In New York State, where I grew up, its called a pocketbook, not a purse. Its now 2015..lets put the past away! Love art and paint and do crafts. Also, We have liberal and democratic views. So why did they move here? has historically been more French-influenced (due to the Creoles French ancestors settling in the state via New Orleans (as it wasand isa port) and due to (who would eventually be known as) the Cajuns settling in Southand especially Southwest and South CentralLouisiana after the British expelled the latter group of Frenchpersons from Francophone Canada. . Off Speak of the devil and the horns pop out often shortened to speak of the devil. We have the best education ( IVY LEAGUE, you have none MIT,Harvard, Cornell, Browning,Stanford,Columbia, ETC. At least we know how to drive correctly. The Oklahoma Indian Territory, because it was not a state at that time (confederacy territory) had many battles pushing back the Kansas union regular soldiers and stopping their push, south and east to trap the other southern states. This means "be sweet and come over and give me some of that sweetness"a kiss. Not a Yankee. We use pocketbook up north too . Some linguists say that back in the colonial period, there were just two major dialect groups among English speakersNew England and everyone else. I do not think it means what you think it means. Ignorant: 1 a : having no knowledge or education b : having no knowledge or understanding of a certain thing. Oh my God!!! I cant even tell, honestly.. Oh my lans! When surprised or overwhelmed. He culitIvates poke salet and thinks crab grass is lovely when you cut it every month. Theres no controlling the remote in a Southern house. So most of us callem pepsi or soda. IN DROVES? Being born in the south and raised, I must say the North is superior in every way. It's time to swap spit and hit the road. Another thing, none of my family or myself has ever been involved in an incestuous relationship. I once taught some Spaniards (in Spain) the contraction itnt (aka isnt). Its kind of like beginning to tear someone up, but with love. He lives across the hollar Born and raised in rural Alabama. Obviously, the errors were the result of your anger stroke, bless your heart. Anyways what about twiced More than onceI done told you to get washed up for supper twiced, now get to it before I make you go pick a switch Switch.. A tree branch you have to go pick yourself to get your a$$ tore up with Hitch in their Getty up Aint really moving to fast.. Kinda like the Yankees that drive in Florida Really they must drive for months gettin back home! To the tards who think southerners say pop. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Atlanta. Here if you ask for Iced Tea and even if you say UNsweetened, you are given Sweet Tea. Cory, either you are the most stupid person I have ever heard of or you are puttin us on. And in NYS people do NOT call a bunch of girls you guys I believe thats a California thing, You know California? I just recently went to New York right before Christmas, and it was no colder than here at home. Sure, you northerners can probably weather the cold better. So ya, it was about slaves and Iraq was about 911, sure thats it. . I also say sweeper, rather than a vacuum. Serve over ice in Tea glasses on average a glass that holds 2 to 3 cups of tea. Its a right smart piece over dare Southerners pronounce words like 'ride' and 'bind' with a monophthong, . Most of the Southerners who have commented here have presented themselves as uneducated and rude. Is nice to find that among all the rush and traffic and fake tans there are nice people who ask you your name before demanding something, that say hello in elevators or when they pass you in the street, that dont mind stopping so you can cross the street safely. They do not represent many of us Southerners thoughts or opinions about our Northern friends and most of us do not speak like we are from the back woods. Also, we say neutral ground, the grass in between streets. downtown-atlanta. So get your history right. *JOYSEY* accents?!? Im from Georgia and grew up in Munford Alabama(a farm town look it up! They are English. In de north all u folk do is work awl day. My speech isnt southern and we dont really say or do southerner things.i get a little annoyed when people say southerners are in georgia more like south georgia because up north is more like a high middle class/middle class/upperclass. I know you are all very slow, but if you would just leave and go to China where you republicans belong we would be a much better country. Oh, and btw since they STARTED the American Civil War, theyre gonna want to discuss this with you. But most are ) ha! everything is coke EXCEPT Pepsi. We drop the g on all words. (You are confused) Dont go gettin all fussed up (dont get mad) and shot your mouth off with your pistol half cocked (getting upset without having all the facts) It snows in north Georgia all the time. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. However, when I moved to a different part of the south (about 500 miles away from the other), they only talked about Coke and did not have as much sweet tea. Alot of southerners have never even left the south and I think that has a lot to do with it. Keep your Yankee Piece of Shit Ass up there in Michigan. I am a Mississippi women , and im far from the excuse of a Women youve previously described .. maybe that all men like you can get but sweetie that isnt all we have to offer ( ; Bless your sweet little heart hunny , i lived up in kenosha wisconsin all my life and 1 of us yankees got more commo sense then 10 southerns i noticed since w moved to mississippi first things first southerns are stupid no conception and no common sense there isnt nothing but drama down here not refreering too *ladies* but its like these little southern boys parents down here raised them to be passive aggreesive because when they talked shit and i finally got fed up with it they get knocked out to easy lmao. So yeah, Texas has a heavy Tennessee Influence. Cut = To turn off. Crap. We are looking forward to getting away from the self-centeredness and rudeness up here. The south sucks it is for the weak and rejects of the country. In Southern pronunciation, the vowels are often stretched but merged into one sound and nasalized. What light through yonder window breaks Ive also heard many British people Ive encountered say reckon. 