that shes not totally off base on some of the things she says. Although the Civil War and American Revolution shared many similarities, the Civil War differed in the fact that it was more of a confrontation of two opposing. Ron DeSantis hard to beat, well, lets just break up the country as most aggressively anti left. Compromise is give a little and take a little. And they they do lean right, absolutely. Im the toughest right winger in the room kind of thing. But they also rejected the authority of distant aristocratic rulers. The first two estates had many privileges while the Third Estate paid all the taxes and normally didn't have any voice in the government or in making laws. Get me David French. Yes. During the 1600s there was the English Civil War. They dont give you anything back. However, the Civil War was a not a complete representation of a second American Revolution. Which one of these revolutions was the greatest in relevance to the listing of mankind rights? Yeah. It was a bloody battle between the Mexican people and people who were loyal to Spain. The French navy in particular played a key role in bringing about the British surrender at Yorktown, which effectively ended the war. Like, the red states, blue states then they all have blue cities inside of red states, and we are all intermingled and also based on thanksgivings as best I can tell for gross people, you know, share these different political opinions and people that they love. They see a, like, a mirror image on the other side. Its not a one-sided problem. Its not what happened at the FBI or the CIA or whatever institution you want to talk about. So I like to draw a distinction between earned distrust and manufactured distrust. Dont miss her. Its coming up on eight years since, now. Everyone she talks to. About all of this rhetoric. Of a national divorce, but I want to play you just as a setup here. Trump was such a bad candidate that he even lost Arizona. Similar to the French, it also started because of wanting equality rights. In response, several men from Boston dressed up as Indigenous Americans and threw tea from British ships into Boston harbor. And so thats sort of this core vision of pluralism. But I gotta tell you, when I was watching this group, I was reminded of something one of the things I get yelled at the most for online is whenever I say I really like a lot of the people that I listen to in the group. Kelly was right. And I just heard this for years with Trump. The Americans, in contrast, did not envy the British; they wanted to be left alone, to chart their own political destiny. And so you can be a majority. Everyone I talked to says this. The French was influenced by the American Revolution because they saw how successful it was and thought it would work for them, The French Revolution was almost an exact replica of the American Revolution. They need to have a much more clear way to vote like it used to be. And then, of course, youre gonna be automatically mistrustful of it. The American Revolution against the British during 1775 to 1783 and the French Revolution against their own, French government during 1789 to 1799 were both one of the most important political and social turnovers in the world. Who is always right? Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. What is a revolution? By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: At the end of the third close read, respond to the following questions: A painting shows a city on fire. For this reading, you should be looking for unfamiliar vocabulary words, the major claim and key supporting details, and analysis and evidence. And look, people are responsible for their own choices about the news that they consume. Students complete an 11 item graphic organizer with 3 questions to compare and contrast the Revolutionary War and French Revolution. Militias, poorly disciplined and with elected officers, were summoned for periods usually not exceeding three months. The French, Haitian, and American Revolutions were all sparked from the minds of the colonists, slaves, or lower classes who were treated with inequality by their own governments. Their eyes are wide. Suddenly, the Latin American colonies found themselves without a direct European power telling them what to do. The Lensgreve (landgrave) of Hesse furnished approximately three-fifths of that total. Malcolm F. Purinton is a part-time lecturer of world history and the history of modern Europe at Northeastern University and Emmanuel College in Boston. This is not really being covered Right. Is this intentional lying about the election for day, week after week leading up to the attack on the capital on January sixth. This is where Right. Jos de San Martnanother liberal revolutionaryled a revolt against the Spanish in southern Latin America. Lets get to the root causes of why people are feeling detached from one another. They know there are a lot of people who are not laughing. American colonies were placed with new taxes, and still werent allowed to elect representatives to Parliament; creating cries of No taxation without representation! With all the new taxes Britain kept creating, the Americans rebelled against them resulting in the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre sparking the flame of the revolution. Youve seen the GIF of Homer Simpson with his eyes wide kind of backing into the shrubbery. So here you had Fox sort of at the apex of the infotainment. From the top down, there is a cultural course that is set. He didnt twist the guys arm. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: American Revolutionary War, United States War of Independence, War of Independence, Emeritus Professor of History, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. Oh, thats ridiculous. Shortly after that, in the 1700s there was the French Revolution. Two priestsMiguel Hidalgo and Jos Morelosled the insurrection, but it was eventually put down by wealthy Creole landowners with the support of the Catholic Church. When the Enlightenment ideas went from France and beyond Europe they were found in books like Diderots Encyclopedia. Two of the main revolutions were the French Revolution and the Latin American Revolution. Youre gunning straight for liberty, which undermines the American Republic, the American Experiment, and so Madisons you cant do that. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. So know, the leadership point is really important. For much of the eighteenth century, European empires fought each other all over the globe.
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