10. the goshdarn Yankeesthe NEW YORK Yankees, that is. be surprised how many Southerners arent racist! How would the northerners like to do without one of those when they get stuck, Jack Daniels whiskey was invented by a southerner. It wraps around you like velvet. If you had any knowledge at all about the concept of IQ you would know that it is based upon a normal distribution or general variation among all people regardless of geographical location.unless you are making a racist remark and referring to the prevalence of people of African decent who are predominate in the south and an innate deficit in intellectual functioning. Florida was the Bread basket of the Confederacy., meaning the farms in North Florida especially, grew much needed food and other Valuables to keep us going, during the War. I speak 5 languages. You are obviously not from a good family. We all live in the USA. We world visit my grandmother some times.I remember the people seeming so dumb, that It was like they were drugged on downers; but I loved the accent. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Or its because I always was out to lunch. To those who keep using the word Ignorant, to quote The Princess Bride You keep using that word. Personally I perfer my tea ice cold and strong with no sugar at all. The first one, for me. Talk about uneducated! how southerners pronounce atlanta how southerners pronounce atlanta. Im on here to figure out what you people trying to say cause again as you put it yall got no sense!. How Google-able is it? Dryrn a popcorn fart Along with Bless your heart, one of my faves is How nice!. That was some fine writin right there maam, if I do say so myself. *Communism, Note: Your grammar is atrocious, and I understand that this is mockery, but please, try to be a civilized human being and learn the art of subtlety. Pronounce Atlanta in Portuguese, Can you pronounce it better? Lessen they need a lesson or 2 bout common courtesy. Im from NC and no one says pop.. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of southerners. How about womper-jawwed..did anyone mention it? Seems like your pronunciation of southerners is not correct. west of not only those states, but also the four states directly north of Oklahoma, which are located in the MIDWEST. Depends on what part of the state youre from. Im from FL just moved to GA But I have to say this Florida is the south! I moved to KY from PA but, before that I was born in CA and grew up there. I had s box of rocks but gave to my hillbilly brother lol. It wouldnt surprise me did the whole reason the US was 14th in education was single handedly abused by you sideways thinking, fact warping, bigoted and delusional assholes. Amen June, amen. It's time to put the chairs in the wagon. And dilly dally is the same as lollygaggin. I dont know about anywhere else, but theyre June bugs in the part of Ohio that I live in. how Southerners pronounce the verb "to have" when stressed? Dont dat purtty Atlanta pronunciation. It is an anomaly, like South Florida. Is there a way to filter out inappropriate and off topic comments from Yankees? In our neck of the woods, bless your heart (or little heart) meant that we know you mean well, but.And to touch on one vulgarism, males fart but females poot. Bre, Ohio is one of those interesting on-the-border states because even though yall are technically north of the Mason Dixon line youre not nearly as Yankee as someone from New York. The same author has a method for the Texan accent. 9. We may play with her, but there are fixed and fast rules even in Southern English. . Sounds to me like referring to Southern women as a group having narrow interests and being conversationally-impaired, you are the one with a narrow point of view. Wheres your attitude from honey? Home; Services; New Patient Center. Try to remember that. Preach on my southern brothers and sisters down south. Dumb as a box of rocks. In such a case, you will be wholly focused on the way the words sound, which is a pretty efficient technique. I was born and raised in South Alabama, or Lower Alabama (L.A,) as we like to say, We raise beef cattle and had a vegetable garden on an acre and we fed the whole town. Google it. Really quite beautiful without the nasal twang of some regions. There as many dumb asses in the north as any where. In central Texas, where my daughter lived, your ice tea comes unsweetened with a box of sugar packets on the side. Keep all the snowbirds out of Florida. You know, English accentsor Scottish and Scotch-Irish accents, depending on the area of the South (and straight-up IRISH accents, for that matter (again, depending on the area of the South(?)) I am sorry that they are that way. But I digress. I dont define myself in one way or another. This isn't just a nickname for someone's crazy neighbor. You can live in Georgia, but if your parents are Yankees, then you are being raised in a Yankee home. My parents were the ones who educated me on the faux myth of Southern hospitality. A lot of Southerners have a bad habit of giving lip service for things they have no intention of doing, an example would be, come on over sometimes for dinner, and yet they have no intention of ever actually inviting you to their house for dinner. {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].vote_count}}, {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}, {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].word}}, {{view.translationsData[trans_lang][0].username}}. We use the saying dumber than a box of rocks in Missouri. 3) DAMN YANKEE! "Oh, AT lanT a"! First of all, everybody knows that Arkansas is in the South. We know how to cook, fix things, and take care of our own kind. Kevin..couldnt have said it better myself!!! i reckon i might do this/that. Thinkstock. The south is my place and livin on a farm is quite great and livin on 100 acres is awesome and not havin to worry about stupid city limits is also great. Coca-Cola=Atlanta(. Here is some information that may or may not help you concerning your ignorance of the Confederate Battle Flag. But im native so am more use ta hearin rez talk. Theres nothing free about our highways (see GA-400). There are PLENTY of DEEP south Floridans! MD has always been sorta southernish or southern lite. (Well, NEXT season, ANYWAY! Im retired from my state government job and I think returning to S. Carolina would be the right place to continue my retirement. Enjoy the sayings and accents: They are just another thing to interest us and connect us, not separate us! Ill add a few more. Also, learning the language, at least a little, shows that you are trying. No one does. We call winter hat a toque'(pronounced TOO-k) in Canada. There is a reason they call it the dirty south. A.) Oddly enough the rich plantation owners got rich by being ruthless business men, exactly like the Northern rich did. Someone gonna git hurt sure enough I tried to read all of the comments, and all that I have to say is the following: I am from Texas (theres a difference yall). I am a northerner, but I appreciate Southern culture and the emphasis on tradition, family, faith, and good manners. What do you not agree with. Before I jerk a knot in ur tail The only reasonable explanation to say transfer as you've described is that you were private schooled. *Whatever? Any person from any state or culture can recognize you as someone unqualified to contribute quality intellect in most certainly all topics. (By the way, speaking of the reality-TV series The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the only cast member thereof who actually spokeand speaksin a New York accent (BTW, they rarely if ever in NYC or Hudson County, NJ even say oi in place of er nor vice versa) is original cast member Caroline Manzo (now on the RHONJ spinoff Manzod with Children), who is originally from Brooklyn and moved to the northern NJ burbs of NYC where the show is filmed. I was raised by my grandmother who had two uncles killed in the Civil War. YONDER: Damn Yankees always got sumin to say when grown folks talking. Much obliged- Hopin to return the favor Unless, I dunno, you believe time travel or some shit. So would I be considered a Yankee. However, in times where a flexing the intellect was necessary, we resort to that I have a stick up my ass, and nose held high cause I am properly educated ;)and when we leave, we speak in our native tongue again. But when I see the sun rise over the Blue Ridge Mountains and the fog burns off the hills and hollers Ive always call home I know theres no where else Id rather be. Grew up in NH, moved to southern LA. I wonder if that is a Jersey thing? Jersey shore robbed the North of any right to call Southerners stupid. I too am from NJ. Honey the war was not about slavery. She always said Now dont come to me and be, dumber then a box of rocks., The level of ignorance in every single comment from a southerner on this page is extremely astounding. AMEN. You Yanks call us ignorant and racists? Hes a waste of good air Referring to those whose parents were yankees but they were born in the south: if a cat had kittens in the oven, we wouldnt call them biscuits! Also, on the homosexual thing, wow. I can discuss lots of topics Men in wife beaters, chewin tarbackee, bible-thumpin, science and math-hatin ignoramuses SCARY! Born in Louisiana n raised in Oklahoma. Its yall NOT you guys!! Meanin lipstick on a pig doesnt make it a lady. But its you that is narrow-minded and ignorant. Yall come down here, to South Cackalacky. Look it up!!) She says, Winduh and potatuh. Then, there is a word like tight. Its pronounced as thought the I were long. You just have been around more Southerners alot more. The South has always called me home and I hope to retire on the Gulf Coast. Oh, sweetie! Seriously? I read 6 news The emancipation proclamation only applied to the Southern states not the border states that had slaves. I say that and they wont ever leave us alone. Glenwood High School Yearbook, In South Carolina, at least my familys section, they do not use fixin/fittin at all;dont know why. By the way, I am a bisexual, nonreligious, mixed race, healthy, democratic woman with a Doctrine in medicine. My late father-in-law from central Tennessee often used the expression Did you ever hear tell meaning has anyone ever told you about a specific incident. Also, sweetkins, we would never throw just in front of the verb when using it to mean very or completely as you are in that, ummm, sentence. . North Carolina, for example, is not southern to the deep South, because anything with the word north in it is not southern! I would like to say on behalf of my fellow Southerners that we are not all racists, or drunks, or homosexuals. WHICH REGION OWNS WHICH *********NOW*********!!!!!!!!! The South must Secede again. that was used a lot back in north Georgia where I grew up. That is my pet peeve with Yanks well, that and always having to tell people that yes.. West Virginia is really a state, we split with VA in like 1863.
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